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Sexual exploitation of men and boys in Calais migrant camp


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I have just come across this article in the independant, but I fear it will not gain much mainstream traction as it involves women sexually exploiting men. I will have a further read around the issue and post more data and analysis going foward, but I just wanted to draw some attention to it as I saw it.

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  I think women are trying to wake up the sleeping bear of European masculinity that feminism has drugged into a confused stupor.  Unconsciously they realize that it's better to mate with domineering assholes than submissive pussies like so many modern men are.  This whole migrant crisis is a giant shit test, either they provoke white men into protecting their women and their country, or they become the bed wenches of the new invading Muslim hordes.  Either way it's a "win" for their genes.

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I saw this article last week. I didn't know what to say then, and I don't know what to say now. Is it just post-wall low SMV women taking advantage of the situation? Or is it younger bleeding hearts becoming enamored with the danger?


If this is truly a common behavior at these camps, is it any wonder these migrant sexual assaults are happening?


Ick, ick, ick.

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Well it's really tough to say at this stage, strictly speaking that article is entirely anecdotal. All it is referencing is a forum log of one man highlighting what he perceives to be a problem, and several people jumping on it to shut the conversation down, but not to my understanding rebutting his assertion. The tactics were:


- How dare you restrict women's choices to sleep with migrants if they want to, you're a sexist!

- Holy shit dude, we know there is a problem but we don't want the media coming in here with a microscope.


These are the conversations had between aid workers, so at the very least it raises the spectre of something that bears closer examination. My primary concern is towards the children in these camps.

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I don't know if "exploitation" applies, so much as the whoring and cucking of Europe.


Yep. My thoughts exactly.


My only question is when the mainstream morality of cucking and self-harm will be displaced by nationalism and love of oneself. 


In other words, when can I count on once-Great Britain and France to purge themselves of disgusting and primitive foreigners? Didn't you guys fight a war to keep out Germans? Are Turks and Africans really that much more civilized than culturally and linguistically similar Germans? 


I already know the answers to these questions, unfortunately it is something like "once we've hit the point of no return". I.e., like until we're living the Yugoslavian Wars.

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