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What does ICANN mean for bitcoin?

Tyler H

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Hi Tyler,


Today I learned there is a decentralized DNS system called 'name-coin' that is trying to sprout -- it's based upon bit-coin block-chain technology.


I believe human systems should be emergent, and cannot be controlled by any centralized entity.


If this name-coin technology establishes itself your digital assets will become protected (less vulnerable to removal) via distributed block-chain ledgers.


Research 'namecoin' and determine if this path seems reasonable, (Much work is needed for this idea to 'grow roots'.)



Hope this helps.




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Actually, it is not ICANN that has been changing hands. It is IANA.

IANA stands for Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.


This means that whoever gets control can also control IP address allotments. To overcome censorship would basically either require that you connect to a VPN that has a IANA IP (and even then, Internet will be sort of split between these subnets), or that another authority is uniformly chosen by all ISPs (obsoleting IANA).


As far as named addresses go, if DNS is replaced with other services its very likely to take a long vetting time until one becomes a de-facto standard and its likely that you'll see lots of new (free or opensource or otherwise) startups looking to fill in that gap.


Just wait and see what happens. IANA won't be replaced so quickly. Maybe if they let you keep digital property that would have been banned under new regime, you could actually be sitting on gold, if you'd need a hit of optimism :)


There's no prediction for what's going to happen there really.

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