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Ramzpaul living in exile in Budapest - I dont have a job, home, medical insurance, car, clothes


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Seems more and more are dong this...old holborn, a UK libertarian commentator upped sticks and moved to bulgaria a while ago after a paper 'outed' him and the police visited...






Before brexit is finalized im thinking of buying a property in east Europe as a plan B...Detroit prices without Detroit type inhabitants (except the gypsies perhaps)


Not sure how feasible it is as anything other than a retirement destination or bolt hole. Obviously a lot of McAfee types fleeing to south america found what you avoid in taxes, you pay the local mafia instead.


We have a lot of slavs in the UK now. Those ive spoken to say if you want to make an acceptable wage, you need to know the right people. Though on the plus side no one will arrest you for bad mouthing islam, as in western Europe. 

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Eastern Europe is not as appealing as you might think. Maybe things are different in Poland or the Czech republic, but socialism is still very much alive in all of former Yugoslavia, and even minarchist libertarianism is unheard of in local politics, let alone anarcho-capitalism. I've heard good things about the Baltic states regarding the economy, but even there you won't have the kind of freedom in some issues (such as gun rights) that you would in the US. Although if the UK is really as bad as I often hear it is, eastern Europe might not be too bad a choice.


Ramzpaul might feel more free now. But let's face it, who doesn't feel more free and relaxed when they are abroad? He probably doesn't even speak Hungarian, and has no idea what's going on around him other than some general history and the fact that Hungary built a big border fence and doesn't want Muslims living in it.


Americans should be aware that for all the degeneracy and corruption plaguing them, they are still considerably more free than Europe. Leaving their country to the enemy is only going to make things worse.

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