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He who owns the gold makes the Rules.


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That's not even so much money, it's only a little over 40 billion USD. However, if the gold price wasn't manipulated, it would likely be a lot more. It's interesting what they do because they can print up paper money which should make gold go up, but then they use some of that paper money to sell paper gold short (betting that it will go down), which drives down the price, or prevents it from rising as much as it otherwise would, so nobody realizes their scam. It's a pretty good system for them, as long as people maintain confidence in the paper world...

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Yeah but at some point they either have to stop the ever increasing manipulation and let the price soar, which will eventually reveal their scam, or the paper price will become detached from the actual price of physical, which may have to be traded under the table for a much higher price. Eventually this will lead to the complete collapse of the paper financial system and fiat money will no longer have any confidence behind it. They take a loss either way, so it's hard to predict which route they will go. The second route is the best for them for the short term, but eventually destroys their incredibly lucrative scheme. I think what's likely is that they will choose the second route, but only insofar as it's absolutely necessary, so there will be some mix of the first route as well thrown in there. It's a bit like juggling, they gotta mix it up just right to prolong this for as long as they can.


That said, I could see gold drop to $800/oz in a year or two, just not below that. And if it maintains this level for a few years further, then $1200 will be the new floor, with the sky as the limit. Just my personal predictions.

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sorry I don't get the point - some people own lots of gold so elections don't matter?


when you say the price is manipulated, are you talking about the government?  because otherwise I don't know what that means.  There is no objective price.

For what reason did gold drop? People believe that the Fed will raise interest rates? Really? Highly doubtful that.(They've been promising that forever) Gold drops and the dollar goes up, gold goes up the dollar drops. What is it Trump hasn't a chance in hell of winning? The election has already been decided, the globalists have won? The dollar remains the reserve currency. Everything is now rosy?


Must be true,they don't even talk about the debt ceiling anymore

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For what reason did gold drop? People believe that the Fed will raise interest rates? Really? Highly doubtful that.(They've been promising that forever) Gold drops and the dollar goes up, gold goes up the dollar drops. What is it Trump hasn't a chance in hell of winning? The election has already been decided, the globalists have won? The dollar remains the reserve currency. Everything is now rosy?


Must be true,they don't even talk about the debt ceiling anymore

  Yea I'm still waiting for you to make a point that I can understand.

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Well sorry, I suggest you start by googling some articles on Gold Manipulation. An Insider's take on the Gold Manipulation case | kitco news but there are dozens of links out there. Then some links on official inflation figures verses shadow stats then well talk.

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He who sells the gold makes ads for buying gold.

 -15 c here this morning , warms up to around zero in the early afternoon


Very true, but the premiums go both ways. You sell the gold back to the outfit you bought from costs you roughly $70.00, same as what you paid for it when you bought it. So they make $140.00 on each completed transaction.  What about the cost of extraction ?


If you were to shovel a cubic yard of salt, very small grained, very full,  heaping shovel fulls would require some 250 of these. Coarser materials(gravel) 300 plus. In the old days a good man was required to shovel 6 yards per day. When they moved to machinery, even the largest dredges needed $3.00 per yard to break even, 100 years ago. This figure hasn't changed nowadays, depending on your size of shovel and values in the ground.


question: what did $3.00 of labour/costs buy 100 years ago compared to what $3.00 will buy today? Why is deflation such a bad thing for a country's citizens whatever the product?

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