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[YouTube] The Fall of Deutsche Bank. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.

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After a slow-motion disaster of almost 10 years, the fate of one of Europe’s most important financial institutions appears to be sealed.
Deutsche Bank started the year by announcing a record-setting loss in 2015 of €6.8 billion. Scandals, bad decisions, and unfortunate events – now Frankfurt-based Deutsche Bank shares are down -48% on the year to $12.60, a record-setting low.

With only $15.8 billion in market capitalization, shares of the 147-year-old company now trade for only 8% of its peak price in May 2007.
The bank is currently cutting 9,000 employees and shuttering operations in 10 countries. The International Monetary Fund has stated that DBK is now the most dangerous bank in the world.

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Another reason why the Deutsche Bank is in deep troubles is because it is not competitive in Germany. Many small business owners and medium sized companies work together with local banks, that are either run by the communities (Sparkasse) or organized by local people (Raiffeisenbanken). Furthermore, cheating by rigging interest rates has become more difficult leading to a perfect storm. 

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