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Shortened and Sweetened video edit of "Why I'm Voting For Donald Trump"


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I love what you're trying to do...however, I think it could be allowed to be a bit longer to give a bit more context and allow the arguments to sine. It seems a bit choppy. I think someone should be able to watch it and get a concise but clear argument for Trump. Also, re. Sweetened, I'd change it to something like "remixed" as Sweetened is confusing to someone that doesn't know the original and may turn some people off. Just my 2 cents!

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Waking people up to how perverse the mainstream media is is fantastic. It doesn't explain though how anybody else can transfer ownership of me or could own me, how any vote can be thought to have any influence on the outcome, how anybody knows that any politician is going to do what they say, only what they say, and everybody wants exactly that, that one person has the power to do any of that, that you can change the mafia from within the mafia, and so on. Pretending the State is legitimate does nothing to contribute towards freedom and directly acts against it by pretending it is real and legitimate.

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Waking people up to how perverse the mainstream media is is fantastic. It doesn't explain though how anybody else can transfer ownership of me or could own me, how any vote can be thought to have any influence on the outcome,

Brexit was an example where the vote counts.



how anybody knows that any politician is going to do what they say, only what they say,

Yes that is one of the biggest problems with giving people the 'power' to vote for someone. In my earlier days I proposed having consequences for any politician promising something and not doing it if they are elected. Like jail time or something. Because now there are no consequences other than losing credibility.



and everybody wants exactly that, that one person has the power to do any of that, that you can change the mafia from within the mafia, and so on

I know that you mean all governments are essentially mafias, of which I agree, but the situation in USA today is more complicated. There is a globalist mafia who have taken control of USA, using the country for their own agendas, so its much worse than being within a mafia. US citizens are currently under the classical government mafia, and another criminal world mafia that cares little to nothing about USA. As long as USA can be their obedient and powerful military terrorizing nations abroad, they are happy.


Trump is siding with USA, not the world mafia. Hillary is siding with the world mafia for sure. So if there is a chance that Trump could remove the chains USA has to this world mafia, we should definitely promote that.


Trump is not coming with a background in politics, and is not controlled by external interests as far as we know.


Trump is being attacked by the entire political system because too many people in charge have too much to lose if a real unchained person becomes POTUS, who actually cares about the country and the future of his family, and thus every other family in the US.


Trump is a capitalist, that is halfway to what we want right? Hillary is heavily corrupted by control freaks.



. Pretending the State is legitimate does nothing to contribute towards freedom and directly acts against it by pretending it is real and legitimate.

I know what you are saying. It is a good point that is hard to make any case against, so I am not really trying to make any such case. But as Stefan points out, we are running out of time. Besides Brexit, most things are looking gloomy for freedom and free speech.


We can essentially buy ourselves 8 more years to implement and spread philosophy much easier to people. If Hillary is POTUS, there will be a lot more problems and complications for people, so that they will be less willing to listen to philosophy. But it could actually get much worse than that. Hillary has openly admitted that she is basically going to shut down outlets like Alex Jones, and she mentions him by name. That means any outlets opposing criminal, corrupted people like Hillary will be hunted down. Which obviously includes Stefan, and a range of others who currently still can mostly speak freely. Hillary is sure to pressure google to ban all of them. Google is likely to comply. Hillary is also sure to pressure UN (or those who will be in charge of internet addressing) to ban these outlets from the face of internet. Then the situation for free speech would truly be critical. Without free speech we can't do much philosophy.


I know this sounds like scaremongering, but every arrow of the control freaks pulling strings are pointing to this. The move by Obama to give the internet away from the hands of USA is pretty clear to me, and really shows how desperate they are now. Because when Trump becomes president, he will not be able to guarantee that anyone can be on the internet. And if the new owners remove all pro Trump sources on the internet it will be more difficult for him to do good things for the USA.


If those who control Hillary had their way, we would not be able to talk to each other about anything that goes against the narratives they feed us through the controlled media. When Trump has his way, we can still talk.

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Brexit was an example where the vote counts.

Are the people there free of aggression in the name of the State? In fact, those who voted accepted their slavery and signaled to others that it's righteous.


I know that you mean all governments are essentially mafias, of which I agree, but the situation in USA today is more complicated.

As soon as somebody tells you that something that is simple is more complicated, they're trying to sell you a lie. It starts in childhood when toxic adults try to override a child's natural scrutiny and universality. I don't know who sold you this particular lie, but it's the same as above. People are waking up to human slavery, so the puppet masters threaten the slaves with a more brutal master so that the slaves will clamor for the less brutal master instead of choosing freedom even inside their own head. Clearly it works since so many of the best minds we have today are falling for it despite knowing better.



It doesn't matter what comes next because we've already established that your vote has no influence, they don't have to do what they say, and you don't own me. You want to trade with Trump, cool. You don't get to try to enslave me or my future child as part of your transaction. Period!


we are running out of time.

Not an argument. It's fearmongering. Even if it were true, it's not a license to turn our back on reality and pretend we can enslave our neighbors. If it were true, it would be a reason to continue to help people to understand that the mafia is NOT the solution to the mafia.


We can essentially buy ourselves 8 more years

Baseless assertion that has been debunked too many times. Your vote has no influence, you don't know what politician X will do, you cannot know that you are buying anything. What you are selling is yourself, me, and everybody else. It's playing pretend and believing what you are doing is real and it is very dangerous for all of us.


If Hillary is POTUS

Doesn't matter. Even if slave master Y would be more brutal than slave master X, X is still a slave master. And you don't know what they will do (still). All you know for sure is that they think they can rule over people and you know that is false. Even if you believe it is true, you cannot own me and therefore trying to sell me to X or Y is pure fantasy.


If those who control Hillary had their way, we would not be able to talk to each other about anything that goes against the narratives they feed us through the controlled media.

It's nice that we have just enough speech capability to make people think that free speech is a thing and that we have it. There are near infinite examples that we do NOT have free speech. It's only allowed as much as it is because people who know better are willing to respond to scaremongering by abandoning their values and clamoring to sell their neighbors into slavery for the illusion of time and safety.


What's that old adage? If they can get you to ask the wrong questions, they don't care what your answer are. Right now, you have the capacity and intellect to examine whether or not humans can exist in different, opposing moral categories. Instead, you're using those resources to come up with reasons why we should turn our back on reason and submit to slavery. You are not a threat to them, so why would they care if you can talk or not? Your speech only aides them.

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Brexit was an example where the vote counts.



A few weeks ago I had a chicken sitting on her eggs, she sat there for about 2 weeks. At one point I counted them, "Sweet, I'll have 12 baby chicks soon". Around 16 days into it she decided she was done and got up and walked away. Chicken eggs take around 21 days to hatch.


The EU referendum result is not legally binding, the Parliament is considered sovereign and the referendum is considered an "advisory referendum".

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Those are some good valid points for sure. My reason and logic agrees with you, but my emotions, (ie fear), want to ignore you.


Have you followed Trumps journey at all, if you don't mind me asking.





The EU referendum result is not legally binding, the Parliament is considered sovereign and the referendum is considered an "advisory referendum".

Yes, but at least the pressure from the people is on. I too have my doubts. It does sound a bit too good to be true that they are actually going to listen to the people and get it under way.

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Those are some good valid points for sure. My reason and logic agrees with you, but my emotions, (ie fear), want to ignore you.


Have you followed Trumps journey at all, if you don't mind me asking.

Thank you for your honesty and integrity. I completely understand the fear. I very much want to be able to teach and unleash peace right this second! But you can't fix a problem you don't understand and I think turning to voting is exactly this. ESPECIALLY among people that accept property rights.


No, I have not followed Trump's journey. Because of FDR and FB, I've been exposed to this and that. For me, there's only one meaningful way to divide people: Those willing to initiate the use of force to achieve their goals and those who will not. As Trump is clearly and unapologetically in the former, I wish I didn't even know his name.

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