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October character assassination of Trump was planned?


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The tape featuring Donald Trump talking lewdly about women has existed for 11 years, yet it was only "leaked" to the mainstream newsmedia now, a month before election day.


This smells like they had this tape since before the Republican National Convention, and waited to use it as a "trump card" against Trump, because they saw him knocking out his opponents, and knew if they destroyed him prematurely Hillary would have to face a more conventional opponent.  So, they let Trump win the Republican nomination, knowing they had the tape which they could spring on him as an "October surprise".

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The tape featuring Donald Trump talking lewdly about women has existed for 11 years, yet it was only "leaked" to the mainstream newsmedia now, a month before election day.


This smells like they had this tape since before the Republican National Convention, and waited to use it as a "trump card" against Trump, because they saw him knocking out his opponents, and knew if they destroyed him prematurely Hillary would have to face a more conventional opponent.  So, they let Trump win the Republican nomination, knowing they had the tape which they could spring on him as an "October surprise".


The narrative today coming from Cernovich and others is that this particular attack came from Paul Ryan, who has an advisor married to an ex-NBC person who could have had access, in coordination with other establishment GOP people who abandoned Trump in unison swiftly after the tape emerged, ostensibly because Trump was no help to the Republicans who are down ticket.

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According to CNN, the tape was supposed to come out Monday, after the debate. Before that could happen, it had been leaked prematurely by another source. This may have safed Trump's campaign because as it turned out now, he could redeem himself during the debate and gave an excellent performance. 


If Silverstein had aired the piece according to schedule the effects would have been much worse. Praise to Kek that it worked out the way it did.

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It is very hard to believe that on the same day as damning Emails surface about Hillary are released is the same day an 11 year old video of a business man talking to a few guys surfaces at such a convergence of him both running for office, deflecting media attention from Hillary, right before a big debate.  The good thing is people are becoming wise to this and the more the media back Hillary, the more people realize something is wrong.

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