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Question about the 2016 Trump/Clinton race


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Know that good will prevail. We are hardwired for it even our lowly dogs are. God is Just... not good/bad/indifferent but just. The universal rules are the universal rules. Takes Him a long time to move/get angry but when He does many people will die. We all know the rules, the most important one is to love your neighbour as yourself. What goes around comes around in the dispensing of justice.


My proof? look at history.


This election? Although not American I used to believe that America was the beacon of democracy, an example that all countries and people's could aspire to. We are shown now how rotten and corrupt it was/is.

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Know that good will prevail. We are hardwired for it even our lowly dogs are. God is Just... not good/bad/indifferent but just. The universal rules are the universal rules. Takes Him a long time to move/get angry but when He does many people will die. We all know the rules, the most important one is to love your neighbour as yourself. What goes around comes around in the dispensing of justice.


My proof? look at history.


This election? Although not American I used to believe that America was the beacon of democracy, an example that all countries and people's could aspire to. We are shown now how rotten and corrupt it was/is.


The bad guys have won many, maybe even most times, throughout history. It's just that after their victories they went on to write the aforementioned history.

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Know that good will prevail. We are hardwired for it even our lowly dogs are. God is Just... not good/bad/indifferent but just. The universal rules are the universal rules. Takes Him a long time to move/get angry but when He does many people will die. We all know the rules, the most important one is to love your neighbour as yourself. What goes around comes around in the dispensing of justice.


My proof? look at history.


This election? Although not American I used to believe that America was the beacon of democracy, an example that all countries and people's could aspire to. We are shown now how rotten and corrupt it was/is.

Proof in history?  That is an awful, brutal and hellish place, regardless of your nation.  Many of those who fell to Communism still suffer under it, especially in Asia and Afirca.  Those under a Caliphate/Theocracy more-so, as those in power genuinely believe they are doing God's will by stoning rape victims in the street, by cutting the heads of homosexuals and silencing all negative speech about their practices.


You seem under the mistaken impression that the current eleciton is completely fraudulent but Donald Trump was elected entirely democratically during the Republican primaries, he beat all other contenderse (Was it over a dozen at the start?) to take up the mantle of Republican nominee, he broke records in turn out and popularity.  It was Hillary Clinton and the DNC that ran the corruption that plotted against their own nominees.  But still, at least we are able to have elections regarldess of what happens.  Look at the UK whicht has recently appointed another unelected official take the Prime Minsters chair, again.  Gordon Brown, David Cameron and more, was Tony Blair the last elected official to hold that office?  Then you have the House of Lords, an entirely undemocratic instituion were power flows from father to son, one can not be raised their by popular demand.  Nobody speaks ill of the rampant violations of democracy this old Country commits, with the complete insperation of Church and State, benign as it may be right now.

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In my experience it's not being good or bad that makes a group effective but commitment. I'm sure that when this is all over Stefan will return to more lofty topics, and I'm hoping that nurturing commitment in those that follow the path of good will come up again. (If you doubt it, think about how many times the message of commitment to peaceful parenting has come up over the years.)

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As a Canadian, I've always thought that I should be keeping my nose out of other people's elections. But this is much more than one election, this is about our civilization's survival. Yes iron horse you are correct about the Brits, I would also add the Canadian Broadcasting  Corporation, publicly paid for, mouth piece of the culturally marxist left. How many were censored in our election by a firm hired from down your way? The thumbs up votes and original post removed if one got past the gate as to what people really thought. One of their posts inserted as the most popular as the most liked during our election. UN former worldwildlife fund Prime Minister Butts now runs the show not Trudeau.


Still this first post on this page election or erection?  The mainstream media lying by omission, the quid pro quo for the FBI...etc..  Everything is being flushed down the toilet as long as they win?


Why? what do they know that we don't? What is the agenda of the globalists after the economic crash?


Try fitting no more than 500 million souls in a sustainable earth into that slot.

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If Trump loses:

1) The last election

People say that after every election, and it's completely ridiculous. I remember in 2004, democrats said that if Bush gets another term, it'll be the last election. Republicans definitely said the same thing in 2012. The reality is that "business as usual" will prevail regardless of who wins.

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People say that after every election, and it's completely ridiculous. I remember in 2004, democrats said that if Bush gets another term, it'll be the last election. Republicans definitely said the same thing in 2012. The reality is that "business as usual" will prevail regardless of who wins.

This quite possibly could be the last election. It is not hyperbole. The Democrats are firmly Left now. If they get in and flood the country with new voters that only vote Democrat,the Republicans or any party not sharp Left will be outnumbered and lose every election going forward.

Every election has the same theme-vote for us because if the other side wins it could be the end of America. It is not too far from the truth this time. Cry wolf everyday doesn't mean one day there really won't be a wolf. It does increase the odds of one not recognizing a wolf when he shows up.

Has there ever been an election in a Western Democracy with one of the candidates so mired in corruption, scandal, illega dealings than the upcoming US one?  Or a one where the established media has repeatedly puhed and pushed and pushed for her election?

I have never seen anything like this. The MSM isn't even making an effort to pretend to be unbiased.


The 4th Estate has fallen.

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