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Sweden legalises ISIS flag


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The flag should be legal. Isn't it easier to profile terrorists, if they actually wave the flag?

Was thinking same thing.


Hate speech though seems to be whatever the politicians and judges say it is. There's that Dutch MP Geert Wilders on trial for "Hate Speech" at the moment.

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Sometimes I think the best scenario is for Sweden to fully collapse into a third world, failed, Islamic state to shock the rest of the continent into saving itself. The poster child for political correctness.

I remember in an old podcast Stefan saying something like "The best thing corrupt people have to offer is the shining example of what not to be." I think this is also true of countries. Legalize the ISIS flag, good, do not censor them, do not give them the victim card to play. In future pro-Muslim marches in Sweden we'll see the ISIS flags flying above the heads of the masses, and we'll see their true colors.

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I remember in an old podcast Stefan saying something like "The best thing corrupt people have to offer is the shining example of what not to be." I think this is also true of countries. Legalize the ISIS flag, good, do not censor them, do not give them the victim card to play. In future pro-Muslim marches in Sweden we'll see the ISIS flags flying above the heads of the masses, and we'll see their true colors.


How does seeing their true colours help us?  Aren't their true colours patent already?  Once they're marching in the streets how can they be defeated?

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How does seeing their true colours help us?  Aren't their true colours patent already?  Once they're marching in the streets how can they be defeated?

They seem to have bypassed the marching phase and gone straight to assaulting police officers and throwing grenades.

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The fellow who was passing out leaflets (a fundamentalist) about whores and referencing the bible was convicted by the Supreme Court of Canada. Even if truthful, if it's hurtful, it's hateful. The gate has been opened wide by the social Marxists. Much more to come flags or not. Never let an opportunity go to waste.

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Was thinking same thing.


Hate speech though seems to be whatever the politicians and judges say it is. There's that Dutch MP Geert Wilders on trial for "Hate Speech" at the moment.


I understand why people are upset, however. It's because the Swedes didn't make it legal to help spot terrorists; they did it to appease them.

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I understand why people are upset, however. It's because the Swedes didn't make it legal to help spot terrorists; they did it to appease them.

Of course. Not sure how things are going to go, obviously there is a wide divide now between the cities and rural areas. Will the situation blow up into a civil war with outright violence like the Spanish? Or be partitioned up, I wonder what the resources and long term currency situation is like? Just a thought, but the flag of ISIS, seems a lot like the White Hand flag from LOTR, with the hill people(Far Left, SJW's ) towards the beginning of the film kind of attacking almost their own tribe the Rohirim (Everyday Joes) before the Elite Uruk-Kai (Hardcore Islamists) go in. "You do not know pain, you do not know fear, you will taste....  Swedish Meatballs!!!!"


Mean while the Germans and kind of the Swedes as well...



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How does seeing their true colours help us?  Aren't their true colours patent already?  Once they're marching in the streets how can they be defeated?

Before I dive into your questions, I think we can all agree that allowing Muslim immigration was and is a mistake. Once these people are in your country, they are in your country. If you want to get them out, the only way to do so is through deportation. Deportation is the wisest answer, but it's not on the table for any Western European country at the moment so we can assume the millions of migrants are here to stay for awhile.


As a general rule, seeing people clearly for who they are is preferable to not. And since they're here to stay for the foreseeable future, knowing what you are up against is preferable to not. For example, if some bullies are planning to kick my ass after school, I'd much rather prefer they announce their intentions instead of keeping it a secret. With the former, I at least have a chance to evade them. With the latter, I'm just going to be jumped and pummeled while I walk home.


By suppressing the flag you do not make the problem go away, you're only making it go underground where it's less visible to non-Muslims and in this sense more dangerous.


Your question: "Aren't their true colors patent?" Well, no, they're not. They are to you. They are to me. But they're not to everybody, or else we would be addressing the problem.


And to your last question: They are already out in the streets marching. Imagine if instead of Turkey's flag those were ISIS flags. Wouldn't that send a stronger signal to Europeans about the danger they're in?


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