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Gods and devotions of the modern American


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Pat Buchanan remarked recently that America was immersed in a new cult, this devotion to a new holy trinity of diversity, democracy and equality, is of recent vintage and has shallow roots.


This got me asking, what are our true gods, the gods that an alien species might, after analysing our society, place in the pantheon associated with our devotions.


I am not asking after “religions“.  I am fully aware of the diversity of officially and popularly recognised religions in America.  I am asking after non-trivial devotions.  Trivial devotions might be to scrapbooking or NASCAR.  Non-trivial devotions might be to:


The Market




Big Oil


The Spectacle


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Survivor Island... had a family get together. Explained Jekyll Island back in 1913...14, zero interest rates, what it means to savers and on to voting for the choice of lessor evils, or is it no choice over time. They are not interested. Another episode was on. To think I put 4 of them through university.  It is better to stay drunk. Glad I'm old, and they deserve what is coming.

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