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Gold and Other Investment Recommendations

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What are people's investment recommendations for the coming years?

I'd like to buy gold, but I think if we go into another financial crash that it will be sold hard for dollars. Currently I am almost completely holding currency as I am expecting a financial crash and that will be an opportunity to shift to assets.

I've just bought a lot of investment whiskey as charts show it did well in the Great Recession:



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I recommend the book

Prosper!: How to Prepare for the Future and Create a World Worth Inheriting

by Adam Taggart and Christopher Martenson
But here are my quick ideas.
Financial Investments 
Safe: Gold, Silver,
A bit speculative: Bitcoin, Dash, Etherium, and other p2p alt coins
Anything that reduces Depression. Alcohol, Tobacco, Anti depression pharmacy ... My local pharmacy factory did extreamly well selling antidepresives during 2008-10.
If you invest in stocks be sure you know what you are doing. 
Investments that will save you money in long term
- Insulation of your house.
- more efficient windows
- more efficient Heating system (Better stove or solar thermal collectors)
- Supply of food (unless you believe food will be cheaper in future)
- 2 winters worth of Firewood 
- Oil if you have a space and means to store it properly
Things that are in short supply if something happen
- Medicine (Anti allergy, pain killers, anti diarrhea, antibiotics the most common one)
(Since Medical Cartel does not allow you to stock on some medicines (Antibiotics), people have been using animal ones such as Fish antibiotics, that are made the same way as human ones, Warning Do you own research if that applies for your local brand)
- Guns and Ammunition
- Alcohol, Tobacco, Coffee and other Bad habits/addictions people pay good money to get when in stress.
Also there was a video game made "This war of mine" that was inspired by war in Bosnia. Play it or watch replays on youtube and see what people deemed valuable in time of need.
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Anything that reduces Depression. Alcohol, Tobacco, Anti depression pharmacy ... My local pharmacy factory did extreamly well selling antidepresives during 2008-10.

If you invest in stocks be sure you know what you are doing. 


Thanks. This is an interesting avenue for thought.


I second that. I invest most of my money that way. I wrote a post about it: https://beinglibertarian.com/growing-your-wealth-in-all-economic-cycles/

Thanks this is useful, as I am not sure where we are standing and going. From what I've heard, the analysis that seems most correct to me is that of Harry Dent. I'm generally wanting to avoid stocks as I think there will be big losses in the near-term. I am waiting for a crash to buy. I am also wary of bonds and gold.


Does anyone have any tips of stocks that will likely do well in a recession or depression? And is there somewhere I can look at stocks that have low RSIs? I was told you can do it on this site:




But can't see where.

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