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Ask Vox Day to be more specific


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Vox Day has this happit which the left does a lot and i despise when they do it so it would be wrong for me to accept it just becuase i might be inclined to agree at times.

He does this name dropping thing where he quotes a person describe how good or bad that person is to provite a fact or opinion presents the fact and then moves on not explainign any of the reasoning. This drives me nuts because we see the left do this all the time (atleasdt here in sweden) they used titles to avoid arguments and their insidious specialty is corrupting people on the right to their cause. It's easy for the left to offer money and a nice job or whatever to one individual in exchange that they peddle the lefts talking points.

Even if Vox day isn't dishonest when he does this he leaves himself and any movement he builds wide open to this subversion.
We need the the facts to be able to defend ourselves so please please do follow up questions when he does this in the future !

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I think it's because of the conversation format. Him and Stefan are talking and he's assuming the listening party, Stefan, knows what he's talking about, and rightly so. However Stefan always keeps in mind that there's other people "in the room" listening in which might not know the full information.

The left is one giant echo chamber which is why it always comes as a major shock to them to find out there are people out there who do not know what they're talking about, or care/agree with what they're talking about.

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Please enlighten me as to what Stefan sees in Vox Day. Day is of mixed descent, including Mexican and native American, and yet Day insists that the United States is a nation for white people. In a video with Stefan, Day said the United States wasn't just intended for white people generally, but for those of Anglo descent specifically, since they believe in small government.


Day is also a fundamentalist Christian who claims to read the Bible as literally as possible, even though his blog suggests that he's had premarital sex lots of times, if I've read it correctly, which is against what the Bible teaches. Also, Day says it's ridiculous to think that there is spiritual equality between races, but I don't know anywhere in the Bible, at least not in the New Testament, which suggests that some races are spiritually superior to others. 


That's ridiculous. There is no spiritual equality, not even in Christianity.




Day is a controversial figure, one reason being that he referred to a black science fiction writer as "half-savage":



I honestly don't care who Stefan has on his show, especially since it showcases a variety of perspectives that Stefan may not agree with personally, such as aliens, flat earth, etc. What I am wondering is what Vox Day and Stefan share in common, if there is any commonality between them. If I knew more about what Stefan likes about Vox Day, maybe I'd read his books. 

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They both fit perfectly into the category of legit thought leaders at the edge of their discipline who push the prevailing intellectual norms. They both have technical backgrounds and are quite capable in those worlds but neither one would be satisfied by mere business success. They both care deeply about the people in their life and the people they call their tribe.


I am wondering is what Vox Day and Stefan share in common, if there is any commonality between them. If I knew more about what Stefan likes about Vox Day, maybe I'd read his books. 

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Please enlighten me as to what Stefan sees in Vox Day. Day is of mixed descent, including Mexican and native American, and yet Day insists that the United States is a nation for white people. In a video with Stefan, Day said the United States wasn't just intended for white people generally, but for those of Anglo descent specifically, since they believe in small government.

He looks exactly like Phil Collins... he is probably as non-white as me or less than that. (I am 92 percent European and 8 percent Native-American) If you are 90 percent plus something, you are something. And even if that was not the case, I do not see how this changes the validity of his argument.

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