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The Pakistani-Peruvian Axis: Why Latin America is NOT a Part of the West

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When I read Tragedy & Hope, I was absolutely blown away by the brilliant and cutting mind of Carroll Quigley. One of the passages that always stuck out to me, was near the end of the book when Quigley goes over Latin America in some detail. The thought had never occurred to me before, and I have never heard anyone discuss it or mention it after, that Latin American culture could have a large Islamic influence. Quigley refers to this as The Pakistani-Peruvian Axis.


With the state of current events in Western Civilization involving massive immigration from 3rd world cultures (Mexico/Latin America in the US, Syria/Middle East in Europe), I felt that it is worth it to share this idea of Quigley's in a more digestible format. The passage from the book is only 8 pages long, so I'm able to present the idea in audio format without asking a person to spend months grinding through a 1300-page tome.


I appreciate comments, thoughts, and analyses!



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