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Mankind Project

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Hey guys,


Have any of you heard of the "Mankind Project?" My therapist just recommended it to me during my session today. If you've heard of it and/or experienced it, please let me know what you thought. And if not, what do you guys think? My therapist is an IFS and I've been with him for 10 months and trust his judgment of where I'm at emotionally.



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Hey guys,


Have any of you heard of the "Mankind Project?" My therapist just recommended it to me during my session today. If you've heard of it and/or experienced it, please let me know what you thought. And if not, what do you guys think? My therapist is an IFS and I've been with him for 10 months and trust his judgment of where I'm at emotionally.




Sounds interesting, this creeped me out a little bit though.


Why are we asked to carpool?

We ask all men who come to the training, including staff, to carpool. Occasionally there is limited parking space, but our primary reason for car pooling is to begin to challenge the isolation with which many men live their lives. Great friendships have been borne between NWTA participants simply by sharing the journey into self-discovery with another. We also take our environmental impact seriously, and carpooling is a significant way to shrink our environmental footprint.

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What if I decide to leave? How will I get home?

When you arrive at the training site you will be asked if you are willing to do everything necessary to get what you came for. If you decide you want to leave, one of the weekend leaders is likely to challenge you to stay by reminding you of this commitment.

Many men experience a time on the weekend when they no longer want to be there. Some ask to leave, and then decide to stay. The vast majority are glad they did. This is part of the process; we expect it to happen, just as many of us experience days when we would rather leave our jobs, leave our relationships, run away from our responsibilities. We will ask you if this is one of those times that staying might serve you more than leaving. And then, if you decide to leave, we will help you do that. If you decide to leave the training, we will either return your keys to you if you drove, help you make phone calls to arrange transportation, or have a staff member drive you home. You are free to go, and we will ask you if it’s what you really want for yourself.


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