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Australia as a Libertarian Destination

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I'd been somewhat put off the country for a few reasons, one of them which seems to have either been a mistake or has changed drastically. I was under the impression that government spending as a percentage of GDP was about 40% and some experiences led me to believe that it was liberal with red tape. However, I increasingly heard of Australia as a good place for free markets (relatively) and knew it was #5 in Heritage Foundations' economic freedom index. Then over the last year or so, I heard it was restrictive to low-skilled migrants. But today I noticed that Australia is towards the bottom of government spending as a percentage of GDP, in the developed world. It's also less gripped by globalist sentiments, collectivism, political correctness and so on.


Are there any people here from Australia?


What are your thoughts on the country as a Libertarian (relatively speaking) destination of residence?

What are your thoughts on the limits of the quality of people immigrating to Australia?

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Because of Chinese money laundering, a major housing crash in Australia seems very imminent.Also, household incomes in Australia haven't increased in a few years.

I'll wait until this crash before I think about buying anything. I'm just not sure where. Australia has a lot of good qualities and at a glance I saw some decent houses with XX acres for $100,000 (US). No chance of that where I live.


Looking at charts it seems the end in the increase of household income coincided with a halt to escalating household debt. I don't know how people can live like that. I've never been in debt.

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Australia is oookkkaaayyy. But it's almost impossible to get a gun, we have socialised medicine (so try not get sick), and we have all the multiculturalism is teh bestest claptrap. On the other hand, at least for now, we have decent immigration policy.

We've just come off of a terrible bout of a Labor government (replete with a disastrous coalition with the Green party, and lots of backstabbing for the PM spot), and now have the Liberals in (Republican-esque). So maybe there's some hope to hold onto some non-Globalism. 

imo, you may be better off going to a more Republican state of the US. Australia doesn't have the history of Liberty that the US has, I think I've met exactly 0 people familiar with terms like Libertarian and I live in a fairly Liberal state! Most people are conducive to the idea, but culturally it's just not there. 

Hopefully when Trump gets in, it'll help push Aus towards a better path.

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I'm an American expat to Australia, been here about 5 years now.  If you're looking for freedom, you won't find it here. What you will find is one big nanny state and a whole lot of people with an entitlement mentality who can't take responsibility for themselves. I would never recommend Australia for anyone freedom-minded.

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I'm an American expat to Australia, been here about 5 years now.  If you're looking for freedom, you won't find it here. What you will find is one big nanny state and a whole lot of people with an entitlement mentality who can't take responsibility for themselves. I would never recommend Australia for anyone freedom-minded.


Thanks. It does seem quite a bit better than the UK though. Although the UK is definitely moving in a better direction, both in terms of public attitudes and the direction those in higher echelons want to take us.


I am really interested in somewhere in the low-natural-disaster belt that starts in North Texas and goes up to the US border with the Trudeau Mental Asylum. However, I'd like to know that area will survive into the future first - border wall, no Hillary.

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