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Sometimes people say things that are not well thought out and are easily misinterpreted.


Sometimes people are confused and make claims that they do not reasonably believe.


As a result of all of the sexual deviancy being publicized in the media related to the US presidential elections the topic of women making false rape claims is currently a primary discussion on the internet.


In my opinion, people should not be charged/persecuted for making false claims outside of a 'court of law' because there are a number of natural instances where all people say things they do not truly believe in a moment of emotional instability.


I think that making a false claim should only be criminal if it is done in a court of law with the intention to inflict consequences on the accused that are unjustified.


What do you think about false claims violating people's human rights/breaking the 'law' ?


If someone makes a false rape allegation, they should be charged.


The solution would perhaps be to root out the people who pass on the information about people "Apparently" commiting these crimes and giving anonymity to the alledged perpetrators until the verdict is in.


People are innocent until proven guilty, in rape cases there is even more at stake as someones whole life can be destroyed by the mere accusation.


The problem becomes that the "victim" will double down if they think they could face jail time over it.


I'm not even sure what you're talking about. Words like "criminal" and "law" means you're trying to have a conversation about made up stuff. That's not particularly meaningful. The irony here is that without the State, there would be little incentive to make such false accusations.


If a person makes an accusation that is false, the repercussions of the claim if it were true should accrue to the person who made the claim. If it was an "accident" or something they only said out of "emotional instability," let them make the necessary restitution. Your proposition that actions do not have consequences is ludicrous, regardless of the circumstances. This is another myth that belief in the validity of the State perpetuates.




I agree that ideally people would resolve their disputes independant of government interference but the current online discussion that I am questioning involves the idea that people should be 'charged' for making false (rape) claims.


False claims are only coercive when the person being falsely accused is subject to retribution.


I think that if a mentally ill person claims that I assaulted them that it is not justifiable for me to 'charge' them because I am offended that they are confused about my identity.


If that person charges me with assault and then in court swears to speak honestly yet fabricates a lie about me in order to unfairly impose retribution I should be able to provide evidence of my innocence and my accuser should be charged with a varying degree of intent to harm me by charging me with a false claim.


'Charging' people for making inconsequential claims is a violation of free speech.


Falsely charging people of human rights violations and demanding retribution is different in that it actively violates the non agression principle by initiating coercion against the innocently accused




Yes, that must be it.


People should be charged for making false allegations.


If I am not mistaken that is already illlegal in many places.


I like the idea of anonymity being a right of someone who is innocent until proven guilty.


That would certainly decrease the incentive for someone to attempt to make false allegations for the purposes of blackmail etc.

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