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Kanye West Asks 'White Publications' to Stop Commenting on 'Black Music'


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Considering the level of retardolympics that is going on in the U.S. and elsewhere, this seems to be a possible outcome. Meanwhile, the rest of the still sane world population (about 96+%, realistically) are laughing uncontrollably about the idiocy and dementia of the 'Western' populations. Sure, the larger parts of Westeners is still more or less sane, but to be frank, if I were a non-Western person I just couldn't t take them seriously in any way. No matter what, were it not for the nukes.


The election next Tuesday is a perfect litmus test. If supporters of HRC (in case she becomes POTUS) still support her in case that the FBI finds that there is a large pile of criminal acts which she and her affiliates committed over the years, then this would be rock-solid proof that the actual enemy of western civilization is within it, not on the outside: the populace. If perhaps 20% of the U.S. population were 'morally' fine with having a possible career criminal as president of the so-called free and democratic world, then the country is truly and literally finished. That would amount to about 60+ million people being OK with lawlessness on an industrial level. A country that tolerates or even encourages this kind of attitude deserves to perish. Hopefully not pulling bigger parts of the world with it into the abyss we call history.


Under Trump, I believe the U.S. has a solid chance of recovering some standing and health among the civilized nations. It's high time.

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I'm inclined to agree, Germ-a-knee.  The country can't withstand "the swamp" of political and moral and educative values forever without rotting out.  Consider how many people now have no problem accepting illegal aliens as citizens.  Why stop there?  Why not have "citizens" who "happen" to live outside the USA vote?  Why shouldn't the people of Brazil vote to help determine the outcome of the US Presidential election?  What, are you against diversity?  Are you Amerocentric?  Are you racist?


Criminal President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote – Promises No Repercussions (VIDEO)

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I'm inclined to agree, Germ-a-knee.  The country can't withstand "the swamp" of political and moral and educative values forever without rotting out.  Consider how many people now have no problem accepting illegal aliens as citizens.  Why stop there?  Why not have "citizens" who "happen" to live outside the USA vote?  Why shouldn't the people of Brazil vote to help determine the outcome of the US Presidential election?  What, are you against diversity?  Are you Amerocentric?  Are you racist?


Criminal President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote – Promises No Repercussions (VIDEO)


I think that the persons accepting illegal aliens as citizens are themselves not actual citizens of the country the live in. They are obviously not 'integrated' into society and have not the smallest clue what makes one a citizen in the first place. The process of integration that takes place during one's upbringing from toddler to youth seems to have not taken place in a dangerously large portion of people living in the U.S. . Metabolizing on american soil does not make one a citizen. That truth holds anywhere for any people.


I just had a funny thought. What if we take the identity politics literally. Then I (a German citizen) could say come Tuesday "Today, I self-identify as a transgender mixed-race american citizen and demand permission to vote for Donald Trump! If I am denied this demand, I'll call upon the human rights court and sue the living s**t out of the U.S. government for oppression, racism and sexism against a minority group." . That could be fun! If that's where it's heading.. demetia, here we come!


As I'm just thinking of it.. there is one good thing about nukes. They stop funtioning after a while without maintenance. The fissile material deteriorates and defuncts the whole thing. Should the U.S. population decide to walk down a path into self-annihilation and idocracy in which the retard is the king amongst the braindead, there is a chance that the thousands of nukes in U.S. possession will simply defunct after a couple decades and the U.S. become a 3rd world country that is mostly occupied by internal conflicts and civil wars costing many millions of lives, but locally limited. The outer world would eventually be safer. 


OR the remaining 50+% of the population unwelds their asses from their couches and starts fighting for getting back their country. I wonder how it was possible that the once great U.S. devolved into this pile of sh*t it is nowadays. I think it is easy to point the finger towards politicians. I, however, think that it was the last 2 or even 3 generations that were sleeping on the job, while the rabid dogs snuck into the house and laid waste to it. Time to clean up, folks.


Make America Great Again.   GO GO GO!


Best to all from Germany


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I think that the persons accepting illegal aliens as citizens are themselves not actual citizens of the country the live in. They are obviously not 'integrated' into society and have not the smallest clue what makes one a citizen in the first place. The process of integration that takes place during one's upbringing from toddler to youth seems to have not taken place in a dangerously large portion of people living in the U.S. . Metabolizing on american soil does not make one a citizen. That truth holds anywhere for any people.


I just had a funny thought. What if we take the identity politics literally. Then I (a German citizen) could say come Tuesday "Today, I self-identify as a transgender mixed-race american citizen and demand permission to vote for Donald Trump! If I am denied this demand, I'll call upon the human rights court and sue the living s**t out of the U.S. government for oppression, racism and sexism against a minority group." . That could be fun! If that's where it's heading.. demetia, here we come!


As I'm just thinking of it.. there is one good thing about nukes. They stop funtioning after a while without maintenance. The fissile material deteriorates and defuncts the whole thing. Should the U.S. population decide to walk down a path into self-annihilation and idocracy in which the retard is the king amongst the braindead, there is a chance that the thousands of nukes in U.S. possession will simply defunct after a couple decades and the U.S. become a 3rd world country that is mostly occupied by internal conflicts and civil wars costing many millions of lives, but locally limited. The outer world would eventually be safer. 


OR the remaining 50+% of the population unwelds their asses from their couches and starts fighting for getting back their country. I wonder how it was possible that the once great U.S. devolved into this pile of sh*t it is nowadays. I think it is easy to point the finger towards politicians. I, however, think that it was the last 2 or even 3 generations that were sleeping on the job, while the rabid dogs snuck into the house and laid waste to it. Time to clean up, folks.


Make America Great Again.   GO GO GO!


Best to all from Germany



Yes, the key point to realise is that having national borders is a divisive and discriminatory act.

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