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I Can't Go Back.


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I have been a anarchist/voluntarist since before I had ever heard of these ideas.  I have never voted and was skeptical of politics from my first exposure to it.  


I spent years studying alternative or revisionist history and news because I was sure that the world did not operate the way we were being told.  The results never match the rhetoric.  I was saved by Stef when I came across his work and heard him tell a couple of callers who were questioning both the 911 and the Holocaust stories.  He basically said "so what?, we already have all the information we need to know that the state is immoral, why waste time on chasing that kind of information?  He went on the explain why principles matter more than information.  


I was elated.  So much information from so many sources, I did not have to spend any more time in the infowars game, I could stick to principles, ethics.  Now when I am debating my lefty friends, esp on Facebook, with all the left/right him/her division going on I come right down the middle with philosophy and morality.  I don't have to defend Trump or anything else with all the sources.  


I don't know how this next crisis will play out or get resolved, and I don't know what the best course of action is, but I just can't go back.  I can't take up the argument over how the crops will get picked. 


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Is there a "I let people thread on me" principle you follow? Because it sounds you have a "I let people thread on me" principle.



I don't know how this next crisis will play out


With the death of a lot of people.




or get resolved


With the death of a lot of people.



and I don't know what the best course of action is



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I don't know how this next crisis will play out or get resolved, and I don't know what the best course of action is, but I just can't go back.  I can't take up the argument over how the crops will get picked. 


If Trump doesn't win, there will be no crops to pick.


The universal concept of voting is immoral, because it is the initiation of the use of force ("an opinion with a gun").


This specific instance of voting is moral, because it is the defensive use of force.


If you're not supporting Trump, then you're not supporting anarchy. Think of anarchy as a seed, and Western civilization as the garden to grow it in. If you destroy the garden, there is no place to plant the seed.

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I was saved by Stef when I came across his work and heard him tell a couple of callers who were questioning both the 911 and the Holocaust stories.  He basically said "so what?, we already have all the information we need to know that the state is immoral, why waste time on chasing that kind of information?  He went on the explain why principles matter more than information.  


I was elated.  So much information from so many sources, I did not have to spend any more time in the infowars game, I could stick to principles, ethics.

It's nice, right? The ability to save all that time talking about things that matters (ideas) instead of things that don't. Namely people and events, which on the scale of human history are dust in the wind.


@Wuzzums: The State has/will kill(ed) lots of people (foreign and domestic) before/during/after Trump. Trump/POTUS isn't even a variable if you understand what's being discussed.

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I was saved by Stef when I came across his work and heard him tell a couple of callers who were questioning both the 911 and the Holocaust stories.  He basically said "so what?, we already have all the information we need to know that the state is immoral, why waste time on chasing that kind of information?  He went on the explain why principles matter more than information.  


I completely agree. I have wasted oceans of time being political, when what really matters are ideas. I have also wasted oceans of time with conspiracy theories. Stef is correct. We already know enough about "the state" to know that it is evil and needs to be decommissioned. It's great to hear such incisive reasoning in FDR broadcasts. Stef has become my intellectual hero.

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do you mean 'tread'?  Please elaborate.  

*yes, I did mean "tread", sorry


You sound like a victim which is not the mindset you want to have.

You know the state is evil and that it's getting bigger and bigger. An option is presented to you that at the very least will slow its progress. So what do you do?

There is no courage or consequence in doing nothing.

Here's the key to success at whatever it is you want to achieve, be it good or evil, that I got from Dan Pena: "You just fucking do it."

So whatever it is you think might bring forth your desired outcome, doesn't matter what it is, just go out and do it. And please, please for the love of Kek, don't just sit in the middle of the road and take away the momentum of others.

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I have been a anarchist/voluntarist since before I had ever heard of these ideas.  I have never voted and was skeptical of politics from my first exposure to it.  


I spent years studying alternative or revisionist history and news because I was sure that the world did not operate the way we were being told.  The results never match the rhetoric.  I was saved by Stef when I came across his work and heard him tell a couple of callers who were questioning both the 911 and the Holocaust stories.  He basically said "so what?, we already have all the information we need to know that the state is immoral, why waste time on chasing that kind of information?  He went on the explain why principles matter more than information.  


I was elated.  So much information from so many sources, I did not have to spend any more time in the infowars game, I could stick to principles, ethics.  Now when I am debating my lefty friends, esp on Facebook, with all the left/right him/her division going on I come right down the middle with philosophy and morality.  I don't have to defend Trump or anything else with all the sources.  


I don't know how this next crisis will play out or get resolved, and I don't know what the best course of action is, but I just can't go back.  I can't take up the argument over how the crops will get picked. 

You have no idea how much I needed to hear this today...and breathe.....  :D

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You sound like a victim which is not the mindset you want to have.

You know the state is evil and that it's getting bigger and bigger. An option is presented to you that at the very least will slow its progress.

You don't know this. Not knowing this and pretending to know it is a characteristic of the victim mindset ;)


There is no courage or consequence in doing nothing.

Pretending to own people is doing nothing. Accepting reality and not believing the same fairy tale that got us here in the first place is not at all "doing nothing." People who need the fairy tale to be true keep trying to manipulate others in this fashion. It's an appeal to emotion, not an argument. Makes you wonder why the pro-voting crowd continue to avoid making any arguments, answering any challenges, or null hypotheses.

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I spent a year around that area. I understood these things were possible because of people's behavior. One ironic part is that they won't believe it is possible while they are enablers and justify the impossibility by arguing with disabling behavior (which they clearly don't have).


That's how I found Stefan Molyneux, the way I see it and agree with you, is that once you know there's a problem, any addition of time is worth spent on the solution and that's what Freedomain Radio is.

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I don't know how this next crisis will play out or get resolved, and I don't know what the best course of action is, but I just can't go back.  I can't take up the argument over how the crops will get picked. 


Exactly. Consequentialism is immaterial to the should. All that matters is whether or not the argument is true.

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