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I'm a long time FDR follower and like many of you the material the have created has had a positive impact on my life.


Many people are dependent on the system -- the prevailing institutions, many corrupted, many who's gains are overstated by downstream corruption. But the established system (a least a large portion) is bound for failure. A prime example: the US Federal Government is an enormous burden to those not dependent on it.


The inevitable breakdown of these systems present opportunity. Government is largely an information system. I believe much of it can and could benefit from being modeled and operated by software. In some recent conversations with a variety of people, I believe a low cost on-line public notary system is one such opportunity.


Do you have some spare time? I'd like to work with FDR members on projects to address these challenges and opportunities. If you agree, we can work on the notary. I don't think it would be difficult to build. If you want to work on another project, let's hear it! Properly managed, small contributions of a team of people add up.



My name is Jason

My specialty is Web development (LAMP (MySQL & PHP) stack)

I can also write C, Java, Python, and BASH

Some Computer Science at University


Check out a related video:



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I don't have the time to contribute, but I'd be interested in hearing more about the idea.

One idea in this vein I am keen on is something that would combine elements of Bitcoin and torrents. Nodes would provide storage space and bandwidth for data, which could be accessed by clients. Nodes would receive digital tokens, similar to Bitcoin, for bandwidth provided.

This would provide some benefits over Bitcoin:

- Bitcoin's only value is its acceptance as currency, which is very small and niche; most of Bitcoin's value is speculative; this token would be backed by the value of providing content outside of censorship channels

- Bitcoin is deflationary, which makes it unviable as a currency; this token would be generally inflationary and somewhat predictable:



- Would allow more equal access to currency minting, as opposed to Bitcoin mining, which has been monopolised

- The backbone of this system could be used to develop other systems, such as a decentralised Twitter

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I don't have the time to contribute, but I'd be interested in hearing more about the idea.


One idea in this vein I am keen on is something that would combine elements of Bitcoin and torrents. Nodes would provide storage space and bandwidth for data, which could be accessed by clients. Nodes would receive digital tokens, similar to Bitcoin, for bandwidth provided.


This would provide some benefits over Bitcoin:


- Bitcoin's only value is its acceptance as currency, which is very small and niche; most of Bitcoin's value is speculative; this token would be backed by the value of providing content outside of censorship channels

- Bitcoin is deflationary, which makes it unviable as a currency; this token would be generally inflationary and somewhat predictable:




- Would allow more equal access to currency minting, as opposed to Bitcoin mining, which has been monopolised

- The backbone of this system could be used to develop other systems, such as a decentralised Twitter


Have you heard of Interplanetary File System (IPFS)? I think you might be interested:




As far as bitcoin goes, I think alternative currencies are vital to liberty, but I'm not sure bitcoin is a long term currency solution. I think the blockchain is better utilized for applications where you want a transactions database that is cryptographically secure and correct, open to the public, and validated by public consensus. To me, these are not things I necessarily want in currency -- a form of cash would often be more desirable.


I think the properties of the blockchain are better suited to applications like dns registration, public notary, heck even a tax payments system -- which is why I don't like it as a currency!

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I'm interested in collaborating with you on something like that or similar. This is why i started my project here, with similar goals (intro to the software):


More depth on why i believe this is the solution in this video here (Systems are Stronger than Ideas): 


PM if you'd like to collaborate.

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