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Is it weird I feel bad about how sad people are that Trump won?


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I see people crying and breaking down in tears and I don't feel angry towards them, or like gloating, but I do feel bad. It must be rough to feel enough pain to be at the point of crying. 


I know I shouldn't feel empathy for people who haven't shown me any, but I also don't think there is anything to be gained from attacking them. 


Anyone else feeling this way? 

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I think One infowars guy said it best: "Now is the time to come to your fellow men and tell them offer then the truth and stand by them."


Since they live in error msot of them, by showing compassion you MAY be able to get to few of them. They believe trump is all the bad things media has told them? Well show videos and facts abotu trum and hillary by askign if they want to feel better?


Though... shoudl they turn hostile even if youre reasonable and caring then NO time move on and especially no symphaty if they attack you.

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I see people crying and breaking down in tears and I don't feel angry towards them, or like gloating, but I do feel bad. It must be rough to feel enough pain to be at the point of crying. 


I know I shouldn't feel empathy for people who haven't shown me any, but I also don't think there is anything to be gained from attacking them. 


Anyone else feeling this way? 

Everybody that voted was showing a lack of empathy for you. They voted for a system that has taught people to be this invested in WHO sits on the throne to distract them from the question of whether or not the throne is valid. The ones that don't already understand property rights and see the immorality of the State remain victims. There's nothing wrong with experiencing compassion for them.

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I think One infowars guy said it best: "Now is the time to come to your fellow men and tell them offer then the truth and stand by them."


Since they live in error msot of them, by showing compassion you MAY be able to get to few of them. They believe trump is all the bad things media has told them? Well show videos and facts abotu trum and hillary by askign if they want to feel better?


Though... shoudl they turn hostile even if youre reasonable and caring then NO time move on and especially no symphaty if they attack you.


Showing compassion to the very same morons that brought us to the brink because we showed too much compassion towards them seems like a great idea.

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Showing compassion to the very same morons that brought us to the brink because we showed too much compassion towards them seems like a great idea.


I was once such a moron, I was christian socialist quasi communist. All pro feminism all pro goverment control all pro this and pro that. However as i said "those that are in error" i think for those compassion + facts would be the bes policy. Now i should clarify: If they are willingly avoiding new information beforehand or not skeptical at all then its not the same.


I agree that showing compassion to those who genuinely arent in error/uninformed would be a bad move and would serve to inflame theyre sophismism even more.

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I was once such a moron, I was christian socialist quasi communist. All pro feminism all pro goverment control all pro this and pro that. However as i said "those that are in error" i think for those compassion + facts would be the bes policy. Now i should clarify: If they are willingly avoiding new information beforehand or not skeptical at all then its not the same.


I agree that showing compassion to those who genuinely arent in error/uninformed would be a bad move and would serve to inflame theyre sophismism even more.


Yes, you want to keep your libtard friends. I get it.

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I also saw the InfoWars feed when they were talking about how they feel sorry for these Dem pansies and how they want to lift them up, rather than what the Dems want to do - keep them as their dependent voting base to prop up their power structure, with little regard for civilization.

Obviously, we want to draw these people over to us. The direction of society is to a large extent driven by majority views, regardless of political system, or lack of. Gloating in their face is not the best strategy. Though you can be excuse for gloating in red-spaces like this.

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Yes, you want to keep your libtard friends. I get it.

Ummm no, thats not waht this is about at all. I was thinking about strategy of best informing getting to the minds of the truly misinformed.


Where did this idea come from?


I dont have any "libtard" friends, though even if i did i would call them retards.

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Ummm no, thats not waht this is about at all. I was thinking about strategy of best informing getting to the minds of the truly misinformed.


Where did this idea come from?


I dont have any "libtard" friends, though even if i did i would call them retards.

I always try to look at the hidden advantages and I just assumed you must have liberal friends. Otherwise, why the defeatist attitude? These are people who attack you, your family, your livelihood, your whole existence. We won. We must act like it.

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Winners without any self-respect (and usually who did very, very, very little to win) are the only ones that gloat. Winners who fought hard, have self-respect, respect the differences of opinions of others, the propensity for mistakes in thinking and judgment, and the very legitimate concerns they have for the future do not gloat. They may be pleased, even relieved. They may revel in their victory, but they do NOT gloat. Gloating is indicative of vanity, unwarranted pride, and low character.

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Winners without any self-respect (and usually who did very, very, very little to win) are the only ones that gloat. Winners who fought hard, have self-respect, respect the differences of opinions of others, the propensity for mistakes in thinking and judgment, and the very legitimate concerns they have for the future do not gloat. They may be pleased, even relieved. They may revel in their victory, but they do NOT gloat. Gloating is indicative of vanity, unwarranted pride, and low character.

Not an argument but let's say its true. So what?

I'm sick and tired of this mealy-mouthed-don't-hurt-anyone's-feelings bs.

I did not cower to these people when they were in power and I don't plan of starting now.





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Not an argument but let's say its true. So what?

I'm sick and tired of this mealy-mouthed-don't-hurt-anyone's-feelings bs.

I did not cower to these people when they were in power and I don't plan of starting now.

I never stated that you should cower to anyone. I simply suggested you live up to a higher standard of character and behavior than you attribute to those you deride. If you decide you want to behave in the same manner that you deride in others, that's certainly your prerogative.

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I never stated that you should cower to anyone. I simply suggested you live up to a higher standard of character and behavior than you attribute to those you deride. If you decide you want to behave in the same manner that you deride in others, that's certainly your prerogative.

Well I'm weary of people that say I should hold people to other standards that they hold me to, you see. Thieves and all sort of criminals love getting off easy. Whatever they're selling I'm not buying.


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Well I'm weary of people that say I should hold people to other standards that they hold me to, you see. Thieves and all sort of criminals love getting off easy. Whatever they're selling I'm not buying.

Not an Argument.  If you decide you want to behave in the same manner that you deride in others, that's certainly your prerogative.

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I always think it shows someone's personal issues/insecurities when they behave in a gloating manner. Also I'd add that I myself over the last few days got into a bit of a state about the election and it was all I could think about. I realise now you can't think based on such huge assumptions about the other half, whether that be people who voted for Hillary, Bernie, or even Brexit. There is wisdom to be found in the strangest places and you have to keep an open mind.


This movement is not immune to prejudice and dogmatic thinking anymore than any other movement is. I get the feeling a lot of people here are susceptible to thinking in win/lose binary terms, like for example Hillary wins = we lose, Trump wins = end of social justice, muslims come here = end of the West. I don't know where this binary thinking comes from but its not how the real world works and it is actually quite hindering to think like this

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don't! these same people would cheer while conservatives and libertarians were packed on cattle carts headed for the camps!


leftism needs to be defeated!

There are absolutely some dangerous ideologies on the left that need to be squashed without hesitation. However, I think there are people who voted left who are very damaged, and I'm not sure gloating (not necessarily celebrating) serves any purpose. It only fuels their non-sense. There wouldn't even be a reason to gloat if there wasn't so much media crap leading up to the election. I think most of the gloating is mainly a reaction to how marginalized the Trump supporters have felt. If we were truly free, it wouldn't even be a problem. Less gloating and more even tempered response could help sway the more reasonable Clinton supporters to switch sides. 


I mean, you know they are just going to try this again in four years, right? They aren't going to suddenly give up on calling Trump a racist, mysogynist, etc. 

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OP - I would be wary of using should and shouldn't in regards to your feelings.  Should you not feel a burning sensation when your hand is in a fire?  You do not control the feelings that arose within you, but you can control the thought processes afterwards.  My advice is to figure out what connects you to these people. Why do you think they are sad? What do you think they are thinking? How do these thoughts and feelings relate to your life?  It is almost certainly about you and not them since you do not know the exact reasons why each of them are so upset, but there is a relationship between your life and why you think they are upset.  Feelings are an opportunity for self knowledge, I would advise against suppressing or dismissing them because you think you should.

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OP - I would be wary of using should and shouldn't in regards to your feelings.  Should you not feel a burning sensation when your hand is in a fire?  You do not control the feelings that arose within you, but you can control the thought processes afterwards.  My advice is to figure out what connects you to these people. Why do you think they are sad? What do you think they are thinking? How do these thoughts and feelings relate to your life?  It is almost certainly about you and not them since you do not know the exact reasons why each of them are so upset, but there is a relationship between your life and why you think they are upset.  Feelings are an opportunity for self knowledge, I would advise against suppressing or dismissing them because you think you should.

Fair enough. Perhaps saying I'm not obligated to treat people better than they treat me would have been more accurate. 

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I always try to look at the hidden advantages and I just assumed you must have liberal friends. Otherwise, why the defeatist attitude? These are people who attack you, your family, your livelihood, your whole existence. We won. We must act like it.

The ones that attack, scorn, verbally abuse? Yeah those i would play ny compassion or symphaty card on i agree.

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Fair enough. Perhaps saying I'm not obligated to treat people better than they treat me would have been more accurate.


I would certainly agree with that. I have a similar journey to take but in the opposite direction - I was quite surprised at how much I enjoyed their misery. The pictures of the Hillary campaign crying Tuesday night made me smile. I haven't sat down to process the feelings yet but when I responded to your post I was like - hey, I should take my own advice here. If you hadn't have said something I may have missed out on an opportunity for self knowledge as well so I thank you for sharing your thoughts.
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I would certainly agree with that. I have a similar journey to take but in the opposite direction - I was quite surprised at how much I enjoyed their misery. The pictures of the Hillary campaign crying Tuesday night made me smile. I haven't sat down to process the feelings yet but when I responded to your post I was like - hey, I should take my own advice here. If you hadn't have said something I may have missed out on an opportunity for self knowledge as well so I thank you for sharing your thoughts.


It's all good. I've been trying to avoid saying "I feel..." type statements, so I appreciate the correction.

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I'm not trying to be rude, but the question itself begs introspective analysis. It is intrinsically convoluted. "Is it weird... about how sad...?" What are you even asking? It's worth reiterating, what are you asking? Are you asking for permission to feel guilt? Are you asking for forgiveness for feeling pity on these people? Are you asking if your emotional reaction is a genuine psychosis? Be more specific in your own question and you probably arrive at your answer. (Short answer: no, it's not weird to pity others experiencing torment, but if you choose to waste your emotional capital grieving for those who have invested in bankrupt philosophy/ideology, there are about 50 gazillion such cases in the world, and as a result you will in turn be emotionally bankrupt and have accomplished nothing for all the associated distress before Trump even takes office.)

Or, as a friend of mine put it, fuck 'em.

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I'm not trying to be rude, but the question itself begs introspective analysis. It is intrinsically convoluted. "Is it weird... about how sad...?" What are you even asking? It's worth reiterating, what are you asking? Are you asking for permission to feel guilt? Are you asking for forgiveness for feeling pity on these people? Are you asking if your emotional reaction is a genuine psychosis? Be more specific in your own question and you probably arrive at your answer. (Short answer: no, it's not weird to pity others experiencing torment, but if you choose to waste your emotional capital grieving for those who have invested in bankrupt philosophy/ideology, there are about 50 gazillion such cases in the world, and as a result you will in turn be emotionally bankrupt and have accomplished nothing for all the associated distress before Trump even takes office.)

Or, as a friend of mine put it, fuck 'em.

Looking back I think I should have been more clear that I was asking about my own reaction in comparison to that of all the people I saw gloating. I was unsure if anyone else had a similar experience to me.


To answer your questions, no I'm not asking for permission to feel guilt, or for forgiveness. 

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It's just been strange, I feel like I'm on another planet.. or maybe they are?  I was vehemently against Hillary Clinton, but if she won I wouldn't have wept while rioting; it seems like it's a really weird example of dislocation from reality.  Maybe there's a little empathy for their detachment and cult like following for statism, but I don't know if I'm necessarily sad or want to gloat about the fact that their world is crumbling.  It just feels WEIRD, it reminds me of Kim Jong-il and his followers completely losing it when he passed away, in some sort of weird rehash of Munchhausen syndrome where instead of pretending to be sick you create dependency with the people around you for control, they viewed him like a God.  This also reminds me of sports too!  

Why flip cars, light things on fire and have what appears to be you're entire life destroyed by something that you were passionate about?  As always in life, things are not fair and life tends to not go your way.  I tried to rationalize with a couple friends but they mostly called me a bigot and side stepped all rational arguments, so I'll do what I normally do in these situations- keep my head down and focus on my family/self.

You can never alter or change the waves, you can only learn how to sail.  In the words of David Sullivan, "I think I might have a platitude problem."

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I don't think there's anything wrong with that, most humans have at least some empathy which is triggered by outward physical indicators of distress.


In some senses my understanding of it is more logical than it is emotional, the crying really doesn't trigger empathy in me and I don't lack empathy in many other situations so something odd is going on. I think because it feels like we've waged war with these people for so long, a war in which we're fighting to stop them from robbing more of our money and assets through force, we find it hard to emphasize with someone who does not reciprocate it.


I can put myself into their mindset enough to know why they're upset and if you are an "emotional thinker" then it's not a surprise to see an overly emotional reaction to the result. And I can even understand in their world view why they think trump is a Monster/Hitler/Super Villain. But what really pushes me over the edge where I take almost a perverse pleasure in their suffering, and why I think it's justified, is that these people think they're so morally virtuous and so smug about being right, and they didn't think Trump stood a chance, it was hilarious to them that he might win (see audience reaction on Ann Coulters prediciton of a Trump win on the Bill Maher show).


The emotion is real but the suffering really isn't, most of these people are liberal middle class white women, they're among some of the most protected people on the planet, they've never had to work a dangerous job, or ever been left unprotected by men, these are some of the most entitled people on earth. Their lives are so good the thing that makes them break down crying is an election loss. Anyone who is hard because they went through rough childhoods or had/has to work in a dangerous job, or has a disability they overcame, or were abandoned or abused and had to fight on their own...these people understand that crying at this kind of crap show you're a very sheltered person.


It's like the person who whines about having to go to the dentist to have an injection to numb an area for drilling. Complaining about the pinch is something you only do when you've never felt the absolute agonizing pain of an exposed nerve in a cavity. It betrays their lack of perspective.

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Empathy is a limited resource in my opinion. It doesn't make sense for us to be deeply concerned with the mental welfare of millions of strangers (enemies), I think we are all trying to have conversations with people who are willing to listen and it is important to have empathy and continue to have these conversations, but the minority of crazy leftists who were crying over the democratic election of Trump? These people are way too far gone, lap it up while you can it is a small victory. Do you know what they did right after they dried their tears? went and blocked up freeways! 

What if you knew for a fact that someone was ideologically against you, and would never change their opinion no matter what new evidence came to light? Would you feel sorry for them? If so then you have a huge cuck streak IMO, there are plenty of others out there who deserve your time and attention more than those cry-bullies.

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