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Is it weird I feel bad about how sad people are that Trump won?


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I find a great joy in their defeat honestly, not so far as a "win-lose" drama, but "oh thank god reality as asserted itself!" feeling. If anything I want people to know and deal with the Truth, and from personal experience I've learned sometimes (or mostly), we only face ourselves when there are no other options. I think it's going to take more losses like these for the left to come to terms with themselves, so we're chipping away at the scare tissue of personal escapism by simply staying true to principle. Very little effort is needed on our part, I think delusion always leads to one eating one's self alive psychologically speaking. 


On another note, "feeling sorry" for these people is a little tricky methinks. Forgive me but that strikes me as a little pretentious. We are all human and we all have a form of neurosis we have to deal with on a personal level. I do not want to separate myself from the world at large, I want to do my part in helping, and that includes being in the trenches with with them emotionally and any other way they will allow. I understand their pain on a real level, and no I don't feel sorry for them, but i want to understand from where this beast resides. These are human beings, just as we are, and if we are to flourish as a community and get as many people as we can to come to Truth, "feeling sorry" is merely a pedestal blocking that path to true empathy. 


I think. 

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"oh thank god reality as asserted itself!" feeling. If anything I want people to know and deal with the Truth

A bunch of people spending all their time and attention on a belief that humans can exist in different, opposing moral categories, that writing things down an alter reality, taking a poll to see who should enslave us all... Nothing about any of that is reality or Truth.

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A bunch of people spending all their time and attention on a belief that humans can exist in different, opposing moral categories, that writing things down an alter reality, taking a poll to see who should enslave us all... Nothing about any of that is reality or Truth.


To clarify, I mean that the left assumed a reality about the population at large that turned out not to be true. In their self-imposed delusion, they attempted to erase a large population with a differing opinion, and because of the outcome are now exposed to their shortcomings. This is what I am happy about, people are being heard despite the lefts denial of their existence. 

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Not to be too harsh, but rock bottom is sometimes where people need to go before they are willing to change. Especially those on the far Left whose rejection of even basic realities is their modus operandi. Life is just going to have to suck for them for a while before they have sufficient motivation to look for alternatives.


Helping them avoid the consequences of their behavior is only hurting them.

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A bunch of people spending all their time and attention on a belief that humans can exist in different, opposing moral categories, that writing things down an alter reality, taking a poll to see who should enslave us all... Nothing about any of that is reality or Truth.


I would thumb this up a million times if I had the privilege still.

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