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Seems like the complaining has morphed into pointing out Trump's flip-flopping.


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I've noticed that many of the people complaining have now switched over to point out that Trump is softening or reversing stances he had during his campaign. 


Is this a concern? 


Doesn't every politician do this? 


Guess no wall, huh? 




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I've noticed that many of the people complaining have now switched over to point out that Trump is softening or reversing stances he had during his campaign. 


Is this a concern? 


Doesn't every politician do this? 


Guess no wall, huh? 





What has he flip flopped on?

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What has he flip flopped on?

Obamacare for one.


It's all just words though. Which is why it saddens me that people of critical thought invest anything into such things. He SAID he would repeal Obamacare. Now he saying he won't. Who knows what he will do? He doesn't HAVE to do anything. What CAN he do? It's called Obamacare so that he gets credit for what many perceive as benevolence. It's not like he sat down and wrote everything out himself. If any of it.


It's just words. Live your life or else you're cooperating with your enslavement.

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What Trump says between now and his inauguration is a pretty poor estimator of what his intentions are. He has the votes, he ran his campaign, but as of right now he cannot act. It's in his best interest to calm nerves and appear to be a man of the middle ground, and also to placate the elites until he has the power to drain the swamp.

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Apparently Obama care, by keeping a part of it (pre-existing condition) and replacing the rest. Also some of his stances on immigration have been moving back and forth, appearing and disappearing from his website. 


From what I understand ( which is very little) the pre existing condition is a very small part of obama care, and one that no one has any problems with

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From what I understand ( which is very little) the pre existing condition is a very small part of obama care, and one that no one has any problems with

I thought that was the main problem. I've think I've heard Peter Schiff or Stef mention it is like buying fire insurance while your house is on fire. 

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I think some uncertainty about Trump was a given and part of the deal. Still prefer him to Hillary even if he doesn't follow through on all or some of what he said on the campaign. I'd be a bit surprised if he ended up being worse than Hillary, which luckily we'll never get to see the other side of that. Part of my desire of a Trump presidency was to see what he would and could do in office compared too all the establishment candidates that preceded him and would have continued if he hadn't run.

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