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Have we reached peak Globalism?


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It won't stop, as all the alt-media has said this is the easy part.  The hart part is not letting a malaise fall over the population that rejected globalization and fall back in to old habits of complacency and contentment.  They will try all the more to prevent this happening again.

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This year has marked the first year of the real challenge against globalism. They've barely even understood that it's time for them to go on the defensive and react to what has happened. They'll react, they're extremely powerful people. They still control all important governments, they still control all international bureaucratic agencies, they still control all central banks.

There will be a recession within Trump's presidency, a big one. It will be blamed on a deviation from the status-quo of globalism.


If the people remain steadfast to anti-globalism when the globalists respond, then peak globalism is already behind us. If not, then it will get much, much worse.

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I don't think the "establishment" will give up on pushing cultural Marxism. Trump winning is nothing more than a set back that they have to adapt to. But, there is no reason to accept that they've given up on pushing for a one world government.

If anything, their issue is the scalability of their current governing model. Basically, I would say their current model reached a point of diminishing returns. Now, this change in leadership serves as a correction.

Where Trump actually fits into it all is uncertain at this point. And, in many ways, I think that's what most people fear. I suspect the media will try to feed into that fear while pushing a solution that promotes cultural Marxism as it has been doing these various past years.

But, right now the momentum is in Trump's favor, and the establishment will try to slow this down until it gains leverage over the narrative -- which it still has quite a lot of influence over.  After all, SJWs are still their army of useful idiots.

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I think yes. One observation I have made is that many kingmaker-types, like David Rockefeller, both in Europe and the US, are now either dead or very old. It doesn't appear that anyone has come in to fill this gap. It appears the same happened, as the likes of Rockefeller came into fill a gap left by the likes of the Dulles brothers. Or rather, one person has stepped into this void and is causing havoc - George Soros. In that gap, around 1960, another wealthy, enigmatic man was able to force his way to the presidency, John FitzGerald Kennedy.

There is the potential to resurrect the aims of Kennedy now, but also for a further slip into the mire of assassination and the deep state.

As for Europe, we will hopefully have Brexit; a new government has been elected in Moldova, which will probably put an end to their EU ascension; a Eurosceptic, non-aligned-style government has been elected in Bulgaria. For next year Geert Wilders is set to become the majority leader in The Netherlands and offer a referendum on the EU; the Freedom Party of Austria is also poised to become the largest party in Austria in 2018; and there is an outside chance of a Marie La Penn win in France. Also the pro-EU Progressive (read regressive) Party was just hammered in Iceland. Switzerland also withdrew its EU application. In Australia there is a rising movement against globalism. In Italy, there is a referendum which is said the result of which we cause a lot of trouble for the EU and in 2017 the largest party may be Eurosceptic. In Serbia, in 2008, a government poll said 74% of Serbs wanted to join the EU; in 2015 that fell to 48%, at which point the government stopped conducting the poll. I have never encountered a Serb who want to join the EU. And there is the rise in disobedience from Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Rep. In Lithuania an anti-emigration party has been elected. Dis-satisfaction with the EU is yuge.

The response to all this in the UK has been disastrous. They haven't got a clue what to do. Labour and the Illiberal Autocrats may destroy themselves in an attempt to keep the UK in.

Also see this:


Its typically R people who side with globalisation. The only way for the march of globalisation to continue is via mass immigration. The populations of Europe etc. are aging, resources are becoming more scarce and we are on the precipice of multiple deflationary cycles. This is all forcing the population K, which will become increasingly hostile to mass immigration.

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