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Any evidence for jewish supremacy?


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I see it a lot from the right, although i never go on it i know that /pol/ would be full of it. How come? 


I think it's the same phenomena as those blacks yelling 'supremacism' and 'institutional racism' towards whites.




Yes, a lot of it is explained by IQ and culture.  Jews are a few percentage points of the population, yet they are 30% of millionaires, 40% of billionaires, with high positions in media and finance.  It's true they are over-represented as the organizers behind ideologies like communism, but they are also among the very important thinkers in libertarianism/conservatism: Ludwig von Mises, Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard, Milton Friedman, etc.  This is just to be expected, as the elite in verbal intelligence include many Jews.


So I think the "Jewish Question" stuff is overblown by a few people who obsess over it.  If anything we should be taking notes from the Jews as far as how to do very well, and trying to get Jews on our side.

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Yes, a lot of it is explained by IQ and culture.  Jews are a few percentage points of the population, yet they are 30% of millionaires, 40% of billionaires, with high positions in media and finance.  It's true they are over-represented as the organizers behind ideologies like communism, but they are also among the very important thinkers in libertarianism/conservatism: Ludwig von Mises, Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard, Milton Friedman, etc.  This is just to be expected, as the elite in verbal intelligence include many Jews.


So I think the "Jewish Question" stuff is overblown by a few people who obsess over it.  If anything we should be taking notes from the Jews as far as how to do very well, and trying to get Jews on our side.


Have you read The Culture of Critique?

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Jews are a few percentage points of the population, yet they are 30% of millionaires, 40% of billionaires, with high positions in media and finance.


There are 2 explanations. Jews are gifted and earn the success or it is because of nepotism and in group preference. The latter is true, because there are way more white people than Jews who have a high verbal IQ and similar abilities. The average IQ of White People is lower, but they make up for that with a larger number. 


You forgot to include anthropology and psychology as fields in which Jews were the leaders for long time. They led because they copied the way they ruled over those fields from Judaistic sects. One rabbi heads over his students, if you disagree you are not only wrong but you are also a bad person. This cohesion explains the uniformity of those fields and that it was possible to keep the same message for a long time. The structure of those circles is very similar, be it Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud or Alissa Rosenbaum.

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I don't know what Jewish supremacy is.  I skimmed the thread and didn't see a definition, so if someone could give me a definition, that would be good.


Yes, a lot of it is explained by IQ and culture.  Jews are a few percentage points of the population, yet they are 30% of millionaires, 40% of billionaires, with high positions in media and finance.  It's true they are over-represented as the organizers behind ideologies like communism, but they are also among the very important thinkers in libertarianism/conservatism: Ludwig von Mises, Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard, Milton Friedman, etc.  This is just to be expected, as the elite in verbal intelligence include many Jews.


So I think the "Jewish Question" stuff is overblown by a few people who obsess over it.  If anything we should be taking notes from the Jews as far as how to do very well, and trying to get Jews on our side.

RoseCodex mentioned IQ and culture, but only elaborated on IQ.  Mike MacDonald, author of the aforementioned Culture of Critique, has done some great work on this.  Watch some youtube interviews of him.  Basically, Jews as an aggregate are identitarians in ways that whites as an aggregate are not.  Yes, I'm aware of the alt right.  I understand it to be a fringe group currently.  I also understand all white identitarian movements to be fringe.  Not only are they fringe, but most whites recoil at the idea that whites should see themselves as a distinct group with its own interests.  This is what allows white SJW's that engage in self-hate and sympathy towards violent groups like Black Lives Matter.  Jews employ evolutionary strategies such as providing access to better marriages and business opportunities to the most intelligent among them.  They also practice in-group preference.  They also are at the core of every left-wing intellectual movement that denounces those whites who engage in those evolutionary strategies.  They are at the core of pro-immigration reform, which ultimately leads to whites becoming minorities and thus, losing their political power.  I'm just guessing at the sort of thing you're looking for, since I'm not sure what Jewish supremacy is.  There are people who say they have contributed to the decline of the nuclear family as well as the rise in teen pregnancy, drug use, and other things.  This is a subject I'm still looking into.

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no, can you summarize for me?


I don't think I should. I think it is a quite challenging topic both intellectually and emotionally.  If you're curious though, you can read it here.

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Quick google search tells me Israel receives 10.2 million usd per day in military aid. That is one hell of a welfare cheque. Israel seems to be the only country that did not loose title to it's land after military defeat. It was given to them by god right? Then handed to them in the Balfour Declaration? But essentially the jews are gods chosen and the rest of you are goy. Not hard to see how that sentiment could create resentment. If you think about it jewery is closely tied to multiculturalism. The belief that separate and distinct groups of individuals with different moral and ethical standards can live within the same geographical region and any dissent to this notion eschewed as racist or even worse anti-semitic. Multiculturalism is bad right?  

I say all of this with the historical knowledge that I would have been loaded on the train simply because of my genetics.  I've watched some stuff on the holocaust recently and it left me with the impression that given a sufficiently boisterous allegation my neighbors would likely drag me bodily from my home and execute me and my family over a hastily dug hole in a field. Not for anything I have done and certainly not because I am rich, rather because a man on the radio or television convinced them a particular course of action was necessary.

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I say all of this with the historical knowledge that I would have been loaded on the train simply because of my genetics.  I've watched some stuff on the holocaust recently and it left me with the impression that given a sufficiently boisterous allegation my neighbors would likely drag me bodily from my home and execute me and my family over a hastily dug hole in a field. Not for anything I have done and certainly not because I am rich, rather because a man on the radio or television convinced them a particular course of action was necessary.


Oh my God! Despite living in Israel, your neighbors would do that to you?! How awful!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I heard Stefan speak about the Ben Shapiros of the world on a podcast years ago. I don't remember which. But basically Jews have the highest IQ of any ethnicity in the world because they had the longest periods of uninterrupted free trade. The smartest people in Jewish society inevitably made the most money and therefore were able to have the most children. He contrasted Jewish culture with Europe where scientists used to get castrated for contradicting the church which would obviously have negative long term effects on IQ. Socialism has the same negative effects on IQ over time because of the transfers of wealth. 

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The only thing that can defeat the Jewish in-group preference strategy is for the host population, in this case Hwhites, to also become in group strategists - and with the greater numbers win by default. This is why many libertarian thinkers have been jewish - since they promote individualism and universalism (and economies that benefit jewish banking) not to mention diversity and third worldism. So you lose as long as you don't step up your game. The same Israelis who deny refugees in Israel are welcoming boats on the shores of Europe because that's what is good for them. If it were explained only by a slight IQ difference, then the difference in media and academia would only be by a few percentages as well, but it's overblown. That is only explained by their in group nepotism, nothing else.

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I remember a conversation with me high school buddy about how a Jewish person is basically kicked out of the family if he/she marries outside the heritage. Couldn't believe him at the time, sad but true.


I'll be honest though, Stefan goes full retard on the IQ/race premise. You'd think the solution is to nuke the Middle East, Mexico, and Africa.


What are the solutions to the problem? If we go to a universal basic income as automation and technology take over, go to a one child policy? I don't know what the solution is. But at this rate, we are going to have civil and nuclear war between elites and the lower 80%.

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Not an argument. Up your game.

 I agree with the IQ challenges, but instead of deriding the third world with unnecessary harsh language for all its problems and closing our borders, what do we do to fix the existing problem? Build a wall, then what?


I think a universal sustenance program is inevitable if we cannot solve the IQ discrepancy. But we'd have to curb the population to sustain such a program. We haven't been innovating like we have in the past in terms of energy production (shale/fracking being the most recent). With robotics and AI, are these tools going to serve mankind, or just the people that have property rights to these tools? It's like we are just farming the third world for their raw materials and the output is just going toward the elite, property right owners.  


The public education system is a mess; I agree with everything Dr. Pesta said on the recent podcast. That's the number one problem. The recent Ted Talk by Kandice Sumner highlights the same problems.


The bigger picture beyond the Jewish elite is the coming eugenics based movement. Do we really want a world where only 500 million or so genetically gifted people rule the world? What happens when the resource crisis hits? You think the fights on Black Friday are bad?


I am deeply against this incoming eugenics based movement that is on the horizon like we haven't bypassed Darwinian Evolution. We need to get to a level of sustainability, and that's where we've failed. We Americans are prime culprits of over consuming and generating excess waste, so the problems don't all reside from incoming third world populations. 

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Okay, then stop going into the Middle East and protecting OPECs market share and taking a cut on manipulated oil prices which the banks are levered to and which keeps your 401K afloat. Stop consuming the vast amounts of energy Americans consume per capita. Stop stripping raw materials from Africa to build Iphones and solar panels. We don't just leave them alone.


I see so many of my friends leave the thermostat on when they are out of the house. The amount of food that is wasted on a daily basis because people are picky about organic or this or that which gets spoiled faster. Always swapping out phones and devices every year. The American and western consumer is a root cause of the migrant crisis. Cut your consumption and tax consumption, otherwise you can be sure we will not be leaving the third world alone. We will continue to extract them and their resources.


Edit: I'd assume the vast majority of users here live as relative minimalists here without excess standards of living, but too many of us live beyond our means with a manipulated market and cheap money.  

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Okay, then stop going into the Middle East and protecting OPECs market share and taking a cut on manipulated oil prices which the banks are levered to and which keeps your 401K afloat. Stop consuming the vast amounts of energy Americans consume per capita. Stop stripping raw materials from Africa to build Iphones and solar panels. We don't just leave them alone.


I see so many of my friends leave the thermostat on when they are out of the house. The amount of food that is wasted on a daily basis because people are picky about organic or this or that which gets spoiled faster. Always swapping out phones and devices every year. The American and western consumer is a root cause of the migrant crisis. Cut your consumption and tax consumption, otherwise you can be sure we will not be leaving the third world alone. We will continue to extract them and their resources.

1) We are not responsible for the crimes of the State and its crony puppeteers unless we're advocating for explicit transgression against a country. The third world is the third world because of its average IQ (+ culture to a degree), not some arbitrary or esoteric sociological assertion. There's infinitely more third world countries who've been completely ignored by imperialist powers in the last 5+ decades anyways. 


2) Many Western peoples who've had no international involvement in regional destabilization of the Mid. East/North Africa (MENA) are being coerced (either by bureaucratic bodies like the EU or their government's welfare state) to accept these economic migrants at their expense.


3) The VAST majority of these migrants are not of Syrian descent. They are opportunistic parasites who're using the power of the State to violently steal your money and subsidize their invasion. 

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I heard Stefan speak about the Ben Shapiros of the world on a podcast years ago. I don't remember which. But basically Jews have the highest IQ of any ethnicity in the world because they had the longest periods of uninterrupted free trade. The smartest people in Jewish society inevitably made the most money and therefore were able to have the most children. He contrasted Jewish culture with Europe where scientists used to get castrated for contradicting the church back in the day which would obviously have negative long term effects on IQ. Socialism has the same negative effects on IQ over time because of the transfers of wealth. 


Oh gawd! I nav'd away from the page and lost my effort post. Ok, part 2! 


So I saw a paper documenting that jewish skull size is lower than expected for their IQ results when normalised for height and are lower than white skull sizes. This is interesting because skull size predicts brain size predicts IQ.


Also interesting is that it is only verbal IQ that is higher, all (most?) other elements of IQ are lower than white norms as would be expected going on skull size.


Stef's theory is interesting. I'm just spitballing here but this is what I think.


We know that one part of IQ predicts all other parts of IQ, ie, high math score (math part IQ) predicts a high english score (verbal IQ). So even though Rabbis are a self selected group for high verbal skills (verbal IQ) because high verbal IQ predict high all other parts of IQ then we would expect that Rabbis would be high everything else IQ (or higher than everything across the board).


So given this, why is it that it is only verbal IQ that is superior and all other measures are inferior?


Say Steff's theory is valid, then I would expect that jews should have superior IQ across the board, not just in verbal IQ. If not, then wouldn't that imply that high verbal IQ did not predict high math or memory IQ elements in the past and that would be verrrryyyy interesting if it were true.


Because I think high verbal predicts high math and high memory I don't think Stef's theory is valid.


It is interesting to examine how verbal IQ is tested. Have you had one? It is basically a just a vocabulary test.

So if your culture had a special emphasis on say........ studying complicated texts for years during childhood, that could certainly boost scores in verbal IQ tests, no?


Interestingly memory is a part of IQ as well and you can train this to yield increase size in the brain (london cab drivers). 

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Oh gawd! I nav'd away from the page and lost my effort post. Ok, part 2! 


So I saw a paper documenting that jewish skull size is lower than expected for their IQ results when normalised for height and are lower than white skull sizes. This is interesting because skull size predicts brain size predicts IQ.


Also interesting is that it is only verbal IQ that is higher, all (most?) other elements of IQ are lower than white norms as would be expected going on skull size.


Stef's theory is interesting. I'm just spitballing here but this is what I think.


We know that one part of IQ predicts all other parts of IQ, ie, high math score (math part IQ) predicts a high english score (verbal IQ). So even though Rabbis are a self selected group for high verbal skills (verbal IQ) because high verbal IQ predict high all other parts of IQ then we would expect that Rabbis would be high everything else IQ (or higher than everything across the board).


So given this, why is it that it is only verbal IQ that is superior and all other measures are inferior?


Say Steff's theory is valid, then I would expect that jews should have superior IQ across the board, not just in verbal IQ. If not, then wouldn't that imply that high verbal IQ did not predict high math or memory IQ elements in the past and that would be verrrryyyy interesting if it were true.


Because I think high verbal predicts high math and high memory I don't think Stef's theory is valid.


It is interesting to examine how verbal IQ is tested. Have you had one? It is basically a just a vocabulary test.

So if your culture had a special emphasis on say........ studying complicated texts for years during childhood, that could certainly boost scores in verbal IQ tests, no?


Interestingly memory is a part of IQ as well and you can train this to yield increase size in the brain (london cab drivers). 

I believe you're mistaken. Askenazi Jews score higher averages than whites in every IQ sub-category. The fact is that they have substantially higher verbal abilities than visuospatial (120 and 105, respectively). Because verbal ability (important for doctors, scientists, professors, lawyers, business, etc, etc) is the main predictor of economic success in developed civilization, it's much more important to have high verbal. 


Also, average brain size in a population correlates about .4 - .5 to IQ. So although notable, it's definitely not the sole determinant.  

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Okay, then stop going into the Middle East and protecting OPECs market share and taking a cut on manipulated oil prices which the banks are levered to and which keeps your 401K afloat. Stop consuming the vast amounts of energy Americans consume per capita. Stop stripping raw materials from Africa to build Iphones and solar panels. We don't just leave them alone.


I see so many of my friends leave the thermostat on when they are out of the house. The amount of food that is wasted on a daily basis because people are picky about organic or this or that which gets spoiled faster. Always swapping out phones and devices every year. The American and western consumer is a root cause of the migrant crisis. Cut your consumption and tax consumption, otherwise you can be sure we will not be leaving the third world alone. We will continue to extract them and their resources.


Edit: I'd assume the vast majority of users here live as relative minimalists here without excess standards of living, but too many of us live beyond our means with a manipulated market and cheap money.  


Calm down Michael Moore.

I believe you're mistaken. Askenazi Jews score higher averages than whites in every IQ sub-category. The fact is that they have substantially higher verbal abilities than visuospatial (120 and 105, respectively). Because verbal ability (important for doctors, scientists, professors, lawyers, business, etc, etc) is the main predictor of economic success in developed civilization, it's much more important to have high verbal. 


Also, average brain size in a population correlates about .4 - .5 to IQ. So although notable, it's definitely not the sole determinant.  


Thanks, have you got a paper I can check out?

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I had so many great studies and articles saved on my laptop...Unfortunately it broke and I lost it all. I'll try to find some and edit it in here. I'm assuming you want the IQ sub-categories of AJ?


If you had one or two that would be great! I can't find information that isn't behind a paywall.




p.s. Do you mean skull size is 0.4-0.5 on a person by person basis? I was thinking more of a race wide average.

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Isnt it only verbal IQ Jews score highly in? Clearly they were leaders in the sciences in the past, but now their intelligence seems targeted towards opinion forming sophistry and other deceptive techniques.


That said, in my experience, most in the mid east, not just jews, are born hustlers, traders, barterers. Erdogan perhaps isnt the smartest guy, but he's running rings round the european establishment and will continue to do so. Even if many middle east countries have lower IQs than Europeans, I still think most mid easterners can out debate most Europeans. They think quickly, if not deeply. They know how to be persuasive, if not empirical. 

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1) We are not responsible for the crimes of the State and its crony puppeteers unless we're advocating for explicit transgression against a country. The third world is the third world because of its average IQ (+ culture to a degree), not some arbitrary or esoteric sociological assertion. There's infinitely more third world countries who've been completely ignored by imperialist powers in the last 5+ decades anyways. 


2) Many Western peoples who've had no international involvement in regional destabilization of the Mid. East/North Africa (MENA) are being coerced (either by bureaucratic bodies like the EU or their government's welfare state) to accept these economic migrants at their expense.


3) The VAST majority of these migrants are not of Syrian descent. They are opportunistic parasites who're using the power of the State to violently steal your money and subsidize their invasion. 


The third world doesn't have access to the resources that we have, or misallocated resources, which would explain growing the gap.


What was the average IQ of Europeans during the Dark Ages? Everyone was primarily illiterate with the exception of a few. Were Celtic and Germanic tribes verbally affluent upon capturing and sacking Rome? The Huns of Central Asia? 


The Middle East had tremendous advances in chemistry and mathematics during the middle ages. They had peer to peer bazaar economies to exchange trade and technology, much of which was brought to Europe later on. I guess they regressed somewhere along the line when the Theocratic Caliphate came to power. 


The New World natives were behind a thousand years after crossing the Bering Strait, separated many miles from Sumer and Ancient Egypt. They never had a shot at catching up to the rest of developing civilization. They've all been wiped out since and many have since merged with European ancestry.


China is the greatest civilization ever from a longevity and cultural standpoint. No obvious IQ gap there. 


While I can understand sub-saharan African and New World peoples having a large discrepancy, I don't see where the Middle East regression is strictly biological. It's largely socio/cultural pressures. Otherwise it doesn't explain why we don't see a large gap in the Far East. 


What about Oceanic people separated by huge bodies of water? Were they dumbasses all along or did European intervention change that? 


It's a lot more complicated than paler skin/cold climate versus dark skin/hot climate being proportional to IQ.

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Marrying close relatives is bad for the genepool.


Agreed. It's still a common practice in some countries. Maybe it's as simple as that. 


I'm arguing against the desert climate argument because I think brutally colder areas wouldn't have a sharing economy ala older Nordic and Finnish areas. Vikings certainly not known for their art and writings. 


The Middle East is where civilization arose, so there is clearly a missing link between climate/skin color and IQ. It's much more complicated than that.

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Brain size in relation to population :). Here's one of the studies I had saved:




Thanks, Ethereal Void. Although I was thinking more race vs race, that was a very interesting paper. 


What I was trying to get across is that Black < Hispanic < White < East Asian follows for IQ and brain size and skull size when you look at race wide averages. Adding jews, that relationship is broken.

IQ:    Black < Hispanic < White < East Asian < Jew

Size: Black < Hispanic < Jew < White < East Asian (size of skull and brain)


BTW, is the 105 IQ for visio-spatial? I keep finding non-referenced comments such as "unspectacular" or "below average" (which I took to mean below white average).


p.s., check out this blog.


p.p.s. I looked over the blog again.

Here is the post (reference to source material in post) on Jewish IQ break down. Spatial IQ and Memory IQ are lower than white norms (I would expect them to be higher).

Here is a post on jewish brain size.

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Thanks, Ethereal Void. Although I was thinking more race vs race, that was a very interesting paper. 


What I was trying to get across is that Black < Hispanic < White < East Asian follows for IQ and brain size and skull size when you look at race wide averages. Adding jews, that relationship is broken.

IQ:    Black < Hispanic < White < East Asian < Jew

Size: Black < Hispanic < Jew < White < East Asian (size of skull and brain)


BTW, is the 105 IQ for visio-spatial? I keep finding non-referenced comments such as "unspectacular" or "below average" (which I took to mean below white average).


Thanks for the links. Here's where I got some information on AJ IQ sub-tests.




Yeah, it does seem strange how AJs are such an anomaly in regards to brain + skull size. Probably has to do with them descending primarily from an ancient Levantine population (with some female North Italian admixture), where we'd attribute their disproportionate levels of intelligence to specific mutations and alleles rather than typical evolutionary patterns. 

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Thanks for the links. Here's where I got some information on AJ IQ sub-tests.




Yeah, it does seem strange how AJs are such an anomaly in regards to brain + skull size. Probably has to do with them descending primarily from an ancient Levantine population (with some female North Italian admixture), where we'd attribute their disproportionate levels of intelligence to specific mutations and alleles rather than typical evolutionary patterns. 


Huh, I really didn't think about Jews being Levantine population descendants, thank you. 

I was wrong, the IQ would make sense then (because I was assuming white genes without stating that I was assuming white genes which is why I had a problem with lower spatial/memory IQ).

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So I was thinking.........


The theory of jewish IQ proposed by Stefan (and others?) is that there existed a cultural emphasis on rabbi having very large families where as priests did not. This resulted in the higher IQ genes of rabbi propagating throughout the jewish gene-pool whilst the high IQ genetics of priests did not propagate throughout the white gene-pool, raising the average IQ of the jewish population relative to whites. This implies there is, all else equal, a much higher chance of a jew being descended from a rabbi than a white being descended from a priest.


So I was thinking, what is a priest and what is a rabbi? Or more specifically, given the information that a person is to be a priest or a rabbi what else can be inferred from this information?

Like, to be a priest or a rabbi you must be smart so the information that someone is a priest or rabbi also carries (contains? implies?) that this person is (likely to be) smart.

Well, returning to the theories proposed by Stefan (and others?),  a lot of priests and rabbis are likely to also be "languagsites ", language-based parasites.


Given language-based parasites are some type of psychopath or sociopath, given the genetic basis of psychopathy (etc), and given these genes, and so behaviours, are heritable, then jews, being more likely to be descended from rabbis and inherit the high IQ genes could also be said to be more likely to be descended from psychopaths (etc) and also inherit the psychopath (etc) genes.


So this would then explain jewish over-representation is things like communism and other anti-social movements! Because the high IQ required to be in these movements must be paired with an psychopathology and the probability of high IQ genes and psychopathic genes would be higher for jews than for whites (because IQ alone would imply a much greater white membership in things like communism by virtue of the number of whites).


Some big simplifying assumptions, but am I way off base here?

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