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Trump called Alex Jones to thank him -- why not Stefan?

Buford T. Justice

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According to Alex Jones' 'conservative' estimates he's reaching about 30 million people a month. Or at least that's what I heard about a year ago. Then I wouldn't say that it was that accurate, but now it could be an understatement. I saw them post a Google Analytics traffic report at some point not long ago and they only had about 6.7 million (unique?) visitors a month. But now if you look at their traffic rank on Alexa.com you will see traffic has gone up a lot. I'd estimate for September-October they had 12.5 million unique visitors / month. oh, I see they have verified stats on Alexa and it says 8.4 million uniques in the last week; 10.7 million for Oct.

I'm not sure how you can find out how much the radio show gets, but recently he's been saying about 3 million / day and that was before another 70 stations picked him up. If you add in all the Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc. they are probably reached, in some capacity, 30 million people in October, which is close to what Breitbart probably got though their narrower band of just their site.

How many of these are real engagement though is questionable. But I think its fair to say Alex has the ear of about 5-6 million Americans right now, or about 3% of the electorate and a demographic that will include a lot of people who have never voted. Breitbart and Infowars could easily be responsible for the win between them.

I'd imagine Stefan is responsible for a five-figure number of voters turning out. Maybe next time round. Plenty of room for growth right now.

From Alexa it also appears that Stefan has a much more globally distributed audience. Everyone seems to know who Alex Jones is. When I arrived in Serbia this year, the first familiar face I saw was Donald Trump on t-shirts worn by members of the Serbian Radical Party and within about four hours I heard the name Aleks Džouns. And in the UK, the people I know who have gone over to libertarianism/anarchism have found it via Jones. He's definitely the major force behind spreading limits of governments and personal freedoms here.

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It was Molyneux who gave the Trump campaign its intellectual props. He swung my vote and those of hundreds of thousands of others -- that's good for a Trump steak at least.

what evidence do you have that Stef swung "hundreds of thousands" of votes? 

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what evidence do you have that Stef swung "hundreds of thousands" of votes? 

His thumbs up rating on YT is >99% meaning the people watching agree with what he has to say.

Let's average out his YT views per video this election to about 150 000.

Each of those 150 000 is a person which agrees with what Stef has to say.

Each of those people has at least 1 friend which they convinced to vote for Trump.

So a really conservative estimate of the total votes Stef brought in is about 300 000.


Again, really conservative.

Because one of Stef's video might have convinced someone that in turn created a meme or video themselves which in turn convinced other people, and those other people convinced other people and so on.

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I don't think Stefan needs Trumps thanks.  The fact that he reached so many people and locked in this victory I imagine (from his enthusiasm lately) is probably thanks enough.


But I will gladly Thank Stefan for Trump.  On behalf of Trump - I think you!


Keep up the good fight and spreading of Truth!

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Absolutely none. Yet true.

 More than once, Alex Jones stated publicly that Stephan  crystallized the ideas  in videos where they both appeared. My guess is he's not a yank , therefore it would be politically incorrect to acknowledge that. So Trump can't say so. With Trudeau saying "Oh yeah we're willing to renegotiate nafta oh please,oh please" Crap how many times have we went to the world court, and won with these clowns? Softwood lumber etc.. At a cost of billions.


The whole world is in a depression, so the Yanks are going to renegotiate their piece of the pie no matter what.


Guess it's time to turn off all three brainwashing media of Fox,Cnn and Alt Right.

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Alex Jones and infowars gets over 100 million viewers throughout his websites, radio and youtube. I have seen many infowars shirts at trump rallies. I even seen a video of someone giving Donald Trump the infowars branded constitution lol 

Alex Jones has been interviewed on TV many times(piers morgan my fav), been mentioned on tv many times (Jimmy Kimmel my fav) 

I am guessing all that had something to do with Trump personally thanking Alex Jones. 

However, Trump has thanked all his supporters in general so I do believe stefan is included in that.

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Trump was also on the Savage Nation the day of the election.

no disrespect to stef, but i think there's more people who listen to Michael Savage than to Stef.  and Trump has been on the Savage Nation since before the primaries.

did Stef ever ask trump to come on the show?

Trump was on the Savage Nation for about 6 minuites.  Is it within the capacity and ability of The Great Stefan Molyneux to produce a show with a duration of less than 10 minutes?  I'm not even sure that's even within the realm of possibility.  A brief FDR podcast is like...  a liquid gas.  a space-breathing mammal.  formless consciousness.  a male female.  a 5-pointed flat-head screwdriver.  a pressurized vacuum.  a sphere with 8 vertices and 6 facets.  a fifth reverse gear.  a sale purchase.  a supply demand.  a gamma infrared wave.  consensual murder.  stagnant progress.

(i can do this all night.)

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His thumbs up rating on YT is >99% meaning the people watching agree with what he has to say.

Let's average out his YT views per video this election to about 150 000.

Each of those 150 000 is a person which agrees with what Stef has to say.

Each of those people has at least 1 friend which they convinced to vote for Trump.

So a really conservative estimate of the total votes Stef brought in is about 300 000.


Again, really conservative.

Because one of Stef's video might have convinced someone that in turn created a meme or video themselves which in turn convinced other people, and those other people convinced other people and so on.

In the words of Lionel Hutz, "We've got plenty of hearsay and conjecture.  Those are types of evidence."


I'm not even saying that he didn't swing, let's just say for fun, 250,000 votes.  Maybe FDR did, it isn't implausible


I'm just getting sick of people spouting faux facts that are wild conjecture without basis in regards to how successful the new direction of the show has been.


Firstly, I checked the two most relevant videos about Trump.  The first has over, 900,000 views, only 22,000 votes and the votes are closer to 80-85% thumbs-up.  In the next video, 159,000 views, only a third as many votes and again far from 99% that you touted as his average.  So right off the bat I call into question the veracity of using views as evidence when the viewers aren't even voting in large part, and the votes aren't tipped as favorable as his general average.


Secondly, we don't know the source of the viewers.  e.g. YouTube will direct people to common video types.  So if you have David Bowie's Golden Years in your head and hit it up on Youtube, it's going to give you a bunch of other Bowie songs you might want to hear as well.  And it will throw in some QUeen or other similarly-categorized music videos as well.  SO if someone is already a Trump supporter, and views Stef's video because he is in a positive feedback loop or wants to bolster his arguments against non-Trumpers or whatever else, then Stef didn't swing that vote.  The vote is correlated to the view but not caused by it.  SImilarly, if the guy is a fan of Milo and watches Stef interview with Milo, he isn't watching for Stef he is watching for Milo and Milo is the one who you would more reasonably attribute the vote to.


Third, do we know that all these people are American who are watching the videos.  I'm not American and a lot of callers in recent months have been calling from Europe to talk about the migrant crisis over there, as one example of how the show reaches far outside the US> (Stef isn't American himself, in fact. He lives in an opposite suburb of my neck of the woods). 



I could spend more time drawing objections to your suppositions, but I'm not going to bother.  I'm just trying to make the point that we do not know what effect the show has had.  We do not know what effects might have been had if the show had maintained its course from 2014 instead of turning political and pro-Trump.  There's no reason to make conjectures about either case.  You can like the show and state your reasons without making shit up.  And if the detractors start saying, "Hundreds of thousands of children beaten and circumcised by unpeaceful parents in 2016 because FDR was too busy on political issues instead of personal," then you can call bullshit on those people for making assumptions. 

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