IsaacGage860 Posted November 15, 2016 Posted November 15, 2016 Potential world changing post incoming. When it comes to race relations, a lot of people like to only ever consider their groups' race or creed and the plight they are experiencing. For the longest time that used to be me as well. As I grew up, even though I'm not white, I began to understand the struggles my fellow brothers and sisters in the pursuit of truth were going through on a daily basis. With this post I wish to shed some light on some misconceptions about slavery and America's if not the Western civilizations' history. If anyone out there who is Black still harbors grudges and resentment against white people for slavery in this country buckle in because you are about to get a history lesson. As it turns out slavery was a not a practice unique to America or the West in general. It was the British who first abolished the immoral institution in 1833:…/b…/rights/abolition.htmNot only was the West the first to abolish the practice, when it did unfortunately happen, the tradition of Protestant Revisionism allowed the people of the West to realize how evil slavery truly was and to reform their ideas and behavior.This is in stark contrast to say The Middle East slave trade where men and women were castrated in order to reduce their population numbers and keep them subservient. Overall, the slaves that did end up going to the West were treated far better than those who were unlucky enough to find themselves in Saudi Arabia, or Qatar. I don't see many if any American Africans traveling to the royal halls of the Saudi Prince to demand reparations from him.…/10-facts-about-the-arab-ensl…/This brings us to the present, where we have massive mobs of ungrateful, unruly African Americans who demand that the system be crushed and replaced. Replaced with what exactly? Socialism? I am certain we don't want to go down that road again given the preponderance of evidence showing Socialism's failures: you managed to stay with me this far what I have to say is this. Stop being unruly, disrespectful, hooligans and starting acting as if you possess an iota of dignity. Being an immigrant from Nairobi, Kenya it drives crazy to see how ungrateful and immature most Africans are when they are living like kings in the wealthiest nation ever to exist on the face of the earth populated by some of the most generous, patient, compassionate, loving, and peaceful people ever in human history. The idea that we as a group of people cannot coexist or even thrive with our less melanined fellow humans is a toxic idea that must be overcome. I like to think I and many others are living proof of this possibility. Love thy neighbor as one loves thy family and many of the "issues" we need to address vanish into thin air. Peace, love, and philosophy. #TheWestIsTheBest What do people think about this post? Did I get anything wrong? Was my analysis to brief? 4
dsayers Posted November 15, 2016 Posted November 15, 2016 I appreciate what you're doing here. I admire your willingness to do what's right when what's right isn't what's easy. Thanks for speaking up. Just so you know, Stef had done a Truth About Slavery (maybe not that exact title; don't recall) and he points this out. I also wanted to point out that I don't think black vs white has been about slavery for a while now. It's been about race baiting. It's a way of breeding dissent from within by telling one group that the other group thinks down on them. This is why I've never experienced racism: Because my mind's too strong to fall for that shit. 1 1
deadflagblues Posted November 15, 2016 Posted November 15, 2016 Your analysis is correct, and given the space you had to write, you did a good job. You missed out how slavery was an institution that was only allowed to succeed by government itself. To name a few such causes: Humans were allowed to be legal property, just as the walls of your house are - if you're renting your house, you are not allowed to destroy the walls of your house. The same applied to slaves - if you were renting a house that came with slaves attached, you were not allowed to free the slaves. The U.S. Government conscripted citizens (usually non-slave-owners) to spend hours each week patrolling an area and searching for any run-away slaves. This was not voluntary, and there was minimal if any pay. I recently read a book that I'm sure you would be extremely interested in: Thomas Sowell's "Black Rednecks & White Liberals". It's fantastic. 2
rosencrantz Posted November 15, 2016 Posted November 15, 2016 There is an outstanding book on race relations in America that can even be enjoyed by swiply normies. 2
aviet Posted November 15, 2016 Posted November 15, 2016 On 11/15/2016 at 7:19 AM, IsaacGage868 said: #TheWestIsTheBest What do people think about this post? Did I get anything wrong? Was my analysis to brief? You may know already, but I will add a few more points: - Slavery has been the norm all throughout history. Early societies consisted of a leader (alpha), henchmen (betas) and slaves (omegas); and women were often typically slaves. There is a timeline on abolition here: Note that the early mentions are almost exclusively European and many areas had abolition forced on them by Britain and France. I've read a number of early 'anthropological' books (17th century-) on contact with people in Africa and Australia. From these, you will find descriptions of the above alpha systems in which women were virtually all slaves and passed around like money. There is no specific mention of slavery in Australia, but it was clearly there. There are accounts of women being drug about and raped, used as possessions etc. - I can't remember specific sources, but academics estimate that about 30% of people in Sub-Saharan Africa were slaves before contact with Europe. I'd say that was 30% of men and virtually all women - Slaves were sold to Europeans by Africans - There are still many slaves, particularly in Africa and Muslim countries; notably Maurritiana, where ~20% of people are said to be slaves ( - The largest study of slave manifests for Atlantic voyages, which consulted an estimated 85% of manifests and used census data to adjust to find total numbers, found that only 2.4% of transported slaves landed in the US; though many seem to think the US was the only country ever involved in the practice. See: And where it reads Great Britain, read mostly Scotland - Indigenous Americans owned slaves, both before colonisation, and after, example: - The nature of the lives slaves was often quite different from the now popularised Django Unchanined story. Treatment of slaves varied massively. Some had a lot of possessions and even guns. A more accurate picture can be obtained from this large series of narratives: - Henry Louis Gates Jr is a good source for a more accurate representation of slavery in the US. Starer: 1
IsaacGage860 Posted November 15, 2016 Author Posted November 15, 2016 Thank you everyone for the responses. I just feel as a red pilled African American it is my duty to try and affect positive change however I can.
dsayers Posted November 16, 2016 Posted November 16, 2016 On 11/15/2016 at 9:37 PM, IsaacGage868 said: Thank you everyone for the responses. I just feel as a red pilled African American it is my duty to try and affect positive change however I can. Absolutely, and I really respect you experiencing that motivation! I was just talking with a friend last night about how it's one thing for us as men to recognize the ways in which society destroys and invalidates men. However, when a woman stands up, rejecting the "easy" path that narrative provides for her, rebuking her abusive sisters, calling out for education and actively working against that narrative, the message is just that much more potent. So while the message is definitely what matters, it will be that much better received because it's coming from somebody who would benefit from keeping it hidden. So thank you for your integrity. Please stay strong, my brother. 1 1
Mister Mister Posted November 16, 2016 Posted November 16, 2016 Nice job and I applaud what you're doing. A couple of facts I might add. Only a small percent of whites owned slaves in America. 400,000 white men died in the Civil War. Whites pay a majority of taxes, blacks receive a disproportionate amount of welfare payments. The total number since the 60s is estimated in the hundreds of billions of dollars. Democratic governments in majority white countries have passed and upheld preferential legislation supposedly in favor of blacks and other minorities. Also, I think the tone comes off as very harsh. Maybe this is what people need, I don't know. But it seems like in the interests of diplomacy you could at least acknowledge in some way that the facts and perspectives you are bringing to bear on the conversation are going to be startling to most people, especially black Americans, and especially people of any race who think black Americans are relentless victims of relentless white racism. Think about what kind of person you are trying to persuade, and really try to put yourself in their shoes. It's the hardest thing about this kind of writing I think. 2
Toys4 Posted November 17, 2016 Posted November 17, 2016 On 11/16/2016 at 4:44 AM, dsayers said: I was just talking with a friend last night about how it's one thing for us as men to recognize the ways in which society destroys and invalidates men. However, when a woman stands up, rejecting the "easy" path that narrative provides for her, rebuking her abusive sisters, calling out for education and actively working against that narrative, the message is just that much more potent. So while the message is definitely what matters, it will be that much better received because it's coming from somebody who would benefit from keeping it hidden. THis is something that I think about in my mind a lot. There are a lot of people in my life who are white who I am close to, have an affinity for and love. and a values that I support that stem from European and western etiquette and ideals. And I'm confronted with the question that I have to ask myself what am I doing to speak out against the constant guilt pressure of white people by the main stream? I'm not doing enough. I have cowardice within myself. I don't guilt whites myself and within the comfort of my friends I talk about the problems. But real strength lies when stepping out on platform where I talking to people who may not be aware of it and could learn from what I say, close their minds to it because they don't want to see the truth, or might actively be against talking about white guilt. and what you say dsayers me a black person talking about it bring up the issues of white guilt and shaming could be more potent as you say.
dsayers Posted November 17, 2016 Posted November 17, 2016 I hear you, brother. The whole purpose of abusing their power to inflict false narratives is put the price of social discomfort on doing the right thing. It's a sophisticated way for them to clear the path in front of them of anything that might stand in their way. I don't say this to pressure or judge you. But rather to empathize with the struggle that it is choosing between what's right and what's comfortable. It's not something anybody can decide for you. I will say that I admire anybody who would ask themselves the question of what they are doing. Even more so if their answer is not enough. Just take care to use that sentiment as encouragement and motivation, not as a tool with which to punish yourself. I'm doing more today than I was last week than I was last year. Thank you for speaking up here. I hope you will share your future challenges and successes as well 2
Satori253 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 In recent times, Stefan has had Jared Taylor from American Renaissance, along with other racial realists on his show. I don't know if it's because Stefan agrees with everything they say or if he just wants a diversity of perspectives on his show. While I recognize that lower IQ within races may have a correlation with higher rates of crime, that might result from ethnic minorities growing up in poverty, being given a bad example from gangsta rap, having a bad public education, etc., rather than anything genetic and inborn. According to Thomas Sowell, it's today's black subculture that's holding blacks back, rather than genetics: I hope that Stefan doesn't end up going in the direction of Gavin McInness, whose Youtube videos are primarily dedicated to expressing grievances as a white male being somehow oppressed by academia and Hollywood. If you ask me, people like Gavin McInnes are just reverse SJW's, rather than having any sort of rational argument.
Satori253 Posted December 12, 2016 Posted December 12, 2016 On 12/12/2016 at 12:25 AM, MMD said: We've addressed the poverty/crime stuff on the show... Crime causes poverty, not the other way around. There's more to it than just poverty. As Thomas Sowell explains, it's today's black sub-culture which is the biggest problem. The reason for higher crime rates in the black community need not be genetic determinism. There are various other causes which may be more compelling.
Satori253 Posted December 12, 2016 Posted December 12, 2016 The Thomas Sowell interview is worth watching. I first saw it in a video made by Paul Joseph Watson. If genetic determinism is the cause of the crime rate in a certain ethnic community, what can really be done to solve it? Whether the cause is poor education, generational poverty, or what Thomas Sowell would call the bad influence of a black subculture that glorifies crime and violence, these are at least things that can be changed. Hopefully the new Trump administration will deliver on its promise to clean up urban communities and improve the education they receive, so hopefully we will see a drop in crime in those urban areas.
DCLugi Posted December 12, 2016 Posted December 12, 2016 On 12/12/2016 at 4:12 AM, Satori253 said: The Thomas Sowell interview is worth watching. I first saw it in a video made by Paul Joseph Watson. If genetic determinism is the cause of the crime rate in a certain ethnic community, what can really be done to solve it? Whether the cause is poor education, generational poverty, or what Thomas Sowell would call the bad influence of a black subculture that glorifies crime and violence, these are at least things that can be changed. Hopefully the new Trump administration will deliver on its promise to clean up urban communities and improve the education they receive, so hopefully we will see a drop in crime in those urban areas. If I lose my keys in the basement but only search in the living room because there's more light I won't find my keys.
Satori253 Posted December 12, 2016 Posted December 12, 2016 On 12/12/2016 at 5:48 AM, DCLugi said: If I lose my keys in the basement but only search in the living room because there's more light I won't find my keys. Is that an argument? When Stefan had Diamond and Silk on his show, I don't recall him telling them that they are more prone to crime and violence because they have a lower IQ than white people due to genetic inheritance. That genetic inheritance is the primary cause of IQ differences between races doesn't seem to be a mainstream position, not even on the right. If Thomas Sowell or another black intellectual had an honest conversation about race with Stefan, I'd definitely want to see it.
dsayers Posted December 12, 2016 Posted December 12, 2016 On 12/12/2016 at 4:12 AM, Satori253 said: Hopefully the new Trump administration will deliver on its promise to clean up urban communities and improve the education they receive, so hopefully we will see a drop in crime in those urban areas. Violence achieves the opposite of its stated goals. Google laissez-faire. On 12/12/2016 at 6:06 AM, Satori253 said: Is that an argument? When Stefan had Diamond and Silk on his show, I don't recall him telling them that they are more prone to crime and violence because they have a lower IQ than white people due to genetic inheritance. Because the former is a specific, unknown case while the latter is a generality.
DCLugi Posted December 12, 2016 Posted December 12, 2016 On 12/12/2016 at 6:06 AM, Satori253 said: Is that an argument? When Stefan had Diamond and Silk on his show, I don't recall him telling them that they are more prone to crime and violence because they have a lower IQ than white people due to genetic inheritance. That genetic inheritance is the primary cause of IQ differences between races doesn't seem to be a mainstream position, not even on the right. If Thomas Sowell or another black intellectual had an honest conversation about race with Stefan, I'd definitely want to see it. No it's an analogy to saying, "I don't care what's true because believing what I believe makes me feel hopeful."
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