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The Sweetener


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The primary components of the alchahest taste BITTER and so, in order for it to be successfully administered from the loving spoon of the oligarchy it needs to be sweetened. And how sweet is our society? I argue it is the sweetest that there has ever been.


We've got drugs beyond drugs, opiates, psychedelics, empathetics, stimulants, depressants, painkillers, you name it.


We've got funny sex, 23 new types are developed every day.


We've got social media to let you access all the funny sex.


We've got advertisements salaciously selling hyperreal products as deftly as any glib-tongued Baghdad merchant.

We've got unlimited music in such quantities, with such convenience, with such fidelity, with such quality of skilled craftsmanship and cleverly dripping hooks.


We've got NASCAR


Perfume and


Haute coutoure


Gewgaws and


Billboards and




We've got art galleries and




Colourful maps and


Unlimited options for interior decorating.


We've got bubblegum and


Comic books and


Silver screen and


Multicultural cuisine.


We've got cheap education


We've got roll the dice


We've got the death of God


And the luxury of Summer ice.


We've got lights in our massive cities


We've got cameras in our hands


We've got action on our screens


We've got the luxury of being clean.


We've got it so good our poor people are the fat ones, our rich the skinny. Imagine what the Royalty of olde would have paid for a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Why I heard once that a single pineapple could be had in Europe in the 17th Century for approximately $10,000. Now imagine how much meat Westerners eat, how many delicacies from around the World. It's amazing and what's more amazing is how used to it all we've become. We just accept that pouring sugar—or cocaine—on our already sugared cereal so we can pop an insulin pill and keep our blood sugar level down is normal. And we wonder why we aren't getting more out of life, we wonder how deep this fabulous goodie box is.


But sugar rots the teeth, and pleasure rots the soul. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” says Jeremiah. Pleasure numbs the pain of lacking the higher pleasures in life, the happiness-creating pleasures like Family, Nation, and Creativity. So in a sense we are a Civilisation addicted not to a healthy sweetness, but to a kind of artificial oligarchal sweetener.


Guilt + Illogicality + Shock + Base Sweetness = ALCAHEST, the Universal Solvent

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