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Have you guys been following up on 4chan's investigation into the government for pedophilia?

This guy does a pretty decent job on chronicling the data so far.



The evidence is absolutely insane. Over the past year there have been several credible sources on 4chan and other anonymous image boards that have given sensitive information to bring down the Clintons. From warnings about the Trump-tape (even before its release) to advice to suggestions to investigate the Clinton-Foundation over anything else. However there have been several warning regarding this particular rabbit-hole implying it goes really deep implicating powerful foreign state officials.


Assange is more than likely dead and with his assassination one has to wonder if we're not on the brink of a world-wide crisis if those in power are getting so desperate to resort to such drastic means.

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A lot of 4chan claims have not materialized into evidence, charges, and convictions. My expectations on this line of inquiry have always been low.


I still think the real crux of the criminal enterprise is intentional, cavalier access to sensitive, confidential, top secret, or compartmentalized information to unauthorized individuals.

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I've heard about this.


Update: If you have spoken to others about this, do you find it more effective (referring to the receptivity of the audience) to lead with this, or build your way to it through the more commonly known e-mail scandals/Clinton foundation connection?


Related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=346KeO7LcYI


[Video presents a potential on-going cover-up of this topic.]

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Sorry couldn't get through the first video, but I saw more than enough of the posts given as examples for further investigation..


Please do watch the second video of post 2, it's shorter, and we owe it to the parents of an abducted and probably murdered child.  Mostly, it's the slam dunk video to watch, re the Podesta brothers and that missing girl.


EDIT:  After researching the rabbit hole of that child's disappearance, shown here below in post 30, I now realize that the parents were likely involved (the original police report explicitly says so), so I alter my directions of sympathy.

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Assange is more than likely dead and with his assassination one has to wonder if we're not on the brink of a world-wide crisis if those in power are getting so desperate to resort to such drastic means.


Excuse me? Can you please provide evidence for this extraordinary claim? I couldn’t find any story on an assassination.

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Excuse me? Can you please provide evidence for this extraordinary claim? I couldn’t find any story on an assassination.

I recommend this subreddit for the topic of Assange's whereabouts:




This post sums the situation pretty well:



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The child-bondage "art" and the spirit cooking alone is enough to know these people are certifiably evil and insane. How can people even consider being associated with these scum, let alone let them steer the country.


One theory is that those in power can not trust one another, so they instead generate mutually assured destruction.

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I remember seeing a connection from the pizza place to the head of the government child trafficking department.  If that's legit, then we're literally faced with asking the pedos to investigate themselves or do it ourselves.  Given that the clear choice is to do it ourselves, it's frustrating that the subreddit on this was banned. 

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I remember seeing a connection from the pizza place to the head of the government child trafficking department.  If that's legit, then we're literally faced with asking the pedos to investigate themselves or do it ourselves.  Given that the clear choice is to do it ourselves, it's frustrating that the subreddit on this was banned. 


I did not know that the subreddit was banned...  :mellow:


Edit: This reminds me of the recent video with Lord Monckton about how someone paid to scatter dead-end links on Google in order to bury the viral video (another form of censorship)...

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Does anybody find these claims and speculations hard to believe?


Certainly, and it doesn't help that Adam Curry, who broke out internationally before he was a MTV VJ by exposing Dutch pedophilia scandals, and has been watching these sorts of scandals like the ones in UK politics and media for a long time, doesn't think there's much real scandal to go on, Yeah, Abramovic does creepy art and hangs out with Lady Gaga, and Epstein provided underage teenage girls on his airplane and island, but the rest of it is unsubstantiated.

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Provided that this is an actual ring, what would be needed for proof, without a reasonable doubt, in court?


On the other hand, what would be needed to likewise disprove it?


what ring? The ring in the FBI document is nothing to do with pizzagate 

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what ring? The ring in the FBI document is nothing to do with pizzagate 


I'm referring to both the pedophile ring in Hollywood and the one in D.C. (alleged), and whether or not they are connected to a larger ring (such as the Rotherham ring -- link below -- or the Afghan ring).


Related: [link]


CalebSC brought up a good point that we don't know if the FBI document is an actual FBI document, but it wasn't the only piece from the original post.


The specific link to pizzagate is the use of the symbols in the document within the logos (before they changed it), menus, and promotional materials for Comet (etc.) from the original post. This hinges on the premise that these are indeed images with encoded meaning for ring participants.


Edit: @neeeel Maybe there was a misunderstanding, did you think I was talking about "ring" as in jewelry worn on one's finger?  :huh:

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Does anybody find these claims and speculations hard to believe?

Not at all.  Self consistent, and completely in character.  Same ol' red pill.  


Did you notice in the clip about Trump playing Hillary's line of "takes a village to raise a child", saying that she should know, she took a number of them?  Without this pedophilia, the remark makes little sense; implying with this info that she thru the Clinton Foundation took many children, makes sense.  And Hillary's response was a defensive grimace.  Why wouldn't she just do a stage shrug if nothing to it?  What did Trump really mean when he said if he was president, Hillary would be in jail?  Lots to choose from I know, but this would be a real jail crime.  


And the second video, the Podestas are 1/3 mile from a child abduction and the witness descriptions are a blatant match.


Confirm the validity of the wanted suspects images by looking at this brief police announcement clip,

E-fits released in Madeleine McCann case | Madeleine - The Truth


then compare the police phone number in the clip with an unrelated police case--

Police issue warning as murderer goes missing from hospital in Wales | UK news | The Guardian


"but the rest of it is unsubstantiated."


Andrew Kline's name as the purchasing agent of the suspect property which incorporates pedophilia code into it's logo and menu?  


Also, here's an earlier reprint of the FBI page in a police newsletter from years ago: https://oramosmex.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/police_crime_bulletin_2007-03-14-pdf.pdf

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I've just gone down the McCann rabbit hole, and am coming up to take a breath and report before plunging again.  

The gist:  the Portugal police concluded it's a cover up, probably an accidental death.  Here is the police report, handwritten original and translated English, with a few translation oddities, such as the British boot for car trunk became booth.  Arguido means "a suspect."  Occultation means obscuring, such as hiding the body.  Please do pay attention to the part about the dogs trained to sniff cadaver and blood smells.  Any Portuguese speakers here?



Inquiry is blocked.  The message is out: ask questions and get your life ruined.  Like the Portuguese investigator who believed it to be a crime and cover up, and was financially ruined for the effort.  As reported within this:  

Criminal Profiler Pat Brown Visits Portugal to Search for Madeleine McCann - YouTube

(there's a bit of voice and a lot of icky music; consider turning the sound off)


>> Who has that kind of power? <<

The attorneys who squelch the efforts also work for major power brokers.
Scan this without skipping, lots of very suspicious items.  It has timelines and quotes and diary entries by the girl's parents among other things:
This might seem like another rambling blog, but notice that this is an example of a significant following of this case by the public.  Then scan it, lots of suspicious items.  It's lower value than other links here.
Also there's the funky pic of Podesta with the number 14 and a fish written on his hands (not to mention gobs of shady stuff on his Facebook as shown in the OP video).  The meaning apparently goes back to the story of Osiris, who is dead, and cut into 14 pieces, and his penis is eaten by a fish.  Watch this video, and you will see medieval woodcuts of such practices, and quotes from old documents about these rituals, which go back probably millennia.  
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Oh, and I forgot to mention something I noticed that nobody else has.  (My previous post would've been edited but is off is review land.)


In that link about Podesta and the hand symbols, in the latter half, it's mentioned that the sacrificed victim is cut up good...and never tell anyone...and various parts are cooked and offered to different gods, one of which is...drum roll....Vesta!


And the name of Besta Pizza reminds us of which ancient god?

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At the very least a culture of appreciating art and performances that glorify murder, satanism, pedophilia, and cannibalism among elites has been uncovered.  At the most, we've bumped an iceberg that is a pedophile ring.  If you're of the mindset: "well, they're not violating anyone's property rights by purchasing art that shows children being tortured", then I could understand how this isn't huge to you.  I do not share this mindset.  I vehemently detest the idea that my tax dollars are paying people who are into this shit.  So even if there's no pedophile ring whatsoever, I still advocate spreading information pertaining to pizzagate far and wide. 

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Here's a short 20 minute video which is more organized and coherent than the other videos I have watched on this so far. It lays out the case step by step. I still find this hard to believe. I knew Hillary Clinton was a sick person, but this is beyond sick.

I don't know if the video will open when I post it or not, I've never posted a video here before. If it doesn't, will someone let me know how to?


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Oh, and I forgot to mention something I noticed that nobody else has.  (My previous post would've been edited but is off is review land.)


In that link about Podesta and the hand symbols, in the latter half, it's mentioned that the sacrificed victim is cut up good...and never tell anyone...and various parts are cooked and offered to different gods, one of which is...drum roll....Vesta!


And the name of Besta Pizza reminds us of which ancient god?


oh come on, seriously?

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Here's a short 20 minute video which is more organized and coherent than the other videos I have watched on this so far. It lays out the case step by step. I still find this hard to believe. I knew Hillary Clinton was a sick person, but this is beyond sick.

I don't know if the video will open when I post it or not, I've never posted a video here before. If it doesn't, will someone let me know how to?



Thanks for doing that, Caleb.  I also saw it, and found it a very good intro piece.  I wanted to also say that I've watched about a dozen videos on this, and each one has additional information.  This is a very very big Rabbit Hole.  I recommend visiting the above links every day or two to see what new Youtubes have been added.  And I very much appreciate these efforts by individual citizens with character.  

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