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Here's the two-part smoking gun for any disbelievers:


1) An email from Tamera Luzzatto which could be dismissed as poorly chosen words, until you see 2) her web page, which states the following about a toddler:


Evelyn is growing up, soon she will be the Queen of the entire US of A, right now, for a limited time only, you can spend some time with her online, raw and uncut. Take advantage of this now, as in the future she will have the power of life and death over you.

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oh come on, seriously?


Completely serious.  How much video have you watched?  Look at my post 30 here, about 12 : 27 Vesta is specifically mentioned as getting part of the torso, along with Pan (lots of trivia in this rabbit hole), plus the other details in post 30.  Podesta's Fish and 14 hand tattoos explained - YouTube


There is a very long list of items, it's pick and chose time:


This is a code.  It is an "in plain sight" code.  You see what you want to see. -- 4 : 31   Ch 4


There is the menu graphic, as I recall a red bar with three simple marketing words, which is not any sort of menu header, and the first letters are PED, as in pedophilia.


"Pizza" is a major code word for pedophilia.


The pizza slice logo contained a clear pedophilia symbol of spiraling triangles.  


In a nearby restaurant connected to the whole thing, The Little Red Fox, on the wall, seen here at 5 : 35


 are two paintings on a minor wall, of two animals in business suits and heads showing.  Awww, isn't that cute, two animals in suits, would say the general public.  Except that they are the two animals, owl and goat, associated since antiquity with whatever labels are to be inserted here, but it's cults of power brokers were talking about.


Podesta has his hands all scarred up in the ritual manner!!


There is video of a band playing at these events and the lead singer is explicitly wondering aloud about child sex.  I forget the exact video or words but it's quite clear intent, probably searchable.



There is another thing I just noticed.  When I first saw the Besta logo, something was odd about the cheese image, but I couldn't think what.  After seeing the paintings, my subconscious must have been doing pattern matching.


Someplace in those paintings shown on somebody's FB, there are children suspended by ropes under their armpits, legs dangling.  (I will try to find those links.)  


I'm looking at that Besta logo again, and what is meant to be seen as dripping cheese...cheese is also a code word for sex with young girls...can also be seen as pairs of dangling legs.  Besta-Pizza-Original-Logo.png


I propose that the dripping cheese ...which by the way, based on the dot locations, seems to orient the eye to believe that cheese is dripping from the crust edge of the pizza slice, not the cut edges, the opposite of real pizza cheese...actually shows five hanging children, visible from the armpits downward, legs dangling.  


The rightmost line, and the smudging of the rightmost "figure" next to it, could easily represent more children, but off camera as it were, throwing off the eye of the general public.  


Look at it!  Have you ever seen cheese drip in a regular pattern like that?  If you were a graphic designer, would you even consider it?  (Search pizza marketing images.)  It looks like it is output from an electronic wave generator!  


I propose that most designers would introduce a quasi-randomness element, because real dripping cheese is that way, and it's randomness thus already has Pavlovian appeal to our appetite.  It's got me wanting pizza just writing about real dripping cheese!


Understand, these people have been playing with us, and pulling it off until a phishing incident.  They are thumbing noses at us by putting it in plain sight.  And they are steering potential clientele with a very distinctive store sign, as any store would do, like a barbershop's striped pole, or crossed skis above a ski store.  If you never heard of a barbershop or skiing, would you understand the images so clear to others?




Also, would some of you who visit various YouTube pages on this topic add the above info, re the Vesta link (Podesta's hand markings), and the dangling legs image, into the comments section of those pages?  These things have not been noticed anyplace that I've seen and it needs to add to the public aggregate knowledge as quickly as possible.

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Here's the two-part smoking gun for any disbelievers:


1) An email from Tamera Luzzatto which could be dismissed as poorly chosen words, until you see 2) her web page, which states the following about a toddler:



I have to admit that these can also be seen as innocent, the use of phrases not unlike what a comic might have in stock.  Not that it changes anything else.

I also just wrote a big post here, posted and read it here, then when I checked again it was gone.  ???  

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They're barbarians! I've been trying to think of a word for them. First I was considering calling them savages, but that doesn't really fit. Barbarians is a much better word. I know that name-calling isn't an argument, but I think it's important to have an accurate word for these people, and I think barbarians is the best one.


..."...but these people could have access to nuclear weapons, and I would not wait for their conscience to come up and prevent their use. The mutually assured destruction of ideologies, Communism vs pseudo-Capitalism. There was mutually assured destruction that limited the capacity of ideology to wreak havoc on the world. But this toxic, negative, satanic nihilism is not an ideology that seeks to survive in the long-run."

--Stefan Molyneux


BARBARIAN: mid-14c., from Medieval Latin barbarinus (source of Old French barbarin "Berber, pagan, Saracen, barbarian"), from Latin barbaria "foreign country," from Greek barbaros "foreign, strange, ignorant," from PIE root *barbar- echoic of unintelligible speech of foreigners (compare Sanskrit barbara- "stammering," also "non-Aryan," Latin balbus "stammering," Czech blblati "to stammer").


BARBARITY: 1560s, "want of civilization," from Latin barbarus (see barbarian) + -ity. Meaning "savage cruelty" is recorded from 1680s.


"Want of civilization", or lack of civilization, is the main point. These people aren't civilized.

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I just had a pizza Quattro Stagioni. What does that mean?

It seems to mean that you are not paying attention if this is just a joke.


Get the picture yet? Imgur:  

(Notice that if those original dots are supposed to be pepperoni slices, then the cheese, itself a code word, is dripping off the crust edge.  Which real pizza never does.)


By the way, I seem to be the first person on the internet (at least the top Google hits) to notice this, which makes me feel right proud to join the many individual citizens in digging out what has been described as the biggest news story ever.  Yay us.


I'm putting the above link in Youtube comments where I can.  Those of you who are much more internet savvy, would you do so in other forums and channels? .


And OP, thanks.

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These people, they want dominion over children right? But wait, hmmmm, dominion dominio domino DOMINOS. There we go, 100% proof that dominos is really the centre of a world wide pedophilia ring. I mean, come on, dominos is a childs game right? they want to PLAY with children. The dots in the logo look a little suspicious as well.


And talk about in plain sight, theres a paediatrician living down my street! I mean, how much more in plain sight do you want to be? He even had a sign telling everyone! Obviously we need to get a mob to go and violently assault him (as happened in the UK not that long ago)








Nope, in no way is this 100% proof. Its conjecture, seeing things that arent there, drawing parallels between two different or unrelated things. A Rose is a common symbol in architecture, for example, but for this guy, its evidence? Nope, not evidence. 


But you dont care about truth, or evidence, you WANT this to be true, and so drink this up greedily, and ignore anything that is counter to your narrative. 


you ALTERED the besta pizza logo in order to support your claim, how fucking dishonest do you want to be? "look , if I add in these extra things, the logo now looks totally different! 100% PROOF"



Edit to add : As I understand it ( as explained to me by someone who frequented 4chan) pizza is not a code word for pedophilia, its a code word for child pornography, ie cp, cheese pizza, and it originated in 4chan, so it cant be more than 10 years old.

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Good lord, Neeeel, what are you doing?


Yes, altered the image to put in what is only suggested to the insiders.  SO YOU CAN SEE WHAT'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU.  You tell me, no evasiveness, do you, yes or no, see the human figures in the altered image?  Which, eyes wide open please, also contains a known child sex symbol.  Could YOU take any other pizza marketing image...scour the internet...add some dots and have not just one, but a row of five, human figures?  C'mon, do the homework.  Do you really have that little understanding of graphic arts in general?  Many logos have elements of suggestion.  That's how they work.  13 famous company logos with hidden messages


I'd be curious for you to find me some examples of a rose being common in architecture.  And by the way, what was the body count in The War Of The Roses?--the wrong rose meant you were dead.  Hardly just a decorative element.  They are symbols, they take on additional meaning to various groups, invisible to the uninformed.  Like those goat and owl paintings in the Little Fox restaurant -- just random cute animal paintings?  Just happened to be ancient cult symbols?  I guess the art shop was all out of other animals....    


And you are being silly with grabbing at air, like Domino's.  Which is NEVER mentioned.  You are avoiding what's right in front of you.  Did you actually view all the videos or just skip thru?  Take the pediatrician reference and plunk it into the Insipid File.  


I don't think your friend from 4chan has a clue what they are talking about.  Child porn but not child sex? -- oh well, that makes everything okay.  Not like word usage morphs or anything.  And if it originated in 4chan (where's the source on that?), what does that have to do with the emails of Podesta, Obama, etc. which are full of these references?  Gee, all these words here in this post originated decades or centuries ago or more, maybe far away; I guess I couldn't use them now for my own purpose.


And I still haven't seen anyone understandably skeptical respond to the lead singer in one of their parties explicitly reference child sex?  How about the secret panel bathrooms with erotic art and graffiti saying something like "shut up and fuck"?  


What about it, Neeeel, did you skip over these parts, or just chose to ignore them?  The Podesta emails are chock full of references to pizza, cheese, etc., that make no sense without the hidden meanings, what about them?  To paraphrase yourself:  "how furshluggener dishonest do you want to be?"


And by the way, show me even one thing that is counter to the narrative.  Be prepared to have it examined.

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Good lord, Neeeel, what are you doing?


Yes, altered the image to put in what is only suggested to the insiders.  SO YOU CAN SEE WHAT'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU.  You tell me, no evasiveness, do you, yes or no, see the human figures in the altered image?  Which, eyes wide open please, also contains a known child sex symbol.  Could YOU take any other pizza marketing image...scour the internet...add some dots and have not just one, but a row of five, human figures?  C'mon, do the homework.  Do you really have that little understanding of graphic arts in general?  Many logos have elements of suggestion.  That's how they work.  13 famous company logos with hidden messages




yes, YOU altered it. Are you saying you are an insider? 


And you are being silly with grabbing at air, like Domino's.  Which is NEVER mentioned.  You are avoiding what's right in front of you.  Did you actually view all the videos or just skip thru?  Take the pediatrician reference and plunk it into the Insipid File.  



Nope, I am demonstrating that you can start at your end point , and work backwards to make almost anything fit.

You dont think that people mistaking a paediatrician for a paedophile, just because of the WORD, and going to attack him, is stupid , and incredibly worrying? Ok then




I don't think your friend from 4chan has a clue what they are talking about.  Child porn but not child sex? -- oh well, that makes everything okay.  Not like word usage morphs or anything.  And if it originated in 4chan, where's the source on that, what does that have to do with the emails of Podesta, Obama, etc. which are full of these references?  Gee, all these words here in this post originated decades or centuries ago or more, maybe far away; I guess I couldn't use them now for my own purpose.



Yup, as I said, someone posts something counter to your narrative, and its ignored, or dismissed out of hand, with feels, or non arguments



And by the way, show me even one thing that is counter to the narrative.  Be prepared to have it examined.



Cheese pizza being a relatively new "code" and not meaning what you say it means

James alefantis not actually being an anagram 

Tenuous connections between symbols. conjecture, supposition

Blatantly altered or made up images






"how furshluggener dishonest do you want to be?"



Show me where and how I have been dishonest? 




Again, NONE of what you have shown is proof of anything. And its not evidence of anything. Thats what I am objecting to. "100% Proof" you all shout, when its all fluff and air. 

the only thing I would consider even close to evidence ( and it still not evidence, per se) is that the 2 mugshots of the madelaine mcann suspects, and the pictures of the 2 podesta brothers , are very similar. 

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My post disappeared again.  What's with that?


Neeel, does noticing the arrow in the FedEx logo, on one's own, make them an employee of FedEx?  Do police detectives discover clues because they are criminals?  Or do they simply know how to look?  I think the word here is disingenuous.


You completely avoided any of my challenges, such as making any other pizza image suddenly have five human figures.  That's dishonest.  


Cheese pizza being a relatively new "code" and not meaning what you say it means

--uh huh, and you avoid the Podesta references, AGAIN -- what did HE mean?  And what does new have to do with it?  You ever see anyone using a NEW consumer product?  Works fine, doesn't it?


James alefantis not actually being an anagram 

--I don't even know what you mean.  It sounds like "I like children" in French. It does.  Really.


Tenuous connections between symbols. conjecture, supposition

--The FBI doesn't think so. 


Blatantly altered or made up images

--the blatant is already there; I just put a light on it.  

Still challenging you to find even one other example where a few dots can suddenly make several people images in a row.  

And explain why the cheese is dripping from the crust edge, and where in your life have you seen cheese drip in a pattern?  If you use 0 as the "crust edge", 1 as the length of the middle sections of each "person", and 2 as the length of the "legs" then the data from left to right is:






2, then the image stops.

And you don't see a pattern?  


"You dont think that people mistaking a paediatrician for a paedophile, just because of the WORD, and going to attack him, is stupid , and incredibly worrying? Ok then"

--I never said that.  Of course it's stupid, so stupid it's not worth mentioning.  Was that pediatrician in any way connected to any other evidence?  I'm guessing not.  Is pizzagate a huge tangle of evidence?  Yes.


The info is there.  I'm done here.

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 Is pizzagate a huge tangle of evidence?  



No its a huge tangle of conjecture, guesswork, made up stuff, leaps of faith, seeing things that arent there, and outright lies



Edit: Just listened to the rest of the "100% proof" video you linked to. just lol if you believe this guy. He believes in actual satan, satanic worship, demons, witches, and urges to stay strong with prayer. Nothing he said is anywhere near proof, never mind 100% proof

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[Video about an app for members which lays out rules to follow and odd word choice in reference to pizza.]




[Video about missing children reports -- with focus on Virginia -- confirmed previous cases of child trafficking and a bit about the culture.]

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No its a huge tangle of conjecture, guesswork, made up stuff, leaps of faith, seeing things that arent there, and outright lies



Edit: Just listened to the rest of the "100% proof" video you linked to. just lol if you believe this guy. He believes in actual satan, satanic worship, demons, witches, and urges to stay strong with prayer. Nothing he said is anywhere near proof, never mind 100% proof


You take YouTube titles seriously?  

HE is pointing out what THEY do.  

You seem to have a penchant for missing the message and attacking the messenger.  In Forum Tradition, it's about here that someone mentions Stef's Bomb In The Brain series.  


"Evidence" means things to evaluate.  There is a huge tangle of things to evaluate.  And you STILL are declining to answer any of my challenges.  Evidence is to examine in detail, not dismiss en masse with a hand wave.  C'mon Neeel, I'm daring you, gauntlet time:  find me another pizza image that can make five fairly symmetrical* human figures simply by adding five dots.  Or even one figure!


(*'Cause if it's too symmetrical, it's a giveaway, right?)


What's this made up stuff?  The emails peppered with code words, the use of known pedo symbols, the singer explicitly mentioning child sex (you still avoid this one), the bathrooms behind secret panels (avoided), these are made up???   Podesta's hacked FB images with ancient murderous symbolism on his hand...somebody made that up?  


How about Trump's jab at Hillary?  Trump Mic Drop on Haiti - YouTube

Tell me what you think he meant, and explain Hillary's reaction.  


Do so with accepting pizzagate, and do so by denying pizzagate.  And don't run away from the question this time.  Here's a form for you to fill in:


Pizzagate false--

Trump's remark meant:

Hillary's facial reaction is because:


Pizzagate true--

Trump's remark meant:

Hillary's facial reaction is because:



By the way, in at least one of those emails, Haitian food is mentioned.  I don't even know what Haitian real food is.  In code, yawn are we paying attention yet, it means Haitian children -- this is in emails with other known code words.


B.Clinton DOJ human trafficking division appointee Andrew Kline's name is on the building purchase as the purchasing agent, which you did see, because it's in the videos. -- This is which of these:  "conjecture, guesswork, made up stuff, leaps of faith, seeing things that arent there, and outright lies"  


This item alone is a red flag big enough to blot out the sun.  Please explain it if pizzagate is false.  "Well, the guy supposed to find human traffickers bought a building...by chance...that seems to be a central point in human trafficking."  I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell to you.


And dangit, stop avoiding the specific questions!


(I guess it was my leap of faith that I was done here.)

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"Evidence" means things to evaluate


no it doesnt.


Someone saying " oh look, if you add in something here, it kinda looks like something else " is  NOT evidence. 


and I dont give a fuck about what trump said. I dont have to say anything about that.



HE is pointing out what THEY do.  




No, he really isnt. He is pointing out what he THINKS they do. Nothing in that video is evidence of anything.





Hmm, the pointing finger and 2 other fingers kinda look like an immature penis and balls..... OH MY GOD, MR PIZZA IS A PEDOPHILE!!!!!!!!!!

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Code Systems  

Ciphers are created by replacing individual characters of plain text with cipher text characters. Codes differ from cipher systems in that code text may represent letters, numbers, words, or phrases. Codes are typically used to add two elements to communications: secrecy and brevity. Military and espionage code systems place the greatest emphasis on secrecy; civilian agencies and corporations use technical codes for brevity, often with no concern for security. Criminals use codes for both purposes. Unlike cipher systems which can be deciphered using set procedures and techniques, codes cannot be deciphered without some knowledge of what the writer is attempting to conceal. 

Drug Codes
Drug records normally consist of dates, accounts, units, prices, and sometimes drug types. Drug traffickers often use codewords to disguise their activity, and these are limited only by the imagination of the drug trafficker. Typically different codewords are used in conversation to differentiate between drug types. For example, the code white indicates cocaine, and green indicates marijuana.


The ciphers and codes presented are examples of the many cryptographic systems used by criminals. Many of the ciphers and codes in this article can be easily decrypted, but in some instances, deciphering a code or cipher requires special training. 

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I'm confused about why this was posted.  Do you really think that it's the existence of encoded language that people here are skeptical of?  We are--what--like roughly 70% computer scientists/software engineers here?  I highly doubt that the idea of encoding or cryptography is lost on this community.




Code Systems  

Ciphers are created by replacing individual characters of plain text with cipher text characters. Codes differ from cipher systems in that code text may represent letters, numbers, words, or phrases. Codes are typically used to add two elements to communications: secrecy and brevity. Military and espionage code systems place the greatest emphasis on secrecy; civilian agencies and corporations use technical codes for brevity, often with no concern for security. Criminals use codes for both purposes. Unlike cipher systems which can be deciphered using set procedures and techniques, codes cannot be deciphered without some knowledge of what the writer is attempting to conceal. 

Drug Codes
Drug records normally consist of dates, accounts, units, prices, and sometimes drug types. Drug traffickers often use codewords to disguise their activity, and these are limited only by the imagination of the drug trafficker. Typically different codewords are used in conversation to differentiate between drug types. For example, the code white indicates cocaine, and green indicates marijuana.


The ciphers and codes presented are examples of the many cryptographic systems used by criminals. Many of the ciphers and codes in this article can be easily decrypted, but in some instances, deciphering a code or cipher requires special training. 

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It's still the crux of the argument, no matter what side you're coming at it from. There is scant evidence available so far, and not enough to press charges with. If the alleged codes are proven to be true, then there will be grounds for legal action. At least I'm being reasonable and respectful. And sometimes I think it's good to just review the basics, or read over the manual so to speak, to keep focused. That's what good investigators do. Sticking to the basics keeps you from wandering too far off into lala land.

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Eh, why don't we just post the images of clear pedophilia references here tho and leave those for discussions? 





While things like this are not sufficient evidence for prosecution or legal conclusions I'm sure a lot of the outrage comes from governmental employees involved with child's protective services owning some of these establishments and how this is mostly just ignored at large.


People outside of the political sphere of influence get crucified over far less so when things seem obvious (because they're not fully encrypted) people are likely getting pissed that further investigations seem to be avoided. Though I'm sure someone over in the criminal departments of the gov are just itching to open this case and likely have access to better evidence one way or another. 


However I know I have a different view on this thing. For me personally I could easily understand the chicken lovers reference due to knowing older code that referred to similar things from prostitution rings. 

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It's still the crux of the argument, no matter what side you're coming at it from. There is scant evidence available so far, and not enough to press charges with. If the alleged codes are proven to be true, then there will be grounds for legal action. At least I'm being reasonable and respectful. And sometimes I think it's good to just review the basics, or read over the manual so to speak, to keep focused. That's what good investigators do. Sticking to the basics keeps you from wandering too far off into lala land.

Yes, very sad serendipity I guess, by happy chance ran across the youtubes where the Belgians almost revolted years ago.  I know what I will do, if something happens to one of my great grandchildren while I still live. (They will die very slow)

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 If the alleged codes are proven to be true, then there will be grounds for legal action. 


What does this mean? Even if we show that they werent talking about pizza and pasta, it still isnt evidence that anything has happened, and you dont have grounds for legal action just for using words to mean something different from what they usually mean. You need actual crimes


Eh, why don't we just post the images of clear pedophilia references here tho and leave those for discussions? 



What clear pedophilia references? The first one, a man is holding a toddler. Unless I am totally missing something, I dont see anything that is a "clear pedophilia reference"


The second one, I suppose , yes, it could be reference to bondage or something, it could also be a child and adult playing about. It is possible that this scenario came about innocently. The fact that you look at this picture and see something sexual says something about you, not necessarily about whoever took the photo or was playing with the child ( or, I suppose its possible that I am totally naive). I am guessing you might be arguing " Well, I would never do that to a child, even in play, it would be abusive" and perhaps thats right, but most people dont think like that, and that doesnt automatically mean that its sexually motivated.

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What does this mean? Even if we show that they werent talking about pizza and pasta, it still isnt evidence that anything has happened, and you dont have grounds for legal action just for using words to mean something different from what they usually mean. You need actual crimes



What clear pedophilia references? The first one, a man is holding a toddler. Unless I am totally missing something, I dont see anything that is a "clear pedophilia reference"


The second one, I suppose , yes, it could be reference to bondage or something, it could also be a child and adult playing about. It is possible that this scenario came about innocently. The fact that you look at this picture and see something sexual says something about you, not necessarily about whoever took the photo or was playing with the child ( or, I suppose its possible that I am totally naive). I am guessing you might be arguing " Well, I would never do that to a child, even in play, it would be abusive" and perhaps thats right, but most people dont think like that, and that doesnt automatically mean that its sexually motivated.

Yes, trial by social media is wrong absolutely, but if you know for sure ,with those above the law, then the law will not help you. period. Then follow my advice

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People outside of the political sphere of influence get crucified over far less so when things seem obvious (because they're not fully encrypted)


You are begging the question. You already assume that there is a code and that it means something far worse. This has yet to be established. As long as the questions of When? Where? What? How? can't be answered the thing remains a hoax. 

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What clear pedophilia references? The first one, a man is holding a toddler. Unless I am totally missing something, I dont see anything that is a "clear pedophilia reference"


The second one, I suppose , yes, it could be reference to bondage or something, it could also be a child and adult playing about. It is possible that this scenario came about innocently. The fact that you look at this picture and see something sexual says something about you, not necessarily about whoever took the photo or was playing with the child ( or, I suppose its possible that I am totally naive). I am guessing you might be arguing " Well, I would never do that to a child, even in play, it would be abusive" and perhaps thats right, but most people dont think like that, and that doesnt automatically mean that its sexually motivated.

It's understandable that you wouldn't see it. My guess is that you're not a huge sexual deviant. But a failure to see it outright doesn't mean that it's not there for people who are better acquainted with these matters. 


For instance. 


Yellow Bracelets around the neck bonding the two together. Seems innocent enough, yes? But there's also a none too obscure known game known as sex bracelets wherein yellow is a reference different things. The first result on urban dictionary is analingus. But eh, that'd be hard to prove from this image... however the more common definition when scrolling through the collection of "What sex bracelets typically mean" just in urban dictionary alone shows that Yellow bracelets refer to hugging. 


Naturally, for me, this would raise concerns that someone is involving such a young child with anything denoted as "Sex Bracelets" especially since they refer to a game around erotic acts. 


But that's still not any hard evidence, you know. In fact, in the good health of remaining a skeptic and playing devils advocate.


However the most concerning part of the image, to me, is the hashtag for it. "#chickenlovers" The reason this one bothered me so much is because I instantly had a gut reaction that the way chicken was used here was in reference to an older term I knew - chickenhawks. It means young homosexual prostitution.


And yes, even THIS is not enough evidence for a conviction. But given all of this are you able to see why people would start feeling concern/outrage when you combine it with all these other factors?  Do you understand why there'd be people suddenly wanting further investigation into these issues? Because generally the more info you have about this culture and their lingo the more the secondary signs become obvious. Yes, you can't see them initially, you're not supposed to, that's the whole point of it. 




You are begging the question. You already assume that there is a code and that it means something far worse. This has yet to be established. As long as the questions of When? Where? What? How? can't be answered the thing remains a hoax. 

The first half of this statement is misinformed. I'm not -assuming- there's a nefarious code. I'm the sort of person who has been going to 4chan for over 10 years where people would post CP for shits and giggles back in the day. I've spent time around sexually deviant communities wherein some members say they're attracted to children. (Some even roleplay it out) I know the communication patterns these people use. I'm not saying there's any proof beyond a reasonable doubt being depicted here. I'm just saying I understand WHY people see this and want there to be further investigation. 


Please, tell me. Without doing any google searching of your own.


Do you know what pozzing is? How about ddlg?

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 I'm just saying I understand WHY people see this and want there to be further investigation. 



I can understand that too. I am just against the whole "100% PROOF!!!!!!1111oneoneoneone" thing. Everything that I have seen is either non-evidence, or very very tenuous circumstantial evidence at best. But there seems to be a lot of it, and a lot of people are worried, I have no problem with further investigation. I just dont like the "guilty before proven" verdict that seems to have been handed out

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Why is the guy's name James Elefantis ("I love children")?  That's just bizarre.

james elefantis does not translate to "I love children"


Its not even an anagram


Yes, it sounds vaguely similar to the french. As I said, conjecture, supposition, Tenuous connections between symbols,guesswork, made up stuff, leaps of faith, seeing things that arent there

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