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Step must interview Richard Spencer


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I just listened to Stefan explain what he believes Richard Spencer means by white nationalism. I then read what the New York Times said Richard Spencer said and did http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/11/21/us/alt-right-salutes-donald-trump.html?_r=0&referer=http://m.huffpost.com/us
There is a huge chasm between these two reports. Stefan should interview the man to verify his thought processes to resolve rather than popularize him by projecting his belief system onto Mr. Spencer

Edited by Mrdthree
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I just listened to Stefan explain what he believes Richard Spencer means by white nationalism. I then read what the New York Times said Richard Spencer said and did http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/11/21/us/alt-right-salutes-donald-trump.html?_r=0&referer=http://m.huffpost.com/us

There is a huge chasm between these two reports. Stephan should interview the man to verify his thought processes to resolve rather than popularize him by projecting his belief system onto Mr. Spencer


Can you help me out here? I just read the article and I don't understand the problem. Where exactly is the chasm?

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Mrdthree -- What video or podcast did you hear Stef talking about Richard Spencer?


It is the interview with McInnes.


Spencerrrrrrrr! Don't do that interview, don't talk to the news...




The game here is to provoke the cucks to punch right. The left never punches left, but the right must punch right.....

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I've seen talks by Richard Spencer, and I doubt his view of white nationalism is that of white supremacy - as some in the media want to suggest. Even if he is a white supremacist he is, in my opinion, smart enough to cover his tracks if he wanted to, and so an interview isn't going to expose him.


Of course, an interview is a good idea, not as means to expose him as something I believe he's not, but for the intellectual value.


+1 for an interview

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There could be some branding issues with this! I've heard him on another podcast and he's very articulate and his ideas as far as I know are basically white ethnocentrism. Now, how would he bring about this? I have no idea! I'm guessing it would involve policies that would make it economically unfeasible for non-white to live in certain areas of the US or the entire US. (but that's already the case basically with the self segregation we see among the population which is includes whites/blacks/latinos/asians etc )

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There could be some branding issues with this! I've heard him on another podcast and he's very articulate and his ideas as far as I know are basically white ethnocentrism. Now, how would he bring about this? I have no idea! I'm guessing it would involve policies that would make it economically unfeasible for non-white to live in certain areas of the US or the entire US. (but that's already the case basically with the self segregation we see among the population which is includes whites/blacks/latinos/asians etc )

He doesn't want segregation as much as what he calls "peaceful ethnic cleansing" where each of the races would leave to their area of origin through incentives and relocation programs. In the end it wouldn't be an ethnically pure society, but one that is explicitly for European peoples, not a multicultural melting pot. Any remaining groups would have to accept those terms, I assume, like Israel does where it's not 100% Jewish, but it's 100% for Jews.

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