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Winter on Fire coming soon to America?


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Last night I watched this incredibly compelling Netflix documentary about the Maidan Revolution in Kiev, Ukraine.


The film really illustrates how powerful the in group preference us versus them narrative is. The film shows that you really don't need to get that many angry people together before people (well, men) start deciding that they are willing to die or kill for their group.


Like all emotionally compelling films at the end the good guys win. The corrupt President of Ukraine resigns. I've lived in the Ukraine and have heard a bunch of different perspectives on this. I know it's a complicated event that I would do a real disservice to if I tried to meta analyze.


As I watched the film I thought about how mobs of millions of liberal idiots in the US who think that Trump is literally Hitler would watch a film like this be all the more inspired to take action that is going to escalate into violence.


Anytime I see an interview with these anti-Trump protesters they seem pretty convinced that they are fighting an evil dictator. Luckily Trump protesters seem to be mostly wimpy SJWs; high estrogen beta males and fat girls - nothing like the stoic Ukrainians that occupied Maidan square for months in the freezing winter.


Perhaps the scariest difference is that the Maidan revolution was a bunch of white Ukrainians beating up a bunch of other white Ukrainians; same race and language - whereas, especially in major US cities, there are three very distinct racial groups that ideologically divide pretty consistently down racial lines. The US is just looking more and more like Yugoslavia in the late 1980's.


It seems to me that there are three possible outcomes 

a) Trump is really tough on the protesters which produces a bunch of viral videos of scenes reminiscent of Winter on Fire; which inspire a bunch more crazing liberals to get involved. The race war intensifies.

b) Trump is weak on the protesters. Maybe he even panders to them like Obama has. He let's them burn down their own cities.

c) Trump trolls the protesters. He just makes fun of them on Twitter for being fat and wimpy. The protesters get demotivated and go back to their lives.


I'm hoping for C but I fear A is a much more likely scenario.


What do you think is more likely?

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None of them.

D) Trump gets assassinated a year into his term, assassination blamed on Far Right sympathiser by MSM.


E) Trump ignores "protesters".


Can't really see Americans fighting one another in any major way too many submarine sandwiches and the country is big enough that ghetto's are easily separated. Usually IMO before there's mass murder, someone "seen" as high-up gets murdered. Arch Duke Ferdinand, The Tsar, some Spanish Politician before the Spanish Civil War, Ernst Rohm, Members of the Japanese Government etc. Instead of starting a war with Russia maybe N Korea might be on the list, if the currency goes down the drain completely and Trump is not in power.

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F) Trump puts more money in to their pockets, gets many of them gainfully employed and improves economic prospects, infrastructure and security for all here legally.

I hope so! I've long held this hypothesis that racial/ideological violence is symptomatic of economic constriction and in an environment with a true abundance of economic opportunity racial tension will all but disappear. If Trump really does make America great again (economically) it will hopefully prove or disprove my hypothesis.

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Civil War Two: The Coming Breakup of America


This is a book written 20 years ago by Thomas Chittum, who served as a mercenary in the Yugoslavian Civil War on the Croat side, has written extensively about the lessons we should learn from that conflict. Of particular interest in his work are the prophecies of what will happen in, and to, ethnic enclaves once cleansing begins.

He predicted the racial tensions, demonization of police, people waiving mexican flags openly, and other liberal moves being used today. For a modern update on the book, see The Balk: What does it mean, and what will it mean to America's future? by Billy Roper.
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I've traveled the Balkans extensively and had the very sobering experience of walking through a Bosnian cemetery while pondering racial violence.


I may give this a read!



Civil War Two: The Coming Breakup of America


This is a book written 20 years ago by Thomas Chittum, who served as a mercenary in the Yugoslavian Civil War on the Croat side, has written extensively about the lessons we should learn from that conflict. Of particular interest in his work are the prophecies of what will happen in, and to, ethnic enclaves once cleansing begins.

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