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Hey just in a bit of a weird situation. I've been kicked from the closed fdr Facebook group, presumably for making un-PC comments about a trans guy. The comments were: someone referred to him as "mrs" so I replied "mrs *smiley face*, next someone asked about fertility and the OP replied "why would being trans effect fertility" I commented "*man* *scissors* *dancing woman*" and next, in response to a comment by op saying how happy he is when he presents a certain way, I replied "cut off your penis and everlasting happiness will surely ensue"


I know these aren't arguments but they are meant to be jokes, I think they are funny. The reason for the OP was Gavin McInnes said trans are mentally ill gays and Stef didn't challenge him on it. I think the op is concern trolling and being a classic sjw trying to be a victim. Many people on the thread supported Gavin's claim and provided proofs. I make some jokes and get blocked, this is meant to be an fdr page but they are pushing LGBT PC crap and blocking people?


My question is wtf is wrong with admins or alternatively, wtf is wrong with me?


(Sorry the forum won't let me post emojis)

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Before addressing this thread I recommend people take a look at his downvoted comments on this forum.


I do not know if it is that weird you got banned there...being a manipulative douche seems enough of a good reason to me.

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I'm not even sure what you are trying to ask. Your entire post is confusing to me. A trans guy would be biologically a woman, so she wouldn't have a penis. Hence, the word trans. As is transitioning to being a guy from a girl. 


Are you talking about two different people? 

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I'm not even sure what you are trying to ask. Your entire post is confusing to me. A trans guy would be biologically a woman, so she wouldn't have a penis. Hence, the word trans. As is transitioning to being a guy from a girl.


Are you talking about two different people?

I'm talking about a guy who is trans. So a m to f

Before addressing this thread I recommend people take a look at his downvoted comments on this forum.


I do not know if it is that weird you got banned there...being a manipulative douche seems enough of a good reason to me.

How am I being manipulative? I presented the facts and my feelings about them and then asked for opinions.

I'm not sure what you were expecting to happen. I'm far from a SJW warrior for the interests of LGBT whatever, but I also don't think what you said was constructive or tasteful. I would have done the same thing to preserve the integrity of the conversation.

There was no "integrity of conversation" as I explained the whole purpose of the persons post was to concern troll and play the victim, why can't I troll them back? There were loads of people making good arguments addressing the OP so I just wanted to make fun of him for being a big baby.

Before addressing this thread I recommend people take a look at his downvoted comments on this forum.



This guy thinks it's cool for female teachers to have sex with male students (Y), highly valuable opinions and thoughts coming from individual.

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If this is the best commentary and insight you have to offer, then it's time to up your game.

Thanks man but what about my points? I don't think I deserved to be blocked, not even a warning? I think the OP is a concern troll who doesn't need to be dealt with respect can you show how I'm wrong without using down votes as evidence?

A biological male who is transitioning to female would be considered a transwoman.

I'm sorry I just call guys guys

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Threshold for verbal abuse -5. I didn't call names or swear so what are you calling verbal abuse? Sounds like snowflakes to me.


I do not know if you noticed but FDR community has a very high standard for integrity, empathy, curiosity etc. You continue to display the opposite of all of these through your comments. 


Also being snarky does not fly really well on here.

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I do not know if you noticed but FDR community has a very high standard for integrity, empathy, curiosity etc. You continue to display the opposite of all of these through your comments. 


Also being snarky does not fly really well on here.

Can you explain how your encouraging pedophilia fits into your standard for integrity? "Also: good riddance" if that's not snark I don't know what is.


You are suggesting I'm lying about something? Can you explain, all you did was call me a douche and tell people to look at my history, no arguments. You're just saying I'm those things without explaining why. I explained why I think the trans was being a concern troll, can you start by explaining how that is wrong? Seems like all you've done is call me a big meanie.

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Can someone please address the fact that this guy thinks it's cool for two female teachers to have sex with a male student, and now is trying to be the standard bearer for the fdr community, please, am I crazy!?

You cannot read either, add this to the list.

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Your description isn't very good. Context is important, so I can't accurately asses without some record of the conversation, perhaps screenshots or an archive.


I believe transsexual identity is a mental disorder, insofar as a transsexual has deranged from his biological gender. That being said, I wouldn't treat someone with a mental disorder by mocking them for it. I wouldn't say to a guy suffering from paranoid delusions, "Hey what do the UFOs forecast the weather to be like today?" That seems petty and cruel.


This is different from SJW activists who demand shelter from opposing opinions through legal means. These are people with whom constructive arguments are near impossible, and who will make your life a living hell for disagreeing with them. These are people that have crossed the threshold and deserve our scorn and a great big heaping pile of mockery, since they will accept no other avenue of discourse.

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Being trans does not mean mental dysfunction is present. 

Being trans does not mean mental dysfunction is not present. 


There are crazy people of all races, sexes, sexual orientations, religions, nations, whatever. To find a crazy person and then to say "See! Because of [this]." Well, you need facts to back that up. 



Here is a well researched blog post (with references) that show scientific evidence for a biological basis of transgenderism, which even presents evidence against a biological basis for transgenderism. It's a technical article very short of sophist rantings. I highly recommend it no matter where you fall on the subject. 



So you got booted from a private club. Meh. Why do you care? Do you think FDR has only people who think one way? 



In your OP you ended with "What is wrong with me?" 


I think you should run with that question. 

Can someone please address the fact that this guy thinks it's cool for two female teachers to have sex with a male student, and now is trying to be the standard bearer for the fdr community, please, am I crazy!?



Quite possibly. The standard bearer is always reason and evidence. Never a person. No need to get your panties in a bunch.

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Your description isn't very good. Context is important, so I can't accurately asses without some record of the conversation, perhaps screenshots or an archive.


Sorry I don't have a screen shot. Basically the person was concerned because he got offended and wanted everyone else to back him up, I thought it was funny so I made fun and got kicked. He dresses in corsets and has heaps of attention whore pictures up, I think it fair to say he isn't just interested in being a woman, he's interested in attention and being different. I know I was rude I just thought it was weird to get kicked for making jokes, without a warning.

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Sorry I don't have a screen shot. Basically the person was concerned because he got offended and wanted everyone else to back him up, I thought it was funny so I made fun and got kicked. He dresses in corsets and has heaps of attention whore pictures up, I think it fair to say he isn't just interested in being a woman, he's interested in attention and being different. I know I was rude I just thought it was weird to get kicked for making jokes, without a warning.

Because you didn't know it was wrong to be an @$$hole to someone?

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So you got booted from a private club. Meh. Why do you care? Do you think FDR has only people who think one way?



In your OP you ended with "What is wrong with me?"


I think you should run with that question.




Quite possibly. The standard bearer is always reason and evidence. Never a person. No need to get your panties in a bunch.

I'm not desperate to get back in, just wondering if people thought it weird I was booted without a warning for very mild fun making, certainly not "verbal abuse" like the special snowflake above asserts. I like PJWs style, he makes points and then insults the hell out of people, why are my arguments any less valid because I said something mean?


Do you have an answer to my question? Not helpful at all, very easy to say there is without helping me understand where I went wrong.


Ok so do you understand the history of this thread at all? Ferristar tells people to look at my history before making a judgment on my post and then calls me a douche without making a single argument. No reason or evidence so far. Next he tells me all about the high standards of the fdr community and makes an assertion I am the exact opposite of all of them without citing any specifics. Still no evidence. Next, after I raise the question of his own history he replies that I just can't read. I read between the lines of his own comment and reworded it and somehow my description is way off target? Not a sinle bit of evidence or argument, and still my question is unanswered, why are you letting this guy speak for you?

Because you didn't know it was wrong to be an @$$hole to someone?

Why is it wrong to be rude if someone is concern trolling and playing the victim? Lol not an argument.

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I'm not desperate to get back in, just wondering if people thought it weird I was booted without a warning for very mild fun making, certainly not "verbal abuse" like the special snowflake above asserts. I like PJWs style, he makes points and then insults the hell out of people, why are my arguments any less valid because I said something mean?


Do you have an answer to my question? Not helpful at all, very easy to say there is without helping me understand where I went wrong.


Ok so do you understand the history of this thread at all? Ferristar tells people to look at my history before making a judgment on my post and then calls me a douche without making a single argument. No reason or evidence so far. Next he tells me all about the high standards of the fdr community and makes an assertion I am the exact opposite of all of them without citing any specifics. Still no evidence. Next, after I raise the question of his own history he replies that I just can't read. I read between the lines of his own comment and reworded it and somehow my description is way off target? Not a sinle bit of evidence or argument, and still my question is unanswered, why are you letting this guy speak for you?




If you do not understand how this post is manipulative, then we cannot have a productive conversation.

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