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So I built a bitcoin blockchain browser

Brad Sherard

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Its just a hobbyist app designed to pad my resume but it also serves to show how easy it is to get into this space. It took about 40 hours of work stretched over a month, starting from when I knew very little of the technical specifics of the blockchain and its script stack to being able to navigate it. Additionally, the last 20 hours or so was spent having fun over-engineering the data abstractions and design patterns; it wasn't time actually needed to build this.


It is built in C# using WPF. It should work on any windows 7+ machine with .NET updated to 4.6.1 or higher.


Some technical details: it uses services meant for devs, not for production. The Nbitcoin API I use to query the blockchain is designed to work with QBitNinja client and server. That server is hosted freely by the developers of that project. A true production setup would require that I also host my own QBitNinja server and point the app to that.


Sample screenshot:



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Hi there, please checkout my post: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/48571-computer-programmers-uxui-designers-cryptomath-geeks/


I'm looking to work with folks on such spare time projects.


Many hands make light work!


BTW: I'm following you on github. I'm not--p, that's my username. But IMO you're using github the wrong way. It's for hosting source code, not executables. 

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I checked out your post, Jason. The notion of an "on-line public notary system" is interesting but I'd like to know more. Would you briefly walk me through the technical use case of your solution and how it satisfies the stated goal?

Great work :)

I was hoping to see the code, any reason why you uploaded only the exe?


Always a reason, Boss! :) 


I may still release the source code but if I do, there are no take backs. So I'm debating the pros and cons and keeping the code private for now until I decide.

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