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Stefan,   Would you please wade into the arena of Vaccine safety.   Over the last year or so I've done quite of bit of study on this issue.   Watching crap tons of lectures on YouTube from very credible sources like, Dr. Suzanne Humphries,  Sherri Tenpenny, Andrew Wakefield and others. These are classically trained doctors who came to their own conclusions about vaccines at great cost to their livelihoods.   I've also read Dr. Suzanne Humphries book "Dissolving the Illusions".  What a book!!   So if I were to lay down a theory I would phrase it something like this.  


Vaccines are Unsafe!!  We are being used as guinea pigs by the US and World governments through forced Vaccinations.  The rise of Autism, Peanut Allergies, and other strange childhood infliction are most certainly caused by Vaccines.   


Now although I've come to this conclusion I have an open mind to be corrected on this issue.   Believe me I want to be wrong!   I have children and grandchildren that have all been vaccinated.  Right now I feel like I let them down by not being educated enough to make a wise decision on the matter.  For instance when the school district and my X wife put my youngest on Adderal for ADHD I threw a fit.   But a fit is not enough.  So I bought and read Dr. Peter Breggin's book "Talking back to Ritalin"   I went back to the school loaded with more facts and information than they had and won the argument.  My youngest was taken off Adderal immediately.   She did fine by the way.  She just needed to different forms of instruction from the teachers.   


Thanks Stefan for all the research you do and the way you go out of the way to bring this information to the masses.   I really enjoy the Bullet Point approach to your lectures where you are in the upper left hand corner of the screen while each bullet point you make comes onto the screen as you're talking.   Thanks again for your work.   

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Dr. Suzanne Humphries is a homeopathic quack.

Sherri Tenpenny is an osteopath with no formal training in immunology.
Andrew Wakefield is a quack whose study has been debunked.

Now although I've come to this conclusion I have an open mind to be corrected on this issue. 


Have you listened to both sides? If so, can you make the case for vaccines as an advocatus diaboli? If not, there is no shortage of material from credible sources advocating for vaccines.

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  On 12/1/2016 at 6:29 PM, rosencrantz said:

Dr. Suzanne Humphries is a homeopathic quack.

Sherri Tenpenny is an osteopath with no formal training in immunology.

Andrew Wakefield is a quack whose study has been debunked.



You seem to be informed enough to express an opinion on the popular ones. Have you checked out the credentials for these 160 scientists and doctors?


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  On 12/1/2016 at 12:31 PM, Darin1964 said:

Stefan,   Would you please wade into the arena of Vaccine safety.   Over the last year or so I've done quite of bit of study on this issue.   Watching crap tons of lectures on YouTube from very credible sources like, Dr. Suzanne Humphries,  Sherri Tenpenny, Andrew Wakefield and others. These are classically trained doctors who came to their own conclusions about vaccines at great cost to their livelihoods.   I've also read Dr. Suzanne Humphries book "Dissolving the Illusions".  What a book!!   So if I were to lay down a theory I would phrase it something like this.  


Vaccines are Unsafe!!  We are being used as guinea pigs by the US and World governments through forced Vaccinations.  The rise of Autism, Peanut Allergies, and other strange childhood infliction are most certainly caused by Vaccines.   


Now although I've come to this conclusion I have an open mind to be corrected on this issue.   Believe me I want to be wrong!   I have children and grandchildren that have all been vaccinated.  Right now I feel like I let them down by not being educated enough to make a wise decision on the matter.  For instance when the school district and my X wife put my youngest on Adderal for ADHD I threw a fit.   But a fit is not enough.  So I bought and read Dr. Peter Breggin's book "Talking back to Ritalin"   I went back to the school loaded with more facts and information than they had and won the argument.  My youngest was taken off Adderal immediately.   She did fine by the way.  She just needed to different forms of instruction from the teachers.   


Thanks Stefan for all the research you do and the way you go out of the way to bring this information to the masses.   I really enjoy the Bullet Point approach to your lectures where you are in the upper left hand corner of the screen while each bullet point you make comes onto the screen as you're talking.   Thanks again for your work.   


Recently I have looked into US mandatory vaccination and my own country's (Romania) mandatory vaccination.

There's basically no real difference.

In Romania however the instances of autism/ADHD or whatever allergies have not increased. 


Peanut butter in the US is a common food which all kids are exposed to perhaps consumed even daily.

In Romania nobody has a taste for it and we occasionally consume peanuts.


In Romania basically psychology is not formally recognized meaning psychologists cannot diagnose anyone or prescribe medication. If a child gets diagnosed with ADHD by a psychologist they need to go to a psychiatrist in order to get tested, rediagnosed and get the desired medicine. Psychiatrists usually deal with severe cases, patients that are institutionalized for life because their mental illness is a danger to themselves or others. When a kid walks in with some behavior problems like ADHD they'll just shrug it off much like an epidemiologist shrugs off seasonal flu. I have a friend who works with autistic children, he told me a lot of people that call themselves autistic from YouTube vids are not. Furthermore there is not a "high functioning autistic child" type of concept in our culture. We just call those people "weird".



So in conclusion peanut allergies and the like might be a result of exposure to the allergen and the high incidence of mental disorder might be due to impulsive diagnosis.


I'm curious, do you know what the vaccines your child takes inoculate against?

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Its not rocket science. Look at vaccine ingredients. There will be things like formaldehyde, and mercury disguised as thimerosal. You would not put something like that in a syringe and put it into your children, right? So how is it any different when a person in a white coat does it?


There are many other ingredients, but I don't want to impose nightmares on you.


Cats have developed safe vaccines for themselves but they refuse to share their secrets with us medieval humans.

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You would not put something like that in a syringe and put it into your children, right?


Not in a syringe, but we provide our children with food and drinks that has more mercury in it than a vaccine shot.

  On 12/2/2016 at 4:32 AM, A4E said:

Its not rocket science. Look at vaccine ingredients. There will be things like formaldehyde, and mercury disguised as thimerosal. You would not put something like that in a syringe and put it into your children, right? So how is it any different when a person in a white coat does it?


There are many other ingredients, but I don't want to impose nightmares on you.


Cats have developed safe vaccines for themselves but they refuse to share their secrets with us medieval humans.



While I hate the FDA, it is my understanding that thimerosal has been either eliminated or reduced to trace amounts.

  On 12/2/2016 at 7:44 AM, rosencrantz said:

Not in a syringe, but we provide our children with food and drinks that has more mercury in it than a vaccine shot.

The digestive tract is a very different thing than straight into your bloodstream. When something is put into the bloodstream, it will bypass several evolutionary gained filters.


The digestive tract is sometimes argued to be outside of your body.


I dare you to inject potato salad into your bloodstream. Live stream it to show everyone how safe it is.

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It's not about digestion but about chemical compounds. Saying that Thimerosal contains mercury and is dangerous because of that is just as dumb as saying that salt contains Chlorine and is to be avoided. A smart question would be: How dangerous is ethylmercury in the blood stream? But then again, this requires a basic knowledge in chemistry. 

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You have shown repeatedly that you are bringing your emotions to this thread, and putting labels on people. Now you are insinuating that I do not understand basic chemistry, and that I am not smart, so you are entering into insults as well. Things that would work in other forums, but if you are looking to be effective, that is not the way to go here.


You and me are sure to set up battle stations for this thread if we continue like this, which is unproductive. I am perfectly open to be convinced by evidence and what not.




It's not about digestion

You brought up eating food.

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You have shown repeatedly that you are bringing your emotions to this thread




and putting labels on people.


If you are ignorant on a subject I will call that out.


that I do not understand basic chemistry,


I have showed that you don't. Compounds can have different attributes from their elements. Chlorine is a part of salt. In itself, it's dangerous. In salt not so much. The same is true for Thimerosal and Mercury. 


and that I am not smart, so you are entering into insults as well. 


No. Where?


 I am perfectly open to be convinced by evidence and what not.


Good. Study the difference between Mercury, Ethylmercury, Dimethylmercury, and Methylmercury. 

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While working, we had the chance of getting flu shots paid for by work.  Never really bothered as in a big metropolitan city since flus blow through all the time even when the strain you are immunized against is predicted to hit here.  This did not stop the Anti-Vaccination Quality Assurance Manager from coming out the day before and posting a computer made message about them containing mercury, formaldehyde and all other nasty poisons that can damage your children and your health!  It was pretty shocking, the amount of disinformation out there is staggering at times. 

  On 12/3/2016 at 2:48 AM, Iron Horse said:

 the amount of disinformation out there is staggering at times. 

Yes its quite insane. Good to know there are managers who know about it and want to help their employees with children.


Here are the first 10 paragraphs of the reference I posted above. The highlights are:

1. There are plenty of doctors and scientists that question the number of vaccines required, their effectiveness and safety.

2. Most of these doctors and scientists are not "anti-vaccine"

3. There is concern about the vaccine court system (similar to the IRS and Family Court)

4. These doctors and scientists are looking for coverage in the media of all the facts available. You can see from this thread that the current climate is producing a "divide and conquer" result. Surely it is not a surprise to that the media is only advocating one side of this and all else is discounted. 

5. These doctors advocate more education on the part of parents beyond simply agreeing with the Pro-vaccine or Anti-vaccine end games and screaming to the heavens that they are right side of the argument. 

6. They are saying the research needs to continue and right now the data are not even being collected because "the argument is over". However a reasonable person might conclude that the science continues and the argument will NEVER be over. There is risk in everything that goes into our bodies. 

7. This final point is mine. The discussion is not now, nor has it ever been, solely about autism. It is about vaccine safety. See OP and reference to allergies and "strange childhood afflictions" (which he could clarify).


The media has fixated on autism and can easily shut down the conversation by pointing to a discredited Dr. Wakefield publication. But there is so much more.


Why does no one talk about the the CDC's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)? What are the actual numbers of children that have been harmed? And here's the link to the database so you can do your own research. Here's the CDC link to YouTube video with the instructions on how to use the database. . . . or you can just keep repeating old arguments even as the data moves on.

///end rant, insert quote from source

Doctors and Scientists with Concerns About Vaccines  

June 11, 2013


The following is a list of scientists and physicians (over 160) who acknowledge that vaccines can and do harm some children and/or have some concern about a vaccine, combinations of vaccines, the vaccine schedule, or an ingredient or ingredients in vaccines. These professionals are not anti-vaccine (though some of the medical doctors are) rather they recognize that vaccines, like all pharmaceutical products, carry risks. They also know that scientific inquiry should never cease.

They have either spoken publicly about their concerns or have published research that explores safety issues relating to a vaccine, the vaccine schedule, a combination of vaccines or ingredients in vaccines.

While the media attacks Dr. Andrew Wakefield claiming he is the only doctor with concerns about vaccines and that he alone has caused millions of parents to lose faith in vaccinations, this assertion is demonstrably untrue. Rather, hundreds of scientists and doctors have voiced concerns and have published research investigating adverse reactions to vaccines and their components. Placing the blame for parental concerns on Dr. Andrew Wakefield is disingenuous at best and blatantly dishonest at worst. Parents have read the research themselves and this is why they are concerned.

It is time for the media to do their job, read the research and talk with the hundreds of doctors and scientists who have expressed concerns.

Vaccinations are capable of making some children very ill, even resulting in the death of some. Federal law in the US recognizes this fact and compensates the victims while vaccine makers bear zero liability when their vaccines do cause harm. That vaccines can cause harm is not open to debate, how often vaccine injury occurs is undetermined though assumed to be infrequent.

Not all the doctors or scientists listed here would want their names listed. They may not want to cast doubt on vaccines or they may fear for their jobs. But they have all either published research demonstrating a possible safety issue relating to vaccines or they have acknowledged publicly that vaccines do cause harm in some children.

This list is a work in progress, taken from public statements as well as the 200 research studies linked to on The Greater Good’s website (http://www.greatergoodmovie.org/learn-more/science/)

We have not yet listed all their credentials and we have not separated PhDs from MDs nor have we included all the scientists and doctors – there are many, many more names to add.

Please read this list of over 150 scientists and physicians and know that if you are a doctor or a scientist and have concerns, you are not alone. If you are a worried parent, you are not alone. If you or your child has been vaccine-injured, you are not alone.

If you are the media, you need to do some investigating. We have already done much of the legwork for you by creating a Catalogue of Science that contains 200 research studies and case reports published in mainstream peer-reviewed medical literature documenting and exploring safety issues relating to vaccines.

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  • 2 months later...
  On 12/3/2016 at 7:34 PM, thecurrentyear said:

This link may be of interest: http://vaccinepapers.org/


Scientifically rigorous

Good link.



I came around here searching for FDR's take on vaccines because I just heard NPR interviewing what sounded like a typical stooge on the issue of anti-vaxxers :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:


I've been back and forth on the issue. But if NPR takes a hard stance in favor of something, it's an indicator to me that I should look into the thing they don't want me to like.

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  On 3/2/2017 at 3:34 PM, RamynKing said:

Good link.



I came around here searching for FDR's take on vaccines because I just heard NPR interviewing what sounded like a typical stooge on the issue of anti-vaxxers :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:


I've been back and forth on the issue. But if NPR takes a hard stance in favor of something, it's an indicator to me that I should look into the thing they don't want me to like.


Nice. Thanks for taking an honest look.

  On 12/3/2016 at 7:34 PM, thecurrentyear said:

This link may be of interest: http://vaccinepapers.org/


Scientifically rigorous

Thanks for posting this. The pro-vax/anti-vax argument is not over. Just like climate change. The statement that 97% of scientists agree is repeated to often as to be nauseating. And the science is settled and so on. There is an agenda.


I am not an anti-vaxxer. I think there is definitely some value there. But I simply cannot get past the amount of money spent trying to debunk claims.


The setting up of the vaccine court to make payouts for something that is claimed to be harmless and completely safe is HUGE. The AVERS website available via the CDC is HUGE. I have yet to see these things debunked. 

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  • 5 months later...

Below are some personal testimonies to give a more personal feel to it. There is more on that channel.

Btw, my brother had 2 daughters long ago, and tried to confer with his gf/their mother to not vaccinate, but the mother chose to have them both vaccinated, and they are currently in good health growing into adults, but the youngest have always been 'dim'/stupid since very young. And she would prefer to use a nibbler well into her 4-6 years of age, and would frequently pee in her bed if she did not have a diaper when sleeping at that age. (and probably more that I don't know about)

And the 1 year older was diagnosed with ADHD and put on Ritalin at a young age (and still use it). Not that I agree that ADHD is any real disease though.

When I was around them when they were around toddler age and later, they, (or only the oldest), used to scream very very loud in a powerful high pitched shrieking manner. I guess most people would say that is normal, but I don't know what to think about that as of now.




  • 3 weeks later...
  On 9/1/2017 at 7:31 PM, villagewisdom said:

Ok, I watched so many of those videos I had to do a podcast on the topic. Here it is. 



Wow. Thanks!  Listening to it now.

The man who had both his sons damaged in the video linked to on your webpage, has a good point that it is crippling society as well. Which mostly means western society. (and now Israel it seems from what he told)


The truth is that it actually would be normal if it was normal for humans to get vaccines. But vaccines are foreign material introduced by other humans.


Things that aren't normal either:
- Toothpaste
- Soap
- Coffee
- Aspirin
- Cooked food
- Any drug
- Any medical procedure

  On 9/2/2017 at 8:55 AM, ofd said:

- Any drug


Good example, and even though humans mostly eat those pharmacy drugs, they still get sick and die in droves from them. I had a friend from Texas Houston who ate all kinds of those drugs. Through the 15 years I knew him, he got more and more sick from them. His last 8 years was pretty much a part of his life where he could not do anything of the things he wanted to do. He kept trusting/hoping that there is a "perfect formula" to drugs, continued to experiment, and then he just died. And that is just one example I have personal experience with. My mothers life was destroyed by SSRI's as well.

Imagine if doctors started injecting all those drugs into people's muscles, blood veins, and such. Or injecting Toothpaste, Soap, Coffee, Aspirin, Cooked food into people. Do you think people would accept the effects of doing that?


That is an incredibly interesting video. I urge you to watch it again and only listen to the parts that are NOT Andrew Wakefield interviews. Then go through it again only listening to the Andrew Wakefield interview clips. Then compare that to the word-for-word charges against Andrew Wakefield. It's fascinating. 


I also took it upon myself to do a little research on the guy who made that movie, Brian Deer. While there is a lot of praise for him and his work by the usual powers that be, here are a couple of things I found that are quite informative. 

Open Letter to sponsors of Brian Deer lecture

Keeping Anderson Cooper Honest 

He openly advertises Flumist on his website. That might be considered a conflict of interest. What do you think?


He openly advertises Flumist on his website.





Are you suggesting that we inject these things into our children? 


I am suggesting that appeal to nature is a fallacy.
Wakefield made specific claims that have been verified. He also claimed that the vaccine that he promoted didn't have the side effects (inflammation and autism). Ever since he seems to have changed his position to be against vaccination in general. Why people who are against vaccination cite his study that promotes a better vaccine is beyond me.

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