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On a long enough timeline the survival rate of Democrats drops to zero

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I have a database of about 270 million US citizens, which incorporates data from multiple sources, such as voter lists, including about 270 fields.

Next year I am going to use this to produce various statistics, such as fertility rate by political affiliation by town/county/state.

Here is a flavour for Maryland:

Maryland state fertility rate by political affiliation:

Republican = 1.99
Democrat = 1.62
Children 18 and under of voters registered to political parties:

Republican: 541,806
Democrat: 485,400

The 2016 Presidential election in Maryland saw 60% of votes for Hillary vs. 34% to Trump.

Looking at a local level -

Prince George's County, Maryland voted for Hillary 88% to Trump's 8%. Here the Democratic fertility rate is 1.22.

Garnett County, Maryland voted 77% for Trump to Hillary's 18%. Here the Republican fertility rate is 2.21.

According to a Gallup survey, 71% of teenagers said their political beliefs were close to those of their parents. The same survey suggests that in aggregate half of teenagers who identify as liberal will end up identifying as conservative in later life.

The database contains marital status for some citizens. The data is as follows:

Married Democrats: 148,438
Unmarried Democrats: 363,574
41% married
Married Republicans: 424,709
Unmarried Republicans: 38,282
90% married

27% of pregnancies are aborted in Maryland, the 3rd highest in the country. The difference in fertility rate between Dems and Republicans is 20%. I would guess most of these abortions are by Democrat-learners. According to Pew 68% of conservatives are against abortion in all/most cases, whereas 84% of liberals are for it in all/most cases.
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What is up with all of the Fight Club references lately?


When presented with this information Michael Moore said:


"I feel like putting a bullet between the eyes of every progressive that won't screw to save its own ideaology. I want to suck the brains out of all the children liberals will never have. I want to eat smoke."



- They are edgy.

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Now if only something is done about education that'd make the stats more favourable for conservatives. Media has mostly been dealt with but universities are still largely creating narrowminded puppets.


If taxes are lowered and benefits are cut, it will create a better enviroment for k selected people. This will make the fertility rate among republicans even higher as they will make more babies when there's ample resources available (assuming as k selected people tend to be more conservative, who in turn tend to vote Republican).


Last but not least you've got immigrants pouring in, contributing to lower iq big government voting people. If Donald Trump can stop that too then perhaps in fact "Liberalism" might be rooted out in the long run.


Perhaps when we eventually get there, we can get truly educated, high iq youth. Those people are more likely to be open to the NAP and UPB and could lead to them embracing Anarchism. That's what I hope will happen at least.

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