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Leftist Media Ad Filter


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Random idea on a rainy winter night:


Whether it's Yahoo News, Cracked.com, CNN, or clips of The Daily Show, I find myself angry on a daily basis when I come across anti-rational, anti-freedom, anti-male media.  


How could we boycott or de-incentivize these sites?


Obviously we could each personally make a running list of left-leaning websites, and then cross reference these when surfing the web.  That would suck.


Another option is to block ad content on lefty sites.


Is there (or should there be) an ad-blocker that selectively blocks ads?


If millions of people installed this (hypothetical) browser extension I bet some sites would think twice when putting out anti-freedom content.


A possible rebuttal of the idea is:  "The left would just do the same!".


But imho would be fine because the right/libertarians tend to be consumers/producers.


If 'forced' into the question - marketers would choose to steer funding toward the right.  


Also, the right and libertarians (I think) are more prominent on the web than any other space.  


Anyway.  I think this idea of consumer tribes is something to take seriously.

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I don't see why people would want to block ads on just fake news outlets.

Next year I am going to set up a site that will provide a live feed of companies that announce social justice injustice policies; so people can short their stock. I think this will take two years to bed in. It will be a small effort, but potentially quite effective.

I think the main thing required is more media outlets, meme studios, platforms like SteamIt to counter fake news outlets, particularly in Europe, where there is little alternative to fake news. The trend right now shows mainstream media is in decline. The trends that are driving that trend are increasing, while the MSM fails to change because its business model is PR and fake news. If you look at Alexa ranks of news outlets, you'll find that fake news outlets have either declined (sometimes by many magnitudes) or stayed more or less the same. And that is during a major news cycle - the Pres. elections, where news consumption is much higher.

Now is a great opportunity for people to find niches as podcasters, YouTubers, journalists, infiltrators, meme barons and so on. They just need to keep at it for years, building their audience; and reallocating wasted time like playing games.

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