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A Northern League (Neo-Hanseatic League)

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Was wondering what people think of a kind of Neo-Hanseatic League as an idea. Maybe for people in Germany, Sweden and Austria who aren't keen on Identifying with Nationalistic parties could provide a focus point and some form of Identity. Mostly for materialistic self interest and various cultural preservation. Kind of like a European Alt-Right, someone somewhere probably has a similar idea right? Though easier said then done, IMO I'm convinced Nationalist parties have little chance of preventing basically future tribal conflict and mass genocide, on the plus side, kind of makes good TV IMO.


Though who really knows 20 years a go this would have seemed insane to many, maybe people should go with "Don't worry about a thing, cause every little things gonna be all right." Sit on a beach smoke some ganja and be a pure Anarcho-Capitalist, a part of me would really like to do that, though the beaches in Europe kind of suck and doing that doesn't seem entirely right.

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Well ok I'll give you Austria is obviously not next to the sea, but for geographical inclusion and "cultural similarity"  I'm thinking all the Scandinavian Countries, Britain, Ireland, Germany, The Netherlands and Flanders. Maybe the Baltic States and Poland as a later focus. But Not France or any of the southern countries. The language of the core countries is fairly similar I'd rather it be Germanic than Arabic.


Not a political union but more of a cultural and economic one.   

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Is this similar to a regional DRO (Dispute Resolution Organization)?

Yes that would be a desired effect. Kind of an alternative to Nationalism, but a way of providing Identity with history that has occurred in the past in a voluntary and mutually beneficial way. Like having a commonwealth in Europe. Though no idea really, on what incentives could be provided to try and establish such a thing, could just be a pipe dream.

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