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Good wishes from a Clinton voter


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I have been watching Stefan's Youtube videos for a long time. I find them entertaining and insightful. I voted for Hillary Clinton this election, but I must say that I am disappointed with the rioters in the streets, Jill Stein with her money grab recount effort, and members of the electoral college being pestered to change their vote. I want Donald Trump to succeed as president, because his success is our country's success. I hope that, going forward, our nation will come together and heal in the way that Trump described in his acceptance speech. 

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That's a good question. On the issues, I agreed more with Trump than Clinton. The main reason why I voted for Clinton was Trump's erratic behavior during the campaign season, which caused me to question whether he has the right temperament for office.


I found Michael Bloomberg's speech at the Democratic National Convention persuasive, especially since he was a Republican mayor. I also listen to Charles Krauthammer a lot, and he also said that Trump has the wrong temperament for office, among other conservative voices expressing the same concerns. I also live in a heavily blue state, where Trump would have lost no matter what. 


I must admit that I was angry about the election result, not because Trump won, but because of how misled I had been by the mainstream media and the pollsters regarding Trump's chances of winning. I studied journalism in college, and I felt that the mainstream media really stepped in it this time. Going forward, I wish the best for President Trump, especially when it comes to job growth and national security. Trump's actions and behavior after the election have given me reason to hope that he will be a good president. 

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That's a good question. On the issues, I agreed more with Trump than Clinton. The main reason why I voted for Clinton was Trump's erratic behavior during the campaign season, which caused me to question whether he has the right temperament for office.


I found Michael Bloomberg's speech at the Democratic National Convention persuasive, especially since he was a Republican mayor. I also listen to Charles Krauthammer a lot, and he also said that Trump has the wrong temperament for office, among other conservative voices expressing the same concerns. I also live in a heavily blue state, where Trump would have lost no matter what. 


 ...how misled I had been by the mainstream media ...


Do you think now, after the fact, that you may have been misled regarding "Trump's erratic behavior" and "whether her has the right temperament"? The fact that those things overcame your agreement on the issues should probably be a clue as to the degree that persuasion played a part in swaying you. You even mention the word here.


Have you read any of Scott Adams' blog on the election/campaign?


And welcome! Thank you for sharing/discussing with us.

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