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jobs and automation

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The AI-train has no brakes and a lot of white collar jobs will be rolled over.

Oh no Skynet is becoming sentient we are all DOOMED, DOOMED!!!!


I know the discussion has talked about "units". Does anyone have a price for their unit?(thinking of Beavis and Butthead)


Automation does not have to be about producing cans of beans, it can be about producing bullets and bombs. Tractors to tanks, ploughshares to swords, bottlecapping mechanisms to machineguns. Factory worker to hitman. 


More to the heart of the matter, is the topic more about whether people are Selfish, Altruistic, Self-Interested, Curious of others, Pious, whether we live in a hostile universe or a benevolent one. The fear of the balance of power.


You always act in your self interest(and it is selfish), would seem to say to me, you are what, you are, you are determined. Though was the Good Samaritan who helped the Jewish man from dying of his injuries selfish, was it even in his self interest as a Samaritan? Was it mercy? Ethics? or Stupidity. Or a more modern example from Goodfellas, was giving the guy kitchen towels, who got shot at the  beginning of the film Stupidity.


Would leaving somebody to probably die in the snow from a car breakdown, not be Evil when you would miss a TV show. If you were Selfish, would this not be an ethical matter? 

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Would leaving somebody to probably die in the snow from a car breakdown, not be Evil when you would miss a TV show. If you were Selfish, would this not be an ethical matter? 

This is an appeal to emotion. In order for moral consideration, you have to have a behavior and it has to be binding upon another moral actor. Inaction is not action and therefore has no moral component.


This is why it's important to be precise with our language. The word selfish is not sinister. It doesn't mean anti-compassion. It's just being honest about the fact that biologically speaking, when you help others, you're doing it for the ways in which you subconsciously perceive it to benefit you. Even if that just means not living with the guilt of leaving somebody in the snow when you could have helped, for example. It's involuntary, so there's no point in demonizing or denying it.

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Oh no Skynet is becoming sentient we are all DOOMED, DOOMED!!!!


I know the discussion has talked about "units". Does anyone have a price for their unit?(thinking of Beavis and Butthead)


That makes no sense at all.



Automation does not have to be about producing cans of beans, it can be about producing bullets and bombs. Tractors to tanks, ploughshares to swords, bottlecapping mechanisms to machineguns. Factory worker to hitman. 






More to the heart of the matter, is the topic more about whether people are Selfish, Altruistic, Self-Interested, Curious of others, Pious, whether we live in a hostile universe or a benevolent one. The fear of the balance of power.




The thread is about automation. And people are what they are. Also, the universe has no intentions. 

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That makes no sense at all.

Without context, no it does not make sense. So where is the context for "unit".


An AI doesn't steam roll jobs, because it is artificial, people do in their own minds.



Automation is programmed by people, the value is up to them.


The thread is about automation. And people are what they are. Also, the universe has no intentions. 

Really then where are the mechanics and why does it say "jobs and" in the title. And what are people? The universe was a reference to a quote from a famous scientist, I missed out the word believe, it sounded poetic to me, maybe good as a thought experiment.

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So where is the context for "unit".


The context is obvious.It's about marginal costs of production.


An AI doesn't steam roll jobs, because it is artificial, people do in their own minds.


What does that even mean?


Automation is programmed by people, the value is up to them.


No idea what you are talking about.


Really then where are the mechanics and why does it say "jobs and" in the title.


Honestly, I have no clue what you try to say.

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The point is not to be fully coherent. The point is to gain knowledge and convey productive meaning, to get closer to Truth. If you want coherence go debate with robots. Marginal Costs of Production and Utility are not automation, they are elements of Central Planning and Keynesian Economics.

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