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German court rules sharia police to be legal, while Merkel claims commitment to maintaining Europes values.


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"A German court has ruled that a group of Islamists did not break the law in forming “sharia police” street patrols and telling people to stop drinking, gambling and listening to music."

The city’s district court ruled that the seven accused members of the group did not breach a ban on political uniforms when they approached people while wearing orange vests bearing the words “Sharia Police", while claiming they weren't sufficiently "militant of intimidating".-The Guardian

"The vigilantes were led by convert Sven Lau who is simultaneously on trial for backing “a terrorist group” fighting in Syria." - Breitbart


More sharia police were reported in other countries:

"So-called “sharia patrols” by sometimes violent radical young Salafists have also been seen in other European cities such as London, Copenhagen and Hamburg." - The Guardian

"A number of bars in Denmark are reporting daily harassment by migrant sharia patrols" - Breitbart


And here is an exmaple of how this kind of sharia patrol looks like:

Muslim patrol - the truth about saturday night out:

A 15 year old Polish girl living in Austria getting beaten / punished

"What happened was to teach me a lesson. She told the others that I had ripped a woman's headscarf off, and they all flew into a rage." - The comment of a victim.

According to the policeman quote in Heute news website the motive was a dissagreement.

I deduce that it has to do with breaking shariah law since oppresors must have felt justified to act the way they did because they filmed it and only islam would advocate initiation of violence against a girl as a punishment for taking someones headscart off.











https://kurier.at/chronik/wien/jugendliche-schlugen-auf-maedchen-ein-und-stellten-video-ins-netz/230.491.268( sorry for not posting english translation - translator refused to cooperate )

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WslaoxH6MIA ~ 9:45

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- First video: About sharia police in Germany, it definitely depends on which stateof Germany you are talking about. For the majority of the states strictly prohibit and enforce the prohibition on sharia police. Additionally as fact, there are no confirmed no-go zones in Germany as of yet.

- Second video: Bullshit. The accent is most probably Southern german, but they never say anything about what the title claims.

- Third video: No problem... besides everything Merkel is saying, of course.

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1. But, look on the bright side, in video 1 - 0:46 he said "have a good day" at the end. 


2. "We don't care if you believe it or not"--I think this is telling of the entire Islamic religio-ideology.  It is about total political and cultural control; it doesn't matter if you "believe"...all that matters is if you "submit."


3. The sharia maniacs are filming their own activities.  That should speak chapters about their confidence.


4. Listen to how they talk:  they've got their ideology down, they know exactly what to do and what to to say to shut down their weak-willed opponents.


5. They've even got the soundtrack to their own activities, the ha-ra-ma-a-a-a-h kind of music with the sounds of rifle-fire in the background--how much more militaristic can you get?  Very inspiring to disaffected Moslem youth (there seem to be a lot of those around).  Formal Moslem armies probably don't even listen to music this militaristic.  This is ISIS music.  Invader music.


Where's our soundtrack?

Where is our confident ideology?

Where are our patrols who say "have a good day" after rousting bellicose heathens?

Where are our videos documenting these things?


Does this seem good, safe, sane, and proper to you?  Imagine you're a child in London, or Berlin, or anywhere this fungal growth has fastened.  You'll grow up thinking it's normal to have bellicose heathens patrolling and reserving certain sections of your city.  Basically you will live with the Mafia, with the idea the Mafia is normal and "not so bad".  And you'll have been trained to hate your parents and your race and your religion, so you see these well-collected, assertive, aggressive, puritanical, believing people and there's a certain attraction to that--maybe not enough to persuade you they're right enough to join them--you like a tipple after all--but enough to get you to say in your mind, "They have a right to be here, and that's okay, I guess" and then they take over more, and more, and get their own Sharia courts, and then there are more of them than there are of you, and you find that the entire City is now a Sharia zone, and you go, "Whoops".  Really, that's the end of Christianity, the White race, and European culture, right there, six letters, one syllable, like a toddler dumping the jellybeans in the toilet.  The only consolation will be that the feminists will be eaten alive by their new Moslem masters, but they'll keep kicking White Men in the head until the very last moment, finding some way to blame them rather than blaming the Moslems.  We can never blame the Moslems, we can never blame Islam.  We can only blame ourselves.  In the end, we have--"Whoops!"--gotten what we deserve.

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Mishi2 - I'm adding links to three articles claiming that:

- Her jaw was broken in 2 places

- Quote from the beaten girl - "What happened was to teach me a lesson. She told the others that I had ripped a woman's headscarf off, and they all flew into a rage."


Only in islam beating the shit out of a girl could be justified by claiming she took someones headscarf off. I couldn't find the evidence of what she was punished for. Since video was filmed by one of opressors  I dedude that they felt justified in beating her, and that it must have been a transgression against sharia law since only it could justify initiation of violence against a girl.


Sources ( I'm adding them to 1st post too ):




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Mishi2 - I'm adding links to three articles claiming that:

- Her jaw was broken in 2 places

- Quote from the beaten girl - "What happened was to teach me a lesson. She told the others that I had ripped a woman's headscarf off, and they all flew into a rage."


Only in islam beating the shit out of a girl could be justified by claiming she took someones headscarf off. I couldn't find the evidence of what she was punished for. Since video was filmed by one of opressors  I dedude that they felt justified in beating her, and that it must have been a transgression against sharia law since only it could justify initiation of violence against a girl.


Sources ( I'm adding them to 1st post too ):





The mentality Islam breeds is one of barely restrained violence, to be unleashed against anyone transgressing its social norms.


Nicolai Sennels: Psychology: Why Islam creates monsters


"The cultural and psychological cocktail of anger, low self-esteem, victim mentality, a willingness to be blindly guided by outer authorities, and an aggressive and discriminatory view toward non-Muslims, forced upon Muslims through pain, intimidation and mind-numbing repetitions of the Quran’s almost countless verses promoting hate and violence against non-Muslims, is the reason why Islam creates monsters."

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- Second video: Bullshit. The accent is most probably Southern german, but they never say anything about what the title claims.




Mishi2 - I'm adding links to three articles claiming that:

- Her jaw was broken in 2 places

- Quote from the beaten girl - "What happened was to teach me a lesson. She told the others that I had ripped a woman's headscarf off, and they all flew into a rage."


Sources ( I'm adding them to 1st post too ):




Excuse my past scepticism, Damian. I did not notice your sources to the video below. I have no evidence to disprove your sources, hence I retract the comment above.

Thank you for your contribution to the intellectual discussion on FDR. 

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Excuse my past scepticism, Damian. I did not notice your sources to the video below. I have no evidence to disprove your sources, hence I retract the comment above.

Thank you for your contribution to the intellectual discussion on FDR. 


I've only added those sources after your post. Your scepticism is the reason why my argument became better. Thank you for that as well.

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