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Was wondering if anyone had some fruitful ideas for a fairly apathetic Northern European(me). Maybe a kind of Shock treatment to be less apathetic, though not the Military and not quite SAW level. Not particularly ambitious or addicted to anything in particular, can generally go without most things. Looking for a path of least resistance to ideally go off grid, bunker down somewhere in Europe or anywhere. Would like long term stability, not keen on change, but sometimes seems a necessity.


Perhaps presently too comfortable and a bit narcissistic. Believe people should be ethical for the accrued material benefits, not so much on the empathetic side. As an alternative plan, wouldn't mind being part of some organisation to stop the current crises in Europe, would have to cover at least £150-£200 per month in living expenses or bare subsistence. Being effective in someway is important to me, though I'm not entrepreneurial. Would kind of like to See the forest through the trees, empirical information about demographic and economic changes, some sort of "doomsday clock" or "Big Board"

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Dylan is right. Apathy is problem that can be present on different levels. What you it is important, although take a not that psyche is more labile, so don't go cold turkey, unless you want to fail quickly and become more apathetic. I like general idea of buletproof diet, but I don't like coffee or tea, or anything else. That' being said I have something alongside bulletproof diet/paleo. I fast once every two weeks.


The other thing is that psychologically there could be a greet case for apathy. I bet you have passed through public, or even private, school system where every spark of your intelligence was choked. Probably your initiative was being destroyed methodically since you where little. So you leave by the path drawn to you by others and you don't know why. I mean, you directly ask to be led somewhere. I don't think there is anything bad about that, still.


Read Parent Effectiveness Training book. Compare it to your life. Do few test they have in the book. If in general adults around you have not behaved like described in the book, probably apathy is deep in your rearing.


I am talking from my own experience of course, but I think this book could be a good evaluation, unless you have a high adverse childhood score. Then sure it's in your childhood, but if your childhood is "mellow" you will know what exactly failed.

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