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Right Wing Safety Squads.


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Since a major aspect of the current culture war is a battle over narrative, I thought I would post an update on recent developments.


For many decades, the left has been relentlessly beating up on the right in terms of equality, diversity, anti-racism, and environmentalism. It doesn't matter if these charges are valid, the point is that they exist in the 'moral high ground,' and their opposition is seen as unsightly.


With this position, the left has been able to lobby the government, which bends at the knee of a compelling narrative. The result has been decades of laws and public funding funneled in channels which harm the sensibilities of the right. Recently events have given the right a moral crusade that gives them a high ground, while simultaneously disadvantages their cultural enemies


Fire Safety,


And bonus points... it actually is important :cool:



The Oakland warehouse fire occurred in a radical leftist commune rife with HIV, drugs, and alternative lifestyle degeneracy. These communes are known as "DIY spaces" to the bums, anarchists, and drug addicts who populate them. You might even have one of these rent-free flop houses in your neighborhood or city and not even know it.

The purpose of this thread is to save the lives of those who populate such places. As the incident in Oakland has shown, these dens of ill repute are often decrepit, hazardous, and in violation of city ordinances. As members of this board of peace, we are obligated to report building code infractions and get these death traps shut down.



The campaign delivers results too,





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This just plays into their degenerate hands by making it seem like "the man" is against them. Since their outright disappearance off the face of the earth isn't an option, I'd rather they stick to their own containment zones like the warehouses in OP's videos than be unleashed on society. If their stupidity gets them killed in a fire, I certainly won't lose any sleep over it.

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