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One that I feel would be easy to setup, would be interviewing the great Grant Cardone. Amazing businessman who has interesting philosophies. I really hope Stefan can reach out to him. Stefan has done economics and politics a lot lately and I feel doing more business focus related interviews would help. 


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Ben "I have a problem with people in the media not disclosing their bias and I'm a radical individualist and identity politics on the right is bad but you can't have a ban on immigration because what about Jewish immigrants?" Shapiro.


Dave "Donate to me on patreon but I'm still going to put adds on my videos" Rubin.


Sam "I realised I can love someone regardless of who they are or what they do now listen to me compare Trump to Hitler regardless of what he does" Harris.

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  • 1 month later...

An interview with Camille Paglia, for sure!


I don't always agree with her, but I certainly admire her determination to stand up to FAKE feminists.


Stefan and Camille would have a very fun conversation, no matter what the topic.


Thanks so much for considering this, Stefan! LOVE you!

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M. Woes


Yes yes. Lovely voice too. 


Also Karl Denninger. He can depress us all about how it doesnt matter whatever else Trump does, because his failure to tackle healthcare in the US, the US economy will collapse in about 3 years anyway, & the right will be unelectable for another generation again because of this. Denninger is like Schiff but with actual figures that add up. 

After Ben Shapiros doubling down with the Michelle Fields 'assault' claim, even after video evidence proved her allegations spurious, why would anyone want a disingenuous chancer like Shapiro on?


His rants can be aurally pleasing, but lets not kid ourselves he has any moral stake in this. He's an actor, nothing more. I feel dirty & used after listening to him. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nigel Farage on Globalism

Trent Horn on Abortion

Tim Staples or Jimmy akin on Christianity

Bashar Al-Assad or his wife on the side we never hear about in the West

Benjamin Netanyahu on how to be a badboy

Barack Obama on his legacy

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James Delingpole (Environmentalism) 


James Bartholomew (Welfare Statism)  


Hans Hermanne Hoppe (various things, but I'd be particularly keen to see them debate children's rights)


John Fonte (Globalism)


Michael Hurd (therapy, how to assess your therapy and how well it's working for you)


Augustus Invictus (use of force / self defense threshold) 


Either Leonard Peikoff or Yaron Brook (Objectivist egoist ethics vs UPB) 


Bruce Benson and / or Gary Chartier and / or Randy Barnett (legal system in a stateless society) 

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