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Obama's birth certificate proved a fake

Lawrence Edwards

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The Gov. said this long-form birth certificate did not exist:



But Snopes says this is all totally untrue! Case closed!

After the statement that there was no long-form they then produced one - which turns out to be a fraud. It's taken this long for the Sheriff to conclude his investigation, confirming it is a fraud.

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I saw it mentioned in passing somewhere, but was hardly made anything of.


Can anyone be in doubt that the media were completely in Obama's corner on this? Why was this not front page news across the world?

It should absolutely be headline news that the United States of America cannot prove the legitimacy of a President that sat in the Oval Office for eight years.  If he was really born in Hawaii, we need some more answers.  Some people say that what BHO is really hiding with the birth certificate is that his father was the communist Frank Marshall Davis. See the film "Dreams From My Real Father".  It's just another example where the Left won't look at facts. With all of these things you have to say:  "If it is the way you say it is, SJW, then they worked hard to cover up any factual evidence of your version being the truth.  They created this entire false trail of evidence and facts to make any thinking person believe they were lying.  Why would they do that?"

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I'v always felt the must have been born in the US requirement for presidency was always pretty ridiculous to begin with so I more or less have never paid much heed to Obama's birth certificate drama. Obama was a bad president because he had poor ideas and terrible policies, not because he may or may not have been born in the United States. Personally I think that the requirement should be more something such as having American Citizenship and have spent a very significant amount of time living in the US. (Such as 20+ years)

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