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You won't believe what Stefan Molyneux does in this twisted rap song!


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Hi guys!
Being a longstanding fan of Stefan, having listened to everything I could get my hands on (yes, that's many thousands of hours), I figure I'd show my love for the man by creating something completely different from what he's like - a rap song where I use his actual voice from different clips here and there to create a fun little rap song and write a clickbait title here for the hell of it!
The premise is that if you let Stefan treat you nicely, you might end up with snake eyes... But this is not an argument! This is entertainment! :)
I normally make chiptunes for games and so on, over at www.souleye.se. I made the music for the indie game VVVVVV among other things.

Some of the source clips for those curious:

Enjoy! Comments welcome!

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