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Are these some variant of ''dead souls''? I don't think they are. I'm sure dead souls would do this, but not that those who do this are necessarily dead souls.

There's some weird things going on that I am not aware of. I know individuals who've confessed to me that ''I don't know what I should say'' is how they think. Let me elabortae on this last piece. I heard them say this and I made the distinction with individual internally driven behavior and what I suspected was their mob appealing behavior. She confessed that that is how she operates. They are in some part, bots that work with '' *If* mob *then*. IT's like ''I don't know what society wants me to do now'' ''I live for society''.


1. Pretending knowledge (dishonesty).

2. Activism on ignorance. Dangerous.


This behavior is clearly harmful in general. Imagine if everyone did this: I'd be some kind of bad similar to 1984 newspeak.


This is my initial porpositions:

Let it sink in. THEY ARE FULL OF SHIT.
They act as if they know what they are talking about
which I think is whta most idiots developped as a skill in state school examination because it's easier than to actually learn for them!
Especially since their ''muh feels'' answers are accepted in gender studies


Someone else's contribution:

most of those answers are as vague as a horoscope
adult children raised by the bias of the plebeian to hate being proven wrong, whose default answer to anything is either not committing, or talking about muh feels


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Being former Socialist Christian i can say that i very muhc concur and that i was my experience between ages 17-23.

I be

lieved things were kinda just right (though i believed in objective moralitys existance along with this urge for consistancy) but... this "muh feelings" and "i must NOT be proven wrong" was product of being shuffed into public school and daycare with nary a say about my feelings AND in school being wrong was punished both by teachers and bullies. So making shit up talking vaguely was all part the survival mode.. that for myself and for these people nowdays lasted to adulthood.


Its inner baby/child screaming for emphaty and understanding from people not responceable for its absence. When you "debate" people like this they literally perceive you presenting facts as you saying that theyre feelings and unmet needs dont matter. And also that theyre abusive/neglectful parents were RIGHT and now you are the bad parent/authority.

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