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Saving Western Civilization


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Saving Western Civilization:


If I'm going to be honest, it baffles me that I, a 1st Generation Kenyan immigrant with not a drop of European blood or strand of European DNA, has to explain the dangers of demographic and cultural suicide of Europe to people with Dutch, Irish, German, British, French, Austrian, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish and every other type of European ancestry. Have no fear my European brothers and sisters in philosophy. I will continue to pontificate and proselytize for Western civilization until I am six feet under. You can be assured of that. Still, can somebody explain this paradox to me? I don't understand...


Europe may actually fall within this century. It sure would be real nice if Europeans could MAN THE FUCK UP AND NOT SUBMIT TO THE MALIGNANT CANCER THAT IS RADICAL ISLAM. I'm not a European, nor do I have European ancestry. However, as a grateful, red pilled 1st Generation immigrant I understand that if Europe collapses, the foundational buttress that holds up the glittering and beautiful monasteries and cathedrals of Western Civilization will crumble and wither away to nothing. The rest of the world will soon follow suit. America will then become the sole bastion of Western ideals on the planet. Don't get it twisted, America is formidable and steadfast but even we cannot endure a 21st Century Crusade coming from all sides indefinitely without support. Europe, you MUST PRESERVE YOUR INHERITANCE. Most people in Europe today either did nothing or very little to earn the freedoms you take for granted. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO PUT YOUR CHILDREN'S FUTURE AT RISK FOR THE SAKE OF NOT BEING CALLED RACIST OR ISLAMAPHOBIC. THESE ARE WORDS THAT CAN BE IGNORED. SWORDS BEING PLUNGED INTO YOUR HEARTS, NOT AS EASY TO IGNORE. If you cannot withstand the social ostracism and disapproval from people who were never really your friends to begin with then what the FUCK ARE YOU EVEN FIGHTING FOR AT ALL? Your time grows short, it's time to make a decision. Submit you and your children's wellbeing to the whims of foreign invaders or grow a set of balls and tell your women to FUCK OFF and let the MEN do the danger forecasting decision making. I trust you will make the correct choice for there is only one choice to be made. 


Just like in the 20th Century when our parents and grandparents faced a battle of economic ideas between a choice of Communism vs. Capitalism, in the 21st Century we now face a cultural battle of ideas between the West and Radical Islam. Will we submit and allow our children's futures to be Hell on Earth? Or will we fight to preserve the one civilization that has stood the test of time and has consistently come out at number 1 in virtually every regard? What risk do we actually face today? Being called mean names? Having pejoratives attached to our positions as if they were actual arguments? People who questioned cultural hegemony in Medieval times were subject to crucifixion and being burned at the stake. We face no such threats in the modern world. My fellow Alpha males, we just survived the biggest shitstorm of an election cycle with relentless attacks from the mainstream establishment. Trump withstood the screeching hyenas of the Leftist echo chamber press and WON DECISIVELY. It is time to leverage this momentum for all that it is worth. If we are going to shrink away from pathetic attacks like the Cuckservative establishment has done after all of the shit we have just been through, what the hell is our purpose in this world anyways? I ask all of you to remember why the West Is The Best this upcoming year. The war for the preservation of the West has been ongoing for centuries but this is a critical juncture. If we fail to proselytize through words now, we will be proselytizing with bullets and bombs later. I am stepping up to the plate, the real question is will YOU? #TheWestIsTheBest Please share this far a wide. It is long past time the West woke up from this open borders, multicultural, Kafkaesque madness and delusion. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe Western man, especially men, has been bewitched.  He is not naturally exceptionally stupid, insane, evil, or ignorant, he is the product of the finest cultural tradition in history, but his bewitchment has made him these things, like a handsome prince become a warty troll.  As I wrote elsewhere:


...[T]he power of powerful men, through religion-state-women, deploys spellcraft against the ordinary man.  Relevantly to today, we see the administration of a potion of universal solvent, called the Alcahest, to men.  This potion is made very sweet to taste by the modern consumer economy and the sexual revolution, but within it is a brew of identity politics guiltanti-principles thought-scrambling, and social, economic, and political shocks.  It is refined and distributed by our mass media and our schools, which are basically covens at this point.
Concocted and poured, this alchahest controls the minds of its partakers, bewitching them into voting for politicians who work to dissolve borders to capital and people, thereby dissolving the white race, the Western languages, Western culture high and low, and, in true baby-with-the-bathwater style, the hated Christianity itself.  Thus power is transferred from ordinary men to the age-old, parasitic oligarchy that is benefitting and generally overseeing the dastardly operation.
The traitors and usurpers have concentrated all their magical firepower against ordinary men in order to entrap them in a spiritual Alcatraz and so prevent them from acting to save their race, language, culture, religion, and territorial integrity.  If that happens, we face a technocratic New Dark Age of which the present premonitions will seem gaily benign.
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  • 2 weeks later...

The elephant in the room behind the destruction of Christian based western civilization is never discussed head on. There's evidence of laughter in those ranks about how utterly gullible their prey have become, and they're right.




Articles like this make you wonder just why are Jews so concerned with the future and rights of various immigrant groups that they themselves have no actual regard for (nor would allow to immigrate to Israel), it's obvious it's pretend, and the real reasons are "strategic" as STATED in the article. Imagine the laughter behind closed doors, as the strategic plan proceeds to absurd levels as we now all see, with little or no resistance. Of course, any viable form of resistance will be and is labeled as a PC faux pas. That psyop ONLY works because the resistance is framed as an offensive initiating attack, ignored and/or condemned are any hints of justified self preservation.

Things would change in a hurry if it became widely known, that the West's "predicament" has been fully planned and implemented by a network of organized "anti-westers" who are living in and controlling it to it's demise, while also getting the victims to pay for it....


The truth about 9/11 would be a great can opener, to begin to point the finger accurately. Oh yes, ....yawn, won't be holding my breath for SM to lead the way, I'm sure I'm not the only one to wonder why?


Oddly, even Kissinger who at least had more of an expectation that the "plan" would be discovered, having (perhaps) wrongly overestimated the gentiles, said, "in 10 years, there will be no more Israel". He's basically admitting that he can't imagine they'll get away with it.


The Jews as a group seem committed to cutting their own throats through immigration.  Consider this gem:


Teachers drop the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslims

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Well, I can tell you from over here that the -still silent - battle for the minds is up and running.

The causes for all this are well described in several posts and of course in Stephans videos.


I am quite shure that the tipping point will come, but I am not so shure that it will come early enough to solve the mess peacefully. There are also big differences within the European countries - while the former Warsaw Pact countries kept there borders closed right from the beginning of the migrant crisis (which is in fact more a lunatic politicians crisis), there are others like Germany who face an at least partial failure of internal security. Unknwon numbers of unknown migrants of unknown origin (however nearly all Muslims) with unknown intentions.


Til now one can still follow the mainstream media and conclude, well, there have been some terroristic attacks, but the state media tell us that the risk of getting involved is still well beyond the riks of a car accident. And nobody is afraid when driving a car, right?

So why worry?

But the sells of newspapers are declining rapidly, while there state minded voices become more angry every month because less and less people want to hear their version of reality.

The admission to blogs and media not supported by the state is growing.


How all this will show up in the next elections - I dont know. Austrians were not smart enough to avoid a semi-communistic Präident. While the Präsident over here has more or less only prestigious duties, it would have been nice nevertheless.

I do hope that Trumps presidentship will have some influence. Next chance for a country to leave the matrix is Mr. Wilders in the Netherlands, elections in March.

We will see.




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Saving Western Civilization:


If I'm going to be honest, it baffles me that I, a 1st Generation Kenyan immigrant with not a drop of European blood or strand of European DNA, has to explain the dangers of demographic and cultural suicide of Europe to people with Dutch, Irish, German, British, French, Austrian, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish and every other type of European ancestry. Have no fear my European brothers and sisters in philosophy. I will continue to pontificate and proselytize for Western civilization until I am six feet under. You can be assured of that. Still, can somebody explain this paradox to me? I don't understand...


Europe may actually fall within this century. It sure would be real nice if Europeans could MAN THE FUCK UP AND NOT SUBMIT TO THE MALIGNANT CANCER THAT IS RADICAL ISLAM. I'm not a European, nor do I have European ancestry. However, as a grateful, red pilled 1st Generation immigrant I understand that if Europe collapses, the foundational buttress that holds up the glittering and beautiful monasteries and cathedrals of Western Civilization will crumble and wither away to nothing. The rest of the world will soon follow suit. America will then become the sole bastion of Western ideals on the planet. Don't get it twisted, America is formidable and steadfast but even we cannot endure a 21st Century Crusade coming from all sides indefinitely without support. Europe, you MUST PRESERVE YOUR INHERITANCE. Most people in Europe today either did nothing or very little to earn the freedoms you take for granted. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO PUT YOUR CHILDREN'S FUTURE AT RISK FOR THE SAKE OF NOT BEING CALLED RACIST OR ISLAMAPHOBIC. THESE ARE WORDS THAT CAN BE IGNORED. SWORDS BEING PLUNGED INTO YOUR HEARTS, NOT AS EASY TO IGNORE. If you cannot withstand the social ostracism and disapproval from people who were never really your friends to begin with then what the FUCK ARE YOU EVEN FIGHTING FOR AT ALL? Your time grows short, it's time to make a decision. Submit you and your children's wellbeing to the whims of foreign invaders or grow a set of balls and tell your women to FUCK OFF and let the MEN do the danger forecasting decision making. I trust you will make the correct choice for there is only one choice to be made. 

 By "Europe", I suppose you mean "Western Europe". About 360 million people live in Western Europe, which is just about half of the population of the whole of Europe. Now, of course you know this, but not every West-European country is going downhill. The ones that you worry about so much are the following countries (with polulations): Austria (8mil), Belgium (11mil), Denmark (6mil), France (66mil), Germany (81mil), Netherlands (17 mil), Sweden (8mil), UK (64mil), which in total makes 261mil, not even half of the European Union.


So cheer up! We aren't all such big cucks.


And please, we are grateful for the effort, but don't think we need YOU to explain the dangers of Radical Islam. Greece, Poland and Hungary have been doing that for the past 600 years.

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 By "Europe", I suppose you mean "Western Europe". About 360 million people live in Western Europe, which is just about half of the population of the whole of Europe. Now, of course you know this, but not every West-European country is going downhill. The ones that you worry about so much are the following countries (with polulations): Austria (8mil), Belgium (11mil), Denmark (6mil), France (66mil), Germany (81mil), Netherlands (17 mil), Sweden (8mil), UK (64mil), which in total makes 261mil, not even half of the European Union.


So cheer up! We aren't all such big cucks.


And please, we are grateful for the effort, but don't think we need YOU to explain the dangers of Radical Islam. Greece, Poland and Hungary have been doing that for the past 600 years.

This was mostly meant for the feminized men who are calling for more refugees to flood into your countries. And shouldn't those countries warrant enough cause for major concern? I mean those are the economic powerhouses of Europe especially Germany, France, and the UK. This sentiment was not at all addressed to most anybody on this particular discussion forum. I apologize for any who I have alienated or disenfranchised. This is also why I left the message at the end.   

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To be honest, I do think sometimes that the best scenario for Western Europe is a near death one that does not totally debilitates it. Let me explain:

Unless there is both an end to immigration and, even more importantly a very strong white baby boom, to the point fertility rates go above 2.5 children per women, it is simply inevitable that Europe as a whole can avoid Islamification, and that goes even for Eastern Europe. The reason is simple: the average Caucasian of European descent in the world is already 42 years old, when the average age in the Gaza Strip is 17. No matter if Poland and Hungary are keeping migrants out for now... Just you wait some two more decades, when the average Pole and Hungarian will be over 50 years old and the marauding Third Worlders will take it by force without much resistance possible.

So if Islam does take over -- which is very possible, it will be terrible, BUT, after some two generations of ethnic Europeans being raised as men and in healthy numbers under Islamic rule, they will revolt and expel the invader. The price in blood, sweat and tears in this new reconquista will result in us not falling for the same error again for hundreds and hundreds of years.

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Unless there is both an end to immigration and, even more importantly a very strong white baby boom, to the point fertility rates go above 2.5 children per women, it is simply inevitable that Europe as a whole can avoid Islamification, and that goes even for Eastern Europe. The reason is simple: the average Caucasian of European descent in the world is already 42 years old, when the average age in the Gaza Strip is 17. No matter if Poland and Hungary are keeping migrants out for now... Just you wait some two more decades, when the average Pole and Hungarian will be over 50 years old and the marauding Third Worlders will take it by force without much resistance possible.

Hi, Rventurelli!


 I'm sure you are aware, it is customary on this website to provide sources for big claims such as the ones you stated above. Once you do so, I would be happy to debate your points.

Also,please make up your mind on what exactly you are talking about. Is it all caucasians (Arabs and Indians are caucasian too)? Is it only the ones of Eu descent? Ist it just Estern Eu? Just Hungary and Poland? Why are you comparing these to the Gaza strip, which is literally only a strip of land in the most messed up part of the world?


I appreciate your input!

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Hi, Rventurelli!


 I'm sure you are aware, it is customary on this website to provide sources for big claims such as the ones you stated above. Once you do so, I would be happy to debate your points.

Also,please make up your mind on what exactly you are talking about. Is it all caucasians (Arabs and Indians are caucasian too)? Is it only the ones of Eu descent? Ist it just Estern Eu? Just Hungary and Poland? Why are you comparing these to the Gaza strip, which is literally only a strip of land in the most messed up part of the world?


I appreciate your input!

Pardon me. The reason I did not provide any sources is because other than the average ages, which are easily found over the internet, the rest I did not claim to be true, I said it was my opinion.


Nevertheless, here are my clarifications for the parts you highlighted in red and your questions.


Why I believe it is inevitable: even if we completely stop immigration of non-Europeans to European countries, blacks and Arabs already have a bigger fertility rate than us whites and will eventually out-breed us, even though it will take longer than if mass immigration happened at the same time. The median age of whites in the United States is 42[1], of other European or European offshoots it is already worse than that, like Germany being 46.5[2] and that is including immigrants!


The Gaza Strip is not even the most extreme example! 5 other African countries have an average age that is below 17![2]


I know anecdotes serve only to illustrate things, but here it goes: I live in the United States of America, pretty much everywhere I go people are much, much older than me. It can be a coffee shop. It can be a video game store, it can be freaking anywhere except the NPI Conference, I either find a minority of people even younger than me or, most more likely, people average at the very least ten years more than me. I am in my early 20s by the way.


About terminology: The term Caucasian of European Descent excludes Indians, Semites and the like.


Hungary and Poland were only examples of countries that yet do not have the problem of mass immigration, but are aging fast and slowly dying. Poland for example, has significant emigration, with its population going either staying the same or decreasing every year since 1996, even though they fertility rate is ridiculous, they are 96.5 percent Polish and their economy is growing at a decent level. They have a median age of 40 now, compared to just 32 in 1990 and 29 in 1985![3]


Regardless, thank you Mishi2 for your interest in the topic and for calling my attention to the lack of sources.


[1] http://www.pewhispanic.org/2016/04/19/statistical-portrait-of-hispanics-in-the-united-states/ph_2015-03_statistical-portrait-of-hispanics-in-the-united-states-2013_current-09/

[2] http://world.bymap.org/MedianAge.html


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To be honest, I do think sometimes that the best scenario for Western Europe is a near death one that does not totally debilitates it. Let me explain:


Unless there is both an end to immigration and, even more importantly a very strong white baby boom, to the point fertility rates go above 2.5 children per women, it is simply inevitable that Europe as a whole can avoid Islamification, and that goes even for Eastern Europe. The reason is simple: the average Caucasian of European descent in the world is already 42 years old, when the average age in the Gaza Strip is 17. No matter if Poland and Hungary are keeping migrants out for now... Just you wait some two more decades, when the average Pole and Hungarian will be over 50 years old and the marauding Third Worlders will take it by force without much resistance possible.


So if Islam does take over -- which is very possible, it will be terrible, BUT, after some two generations of ethnic Europeans being raised as men and in healthy numbers under Islamic rule, they will revolt and expel the invader. The price in blood, sweat and tears in this new reconquista will result in us not falling for the same error again for hundreds and hundreds of years.


Will it matter?  The culture will be dead at that point, Sharia will be in place, massive miscegenation will have happened, and Christianity will be a joke.  And, I don't think  the neo-janissaries will be in the mood to revolt against and expel their Moslem brothers.  It really comes down to this generation stopping the tide or nothing.

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Will it matter?  The culture will be dead at that point, Sharia will be in place, massive miscegenation will have happened, and Christianity will be a joke.  And, I don't think  the neo-janissaries will be in the mood to revolt against and expel their Moslem brothers.  It really comes down to this generation stopping the tide or nothing.

It will, as long as there are enough young whites to revolt in pockets along those countries there is hope. The Iberian Peninsula was almost entirely conquered by the Muslims and Europeans were still able to reconquer it. And mind you, Portugal and Spain became the great powers soon afterwards, which lasted for some centuries, before England and France arrived with strength in the scene.


Proud of my Portuguese heritage here, although I am mostly Italian.

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It will, as long as there are enough young whites to revolt in pockets along those countries there is hope. The Iberian Peninsula was almost entirely conquered by the Muslims and Europeans were still able to reconquer it. And mind you, Portugal and Spain became the great powers soon afterwards, which lasted for some centuries, before England and France arrived with strength in the scene.


Proud of my Portuguese heritage here, although I am mostly Italian.


Alright, I have to hand it to the Iberians, but, even if modern Europe is in the same situation it would be better to apply the oz. of prevention rather than wage a lb. of cure.  It's not like the Spanish and the Portuguese lost nothing of value in the process of invasion, occupation, and revolt.  If we can spare our children that so much the better.

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Alright, I have to hand it to the Iberians, but, even if modern Europe is in the same situation it would be better to apply the oz. of prevention rather than wage a lb. of cure.  It's not like the Spanish and the Portuguese lost nothing of value in the process of invasion, occupation, and revolt.  If we can spare our children that so much the better.

I totally agree with you. My point is that after all is said and doneif it reaches that point we still have this new hope.

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