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James Randi, Michael Shermer, Penn and Teller


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Way back in 2004, there was the skeptic movement.  These guys were called debunkers, the likes of James Randi, Michael Shermer, Penn and Teller.  Randi, founded JREF and the Million Dollar Challenge.  Shermer published Skpetic magazine.  Penn and Teller, had the show Bullshit!.  I was wondering of any of you has heard of them.





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I liked bullshit, until not so much after watching the "conspiracy theory" episode. They had thrown all their methods out of the window, and were really hammering their feels down the viewers throats. And carefully selected people to interview.


But I guess it had something to do with the general hate garnered for people like me at that time. Now wake up calls are moving so fast that perhaps by 2020, most people will accept that there were no men on the moon. A turn of events that I had given up hope for long ago.

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I used to have a lot of respect for Penn Gillette and Teller.  But after the recent election and their crying and propagation of the lies and slander of Donald Trump I have lost a lot of respect I had for them.  They espouse libertarian virtues, small government, free thinking and open market capitalism but when Trump shares these values he completely backpedals on what they want and joined #NeverTrump brigade.  They compromised their beliefs in order to stay popular and current.

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I used to have a lot of respect for Penn Gillette and Teller.  But after the recent election and their crying and propagation of the lies and slander of Donald Trump I have lost a lot of respect I had for them.  They espouse libertarian virtues, small government, free thinking and open market capitalism but when Trump shares these values he completely backpedals on what they want and joined #NeverTrump brigade.  They compromised their beliefs in order to stay popular and current.

I parted ways with them once I accepted that humans do not exist in different, opposing moral categories. Once I did that, it was hard to hear them talk about how violence was righteous if only used properly, that our masters should obey their own edicts, etc.


Is this to say that Trump is without flaw though? Do you think Trump has been demonstrating that he would be worthy of Libertarian support?

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You can listen to what he has said and make your own mind up, a lot (not all) he has said lines up quite neatly with libertarian views.  Make up your own mind and act on what you think.  Take off the filter of everybody from CNN to Stefan and read in to what you think is important.

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