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Molyneux censorship!

Buford T. Justice

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Stefan is trying to bury his 12/27 call-in episode -- specifically the caller at 1:35:39 who OWNS Molyneux in a Trump debate. He's scrubbed it from YouTube and from these message boards -- any mention of it, including this message, won't last more than 15 minutes on the board. I encourage readers to listen to it for themselves.


You were not censored. You made a thread to discuss the episode when you could have posted on the thread for the episode itself, so the moderators deleted it, but added your post to that thread. Get a grip before making a scene.

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Stefan is trying to bury his 12/27 call-in episode -- specifically the caller at 1:35:39 who OWNS Molyneux in a Trump debate. He's scrubbed it from YouTube and from these message boards -- any mention of it, including this message, won't last more than 15 minutes on the board. I encourage readers to listen to it for themselves.

Yeah I just listened to that conversation today and the caller was very keen on hijacking the discussion as if it were his call-in show. He had his script prepared and when Stefan didn't follow along he got triggered. Typical, nauseating, and boring tactics from a Sophist. The unfortunate part is he sounded semi-intelligent in the beginning but then just HAD to get his talking points in. I remember specifically when Stefan was discussing the principle of lying as it related to public officials because the caller had brought it up and then the caller becoming vitriolic at having his narrative interrupted. All I hope is that the caller listens back to that "debate" if we can even call it that and discovers why Stefan and Michael were right.  

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On the Anarcho-capitalism Reddit they posted the call-in and titled it Stefan Molyneux loses another debate


with this description -


Check out his most recent call where he throws a hissy fit and takes his ball away when things aren't going well. Relying on moral relativism is not an argument. Kudos to this caller for standing his ground and not getting derailed by Molyneu'x games.


I think many of them with same opinions as the caller are trying to put a brave face on it. 

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My thoughts run along a different line.


I'm so thrilled that this kind of call gets posted all over leftist media. Stef is changing the world one awakened mind at a time. Or in this case, can I say hundreds or thousands of minds? That might be a lie but I'm going with it.


There are many on the left that will experience cognitive dissonance from listening and one day will wake up with a completely changed perspective on the world. Persuasion at its finest. Thanks Stef (and Mike) for all you do for the world. 

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TFW when you realize many anarcho-capitalists have no self knowledge and are just r-selected social justice warriors who want to do drugs and have casual sex.

Trying to proselytize principled Ancaps on the rationale for Trump is like trying to explain to a far Leftie that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Frustrating if I were to use a word. I don't mean to belittle or demean people here but come on. It's lower taxation vs. more of the rich "paying their fair share." More regulations vs. reduced regulations. Free markets in education and healthcare vs. continued government monopoly. Coercion vs. voluntary exchange. Will Trump be the person to usher in Ancapistan? Clearly not, but it's Trump as opposed to her royal highness Hillary Clinton. I think I know who I'm going with as the electoral college showed us.

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You guys are being too nice, can we get back to the evil conspiracy theories? :)


Well, I do have incontrovertible evidence from the CIA and 1,420.69 other intelligence agencies (they only whispered it into my ear, but trust me) that Russian hackers (directed directly by Putin while he was simultaneously riding three bears around a giant pit surrounded by spikes and filled with transsexual-black-Mexican-muslim-feminist-non cis-gender binary-body positive-journalist) was behind the release of the video and if we don't immediately wave our finger at Russia, and say "bad Russia! NO! Don't do that!", it will lead to the destruction of the free flow of information, democracy, and internet cat videos as we know it....

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