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Media Consumption and Personal Values


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The recent video about Carrie Fisher really made me think about my own value consistency when it comes to media. I like the old Star Wars films, particular because they are about fate vs free will in the context of an abusive family structure. This is explored through Luke who fears that he may turn into his father but ultimately makes the decision to commit to the light side of the force. It's obvious that the dark side represents the forces in life that make us repeat our own family history, if we not fight against them. I think the story itself focuses on healthy values that are consistent with my value system.


However, as Stefan has pointed out in his video, at least two of the actors (Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford) have taken actions in their lives that are fundamentally add odds with my morals and values. In Fishers case, it's her own complacency and decision to remain in the cycle of her abuse. And in Fords case, it's the fact that he drugged a 19 year and had sex with her when he was in his mid-thirties and married with two kids. Both of these people acted in selfish and abhorrent ways that caused great pains to others and themselves.


I don't think I can watch the old movies without forcing myself into a cognitive dissonance. I used to enjoy the romantic scenes in Empire Strikes Back between Han and Leia, but now I think I have to puke everytime Ford makes a move. I am really conflicted, because on the one hand I value entertainment that explores the values that are important to me. But on the other hand I value self-respect and honesty. I think my self-respect is violated, because the movies make me root for characters that hold values that are congruent with my values, but are played by actors who have acted against those values. This means when I watch the movies, I agree to be manipulated by those actors who I previously thought played those roles, because they aligned with their personal values. Lying to myself is a violation against my values of self-respect and honesty, which are more important than entertainment.


I am still conflicted. I really like those movies and watched them at least once a year. Not watching them anymore will be a loss. What do you guys think? Is there a way to still watch those movies in good conscience?  

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Have you seen the movie "Hail, Caesar!" ?

The Coen brothers are probably one of my favorite directors of all time and I strongly recommend every movie they ever made. In this movie they offer a glimpse into the inside workings of Hollywood (or at the very least how things used to be). Long story short, movie stars are movie stars. That's their job. Acting is part of their job but being an actor is not their job, if that makes any sense. They are always under a contract and that contract stipulates among other things how much media attention they will get and how they should promote the movie AND behave. Point I'm trying to make is that the persona of the actor we see on screen is just another character. Whether it's a moral or immoral character should matter as much as how moral or immoral the guy holding the camera is in their personal life.


People love drama and drama sells more tickets. Check out MMA. Who fights who is not exactly decided on a hierarchical level, it's decided based on hype. Skill is necessary but not sufficient.


Harrison Ford was never a nice guy. When George Lucas first met him he said he was the most unlikeable person he's ever seen (Ford was there to paint his house btw). That didn't change. Hollywood just spun a tale about how he's not who he really is in order to sell more tickets.


I myself was very heartbroken when I found out Chris Evans was an absolute cuck but I'm not paying to see Chris Evans. I'm paying to see Captain America. That said I have no idea how I would act if he were to have sex with a drugged out 19 year old. However keep in mind that acts like these back then were to be expected and rarely frowned upon. It's the whole should we judge the past by the standards of today conundrum.

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You'll find yourself unable to watch many movies if so much as one actor is an asshat. In the context of Star Wars you at least have Mark Hamil who has remained married since 1978 to the same woman. Obviously I don't know the guy personally but he always struck me as down to earth and like I say staying committed to one woman whilst holding down a showbiz career is noteworthy.


It's all a question of who we look up to, and yeah people who play make believe for a living really are just projections of who/what we wish to be ourselves. This can tell us a great deal. It's also a bit perverse how actors who take on roles of people who did something noteworthy or even morally praiseworthy will get more accolades and resources than the real life person. The human race really has it ass backwards sometimes!

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